Car drawings

  • Thread starter Pebb
I just want to introduce myself to this thread.
I have been following this thread for a long time and really love all the great drawings! Really great drawings!

I hope you like the drawings that I will post soon. I'd really appreciate feedback and ideas as I'm not that experienced as some on this thread.

I have real interest in this topic and I actually hope to pursuit a career in automotive or transportation design in the very near future.
I have an interview for Automotive Design at Coventry University on the 18th of Feb, and also Northumbria for Transportation Design on the 15th of Feb, literally next week!
Does anyone have any tips and tricks for interviews and also some drawing/painting ideas I could utilise in time before my interview? They will be seeing my portfolio.
I use a Wacom Bamboo Tablet and also use all the traditional mediums, (I feel Biro pen is the one I'm most comfortable with. I'm useless at watercolour and pens. :P)

Painting and other artsy stuff is good if you're making promo posters, not when actually doing design sketches and drawings.

Tip and tricks? Make sure you know your perspective, show them a project from beginning to end. Imagine you're hiring someone to be a designer, you don't know what this person can do. You want proof that that person is capable of formulating outstanding ideas; has researched identified and addressed current issues in life, transportation world, etc., and generate a design that solves that problem. What you absolutely must understand is that Transportational Design isn't car body styling; Anyone can do that. You have to prove that you can think beyond just stylizing. A more open-ended portfolio increases your chances of having a more outstanding portfolio.

And a Biro IS a pen, it's a BiC pen. For this field of study, you should be able to excel at either digital rendering or traditional rendering, though the former is most popular now since it's faster and more flexible. If you are going traditional, I highly recommend trying out markers, if you can't watercolour; they teach you to illustrate form with only a few colours.

Lastly, I'm not sure if you are, but don't confuse car drawing with actual design either.... cartoon cars, pencil colouring, and photorealistic pencil drawings aren't design, they're illustrations.

@CrazySwede, people don't believe that you drew it. They just want proof that it is your work and not some photo that's been heavily edited. You use a pro drawing tool? What's it called? How does it work?

To everyone else, if he can't prove himself, just ignore him.
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@CrazySwede, people don't believe that you drew it. They just want proof that it is your work and not some photo that's been heavily edited. You use a pro drawing tool? What's it called? How does it work?

I use a couple of them, based on what I'm drawing. My brother works as a graphics artist, so it's all his tools and equipment. (Just wanted to clarify that he's my brother in arms. He's a Marine Reservist, so he works as an artist when he's not working for the Corps. I'm used to calling him my brother, so I just wanted to clear that up) One of the programs is called Autodesk Sketchbook Pro. There's another one, too, but I don't remember the name. That one is way more complicated, so I rarely use it. It has some good tools, so it does help from time to time. I'll look up the name later. It's not much different from real drawing, but there are some differences. The main reason why I like to use the software to draw is because I'm not a perfect artist and I make a lot of mistakes. It's easy to patch up or undo those mistakes on the tablet. It's also easier to incorporate effects like lighting, reflections and in some cases, shutter speed.

My brother is way more experienced than I am and he makes some great 3D Models and drawings. He does it all on the software, whereas I start out on paper and then work on the tablet. Honestly, I don't really care if people don't think I drew them. All I wanted are suggestions on how it could look better, especially since I'm working on the GT2 now. If you want to call me out as a fake, then by all means go ahead, but for those who have valid suggestions I'd be more than happy to hear them. Cheers!
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Nice designs man, i really like the TVR design, i think it has a lot of TVR DNA, and is a very convincing design in regards to this, however i tend to agree with AOS and Cano about the holes on the front.. at first i thought the car had a kind-of arrowhead style going on, it wasn't until i noticed the badge placement (assuming it's not asymmetric), that i then realised it was curved as opposed to arrowhead, it's no biggie though as overall it's not that hard to understand what's going on in the design.

omg! thats very cool design, as for me, TVR liker, i like your design, its very like TVR =)
Here are all my car designs and car drawings, i have done on my own by myself enjoy.

























It's a shame I can't see the photos :( .
Then why'd you quote it all? :odd:

Wow it was back in 2003 too! No surprise the images aren't existent anymore!
Got bored and tried to see how nutty of a supercar I could come up with....
Ended up coming up with a 3100+ hp car powered by twin T800 turboshaft engines... So thus I shall call it the TT800 :sly:
This is my very recent BMW M3 E90. Took quite a while and those wheels are terribly hard to draw. All in all, I'm very satisfied. I took the picture and realise I have yet to complete the BMW emblem and M3 emblem at the back. :ouch:


The shadings are mild but all should be darker, my camera messed it up. I can gurantee you it looks much better in real life!
This is my very recent BMW M3 E90. Took quite a while and those wheels are terribly hard to draw. All in all, I'm very satisfied. I took the picture and realise I have yet to complete the BMW emblem and M3 emblem at the back. :ouch:

*Awesome M3*

The shadings are mild but all should be darker, my camera messed it up. I can gurantee you it looks much better in real life!

Nice pic, I wish I could draw that well.
@ CrazySwede, love that grainy sketch style on the 458, excellent pic.

@ aadil717, Good luck for the 15th & the 18th, have got my fingers crossed for you.. especially with regards to the Coventry course, if you manage to get on their course, there's a very good chance that you'll gain employment in the car design industry.. (easily the best course in the country... probably in Europe even), also looking forward to see some of your pics/designs.

@ Venom800tt, really like the 800TT... to say it looks fast, would be a bit of an understatement :D, my only criticism is (and this applies to myself on some occasions), the placement of the headlights, i'm sure i read somewhere that the top of the headlights should be no lower than 500mm from the ground (if it were to be road legal)... still it would make some good competition for the Zonda (forget the name)... actually, no it would'nt, the 800TT would blow it away :D

@ InvincibleM5, M3 looks great, with regards to the shading, i remember AOS saying something about certain grades of pencil looking silvery (reflecting light), maybe that's what's happened, regardless still looks great.

Iv'e spent a little more time with my tablet since the last time i posted, but as you'll see from my 3rd attempted WIP... iv'e still got a long way to go :(, to be honest.. i'm not really getting to grips with photoshop as yet, (so far everything iv'e drawn is freehand.. (no use of line tool etc), i did however cheat a wee bit, by tracing the 3rd drawing directly onto the tablet (small 12x6 cm sketch i had lying around), i spent far too long on it (about 4 hours) and it's still far from finished, but i thought i'd post it anyway, have also (as you can see) posted the previous 2 tablet drawings iv'e done.. in hope that, some will see the slight progress and improvement i'm making with the tablet... my aim is to try and get it to the level of my usual stuff, then once iv'e gained some confidence, i shall try and work on speed/looseness and fluidity... hopefully :D

1st ever tablet pic:

2nd tablet pic:

3rd tablet pic (WIP Porsche small car)... and yes, i know iv'e made the most fundamental of mistakes... poor use of perspective :D :
@ Venom800tt, really like the 800TT... to say it looks fast, would be a bit of an understatement :D, my only criticism is (and this applies to myself on some occasions), the placement of the headlights, i'm sure i read somewhere that the top of the headlights should be no lower than 500mm from the ground (if it were to be road legal)... still it would make some good competition for the Zonda (forget the name)... actually, no it would'nt, the 800TT would blow it away :D

lol, I kinda noticed the headlights were a bit low. I might alter them a bit to put the lights up a little higher.
Anyway thanks :)
This is my 458 Italia. I first drew it without any color, but it didn't feel right without that Scuderia Red. I tried replicating an image I'd seen of the 458. Other than the sketchy eraser marks to make up the hood reflections, I think it ended up quite well.

Wow that is a horrible drawing! No seriously HOW do you do that!? I can't draw for my life!!! That looks better than professional you sir are going places!
It was a joke, and it's not a drawing either. It's a photo ran through a filter as no one draws like that. Now can we stop quoting that image, please?
Painting and other artsy stuff is good if you're making promo posters, not when actually doing design sketches and drawings.

Tip and tricks? Make sure you know your perspective, show them a project from beginning to end. Imagine you're hiring someone to be a designer, you don't know what this person can do. You want proof that that person is capable of formulating outstanding ideas; has researched identified and addressed current issues in life, transportation world, etc., and generate a design that solves that problem. What you absolutely must understand is that Transportational Design isn't car body styling; Anyone can do that. You have to prove that you can think beyond just stylizing. A more open-ended portfolio increases your chances of having a more outstanding portfolio.

And a Biro IS a pen, it's a BiC pen. For this field of study, you should be able to excel at either digital rendering or traditional rendering, though the former is most popular now since it's faster and more flexible. If you are going traditional, I highly recommend trying out markers, if you can't watercolour; they teach you to illustrate form with only a few colours.

Lastly, I'm not sure if you are, but don't confuse car drawing with actual design either.... cartoon cars, pencil colouring, and photorealistic pencil drawings aren't design, they're illustrations.

I decided to include my paintings/drawings to show my expressive and creative side, however it's only a quarter of my folio.
The rest is designs of new types of buildings (start of the year I was considering architecture but was drawn back to automotive design) new types of vehicles - cars, buses, boats - following organic forms as inspiration. I've also included some almost "still life" car drawings which I'm using only to express my research and design knowledge of vehicles.
Yeah I understand that design is different from drawing as a lot more thought and developing goes into it as you're developing or showing you can develop an actual product.
Ballpoint pen has always been my strong point so I've shown that with confidence in many of my sketches and concept ideas. I just got a tablet a few months ago so I'm not exactly as good with it as I'd like to be, however it does the job. I'm hoping to learn more tips and tricks soon to do with using a tablet so by the end of the year I can actually utilise it properly!

Thanks for the advice AOS!

You'll be seeing more of me on this thread from now on! :)

Here a new work of mine.

Wow, I love that Lexus concept! Inspiration from the LF-LC?

What software do you use to create these concepts and also how long?
They look flawless and I was wondering whether it's the software you're using or you've spent hours on it.
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I disagree with the cut and paste grill. It's more professional and makes you look less lazy if you drew the grill yourself.
Cheers JK 👍, i've still got more to do to it (when i can be bothered :D ), The Lexus looks great BTW, i think the grill looks good too.. is it pasted?, as i can't really tell, and if it is.. i imagine it's just done like that for time efficiency like the pro's do from time to time (my friend who designs at Lotus does the same for his wheels and tyres).
I disagree with the cut and paste grill. It's more professional and makes you look less lazy if you drew the grill yourself.

LOL, i've done it all myself without any "copy+paste" work, the only thing i've copy pasted was the grill circle i've done with the Elliptical Marquee Tool to turn it into a pattern, so its all from scratch.

@At 1ness; I've done it all from scratch, started a sketch with the tablet. And worked it out by brushing and using gradients etc.

@aadil717; Thank you, i make these concept with Adobe Photoshop CS5, and the Wacom Bamboo tablet.

Each drawing takes up an hour i guess, i don't feel like taking alot of time working it out perfectly, i like how it still looks like a rough sketch with abit of shading.

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Out of interest, JKcreative, how long did it take to do the design in PS?

Excellent work on Deviantart BTW, yeshead Supra looks awesome, i like the futuristic car 1 aswell.
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Out of interest, JKcreative, how long did it take to do the design in PS?

Excellent work on Deviantart BTW.

About an hour, as i said i don't feel like working it out till its a real life looking render or anything. I like rough sketches with abit of colour and shading etc. 👍

Done this one today, not that great as my Lexus imo but i'm satisfied with the outcome:


Yeah, i think i like the Lexus more, Renault is still good though, i like the energetic style of the sketches aswell, i think i may have to take a more loose approach with my own sketches (once i build up my confidence with PS and the tablet)... getting things to look as good as your work in an hour, is just a dream for me at the moment :(
I know I've seen that specific grill on google before....

Please post it up, i'm dieing to see it.

Just assuming that i was lazy and copy pasted photo stuff in a sketch? Really?

I've done the grill and everything from scratch, i'm not gonna say it again.
Please post it up, i'm dieing to see it.
I can't find it on google anymore, don't know why. I only oppose it so strongly before because I have cut and pasted that onto a photoshop document where I was using it as a backdrop, only to have rejected it later for a different one. I know it had to be this one because of the little white circular bulges you find in between perforations.
Wow!.. working on a black background is a revelation for me, anyway thought i'd have a quick mess around on a black background (the actual design is rubbish.. didn't really think about it TBH), that asides, i'm actually quite pleased with the result, it took me about 15mins to do and only 1 layer :)

I think that working on a black background, is sometimes a case of less is more.

Another pic... quite messy (more of a illustration i suppose), it's a pic of a Tyrrell'd 240Z, spent atleast 30mins on it... may have to do a neater version at some point.

Haha!!... just realised badge is wrong.

New update:
Did another crappy sketch (took about 1hr 15mins), the design itself, is pretty unoriginal and again, not really well thought out but i thought i'd share it anyway... please excuse very sketchy sketch :)
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