Inspired by rockos speed Zonda, I had a try.
Which Zonda is that?
You magically posted before cale jai!
Loving the new trend of rushed drawings! 👍
Took me about 40 minutes to draw this. Do you like it?
Is that a half pink dog with gelled fur and a sausage nose?
gtone339Peugeot 908 HDI FAP '10
Done on Photoshop CS5 extended.
Description and link here:
Lighten up version:
More rendered vehicles on my deviantart page:
Hope you guys like it.
Amazing. Very well done.
gtone339: It's been aaaages since I've seen a vectored vehicle on here, there are some details here and there that look a bit live trace-y, which sorta jars with the smoothness of some parts, but overall I quite like it.
My very recent drawing on a typical A3 paper... A Chevrolet Camaro SS GT4.
Nice drawing sir, I like it.