Cancelled due to people having poor reactions :DF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter berty1979

What is your preferred race distance for this series?

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Wow, actuall prizes! It's too bad I can't race in the first three :( Oh well, maybe if I win every race I can still take the championship :lol:
It's my extreme pleasure 👍

It's a real struggle to come to grips with the way the cars handle. My background has been totally PC racing since 1994 so my goal is to race hard but most importantly, stay out of the way :nervous:

My console experience has been purely inquisitive, now it's serious LOL

I hope to have the simBOOT™ website finished by tomorrow night allowing me to take a few days off and practice for the pre-seaon race next week. Fingers crossed!

The game has arrived! Starting a new career and going with Team Lotus!

Those prizes look awesome. I'm going to do my best to make every race.
F1 Career:
Went with Lotus as it's an English company (i think).

First race Australia:
On medium difficulty, braking assist off, ABS on, TC full, racing line on.

Qualy: Pole
Race: 1st

Bit too easy for me and is there any way to make practice shorter, I know you can skip it but then it comes up as a red 'X' on the calander.

Practicing for Malaysia now, I put difficulty on hard now. But with same aids because I need driving line and TC and automatic gearbox. Some very hard turns at Malaysia but I'm getting used to it. :)
Lotus can definatley be counted as an English company.

You did well but I would put traction on medium and try it, I think you will be ok. Just retire to paddock when you are done with practice/quali. This doesnt go against you in any way that I have seen (I do this for every race). If you are winning too easy put the game on professional difficulty too 👍
Ah Etid followed my footsteps in my foot but on other news:
Thanks simBOOT for your generous sponsorship towards the series :bowdown:

F1 Career:
Chinese Grand Prix
AI: Professional / Hard Difficulty
Qualified for 5th
Finished 2nd
Notes: My partner Trulli is starting to up his game cause he feels he wont be the face of Team Lotus, which is true but at nonetheless Shanghai is an awful track, and Button just dominated the race while I battled it out with Schumacher, overall I'm just glad that's over and now getting ready for Turkey :D
730pm I think flooder but it might be the same, trust Pagey to make it awkward and use BST :lol: You guys should start a co op on a thursday 👍
I get confused with all that sort of stuff :lol:

You coming on tonight Brett? Sandman? Spurgy? ETID? Mike? etc etc
Ill join you guy's later just invite me when you get on.

Doing the Chinese GP practice.
Cool, ill invite all members when I get on. Room should be set up by 830.....GMT! :lol:

We got ourselves a convoy...yee haawwww!
You need practice mate. Start a co op with the same settings or 1 player and just blast the tracks. I can help you with a set up too unless you have one from the web?

Great racing tonight chaps, nice to meet a couple of the new additions to the PTRA group 👍
That was frustrating beyond belief!!
First race I was just getting used to the track then I got taken out :grumpy:
The next 2 races my tyres were horrible, i had no grip so i kept spinning.
We got to india, the only track i know and am good at, and i get taken out on the first lap :grumpy: So i get going again and keeping pace (just) with falcon, but falcon span, t-boned etid. I came round the corner to find them in the middle of the road so i plough straight into them :(

I've come to 2 conclusions:
1 Falcon plays this game too much ;)
2 The people who are quick on GT5 are off pace on F1 2011 and vice versa
Etid you can skip to quali in the pits/garage by clicking on the first thing then quali.

All - Sorry i couldn't get on.
Sorry i couldn't stay around longer today. I'm in central standard time, and I work a split shift. Still at work for another hour and a half.
Pagey- Its tough, some races you will have to just take the bad luck. We will all learn to give a bit more space to the AI and each other eventually :)

Jacques- It was just who was online at the time, nothing official.

Flooder- No worries mate, I didnt mean to moan at you in the first race. I should have been more patient on the overtake :(
Berty- I have some setups I got from the web that seem to work really well. I just can't seem to find the speed in Montreal or Melbourne. At spa in a career race I'm only a few tents off the time Mr. S posted with his setup.

And also, I'm not too terribly used to being lapped in this game, so I was trying my best to stay out of the way.
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