Car drawings

  • Thread starter Pebb
Thanks! :)
Hopefully I can get out of my lazy spell and model the design in 3d. I get the feeling it will look even better in 3d :sly:

Can't wait to see it in 3D, just out of interest.. what 3D package will you be using?

I hope to do some 3D modeling myself in the near future, at the moment i'm trying to learn Rhino, but only have it on trial and it only has 25 saves, so i'm kind of reluctant to dive straight into a lengthy car model :(, my partner thinks maybe i should use 3DS MAX (she used to be a games artist and is quite adept in 3DS MAX), she thinks, i'd probably find it easier than Rhino, but at the same time, iv'e used Autocad before.. so maybe Rhino would be more suited to me.
Can't wait to see it in 3D, just out of interest.. what 3D package will you be using?

I hope to do some 3D modeling myself in the near future, at the moment i'm trying to learn Rhino, but only have it on trial and it only has 25 saves, so i'm kind of reluctant to dive straight into a lengthy car model :(, my partner thinks maybe i should use 3DS MAX (she used to be a games artist and is quite adept in 3DS MAX), she thinks, i'd probably find it easier than Rhino, but at the same time, iv'e used Autocad before.. so maybe Rhino would be more suited to me.

I use an old, free program from back when I used to model cars for Need for Speed: High Stakes. Program is called Zmodeler 1.07 and it is a very simple/basic 3d modeling program. I may switch to Blender 3d, a more fancy free program since one of my friends is willing to teach me.
At 1ness, drop Rhino for Solidworks or 3DS...everyone at school who know how to use CAD all despise Rhino for it's inflexible nature and how crappy the renders come out. 3DS is great because you can also animate on it.

You CAD users should pick up Keyshot which is the program to use to put finishing touches to your renders.

my new Porsche . Bamboo tablet
tonypanda, that is awesome man!, i love the car.. but i love the way it works with the scenery aswell.

@ Venom800tt, you used to model for Need For Speed... that is so cool, i'll take a peek at those programs.

@ AOS, thanks for the advice, and yeah i agree, the rendering doesn't look too good in Rhino, but thankfully i do have 3DS (somewhere in the attic) i have the manuals too which i suppose will come in handy.
I think i'm going to have to attempt a background like that at some point, but for now i'm concentrating on wheels and perspective (well doing my best to anyway :) ), just thought i'd share another unfinished pic, will update it when hopefully i finish it:
At 1ness
LOL!!, thanks i always manage to get the tread pattern the wrong way round in my drawings 👍

Kinda shorted you on my response there. I've got two kids and interrupted often. LoL

I do like that drawing. As well the exaggeration in the wheel lips really makes it stand out as an open wheeler.

As I said before, There is loads of talent in this thread. Impressive stuff for sure.
@ tony, Cheers man 👍, i think your perspective is improving (though i'm no authority on the subject.. still learning myself), the only thing i'd criticise about the Porsche, is either the rear wheel or the rear arch, i'd suggest, either making the eliptical shape of the rear wheel thinner (just a little), or adjust the curve of the arch to echo the front arch... but at maybe a lesser degree, so it's not an exact copy of the front arch.

@ OwensRacing, (again) thanks man 👍, with regards to the stretched wheel lips, Yeah i quite like them myself, but i may tame them up a little as i advance with the drawing, same with the 'hipari' style tyres (probably try and reduce the stretch), although it's open wheel at the moment, i'm actually in two minds on whether to add tyre colour wheel fenders, like those found on a Ariel Atom or Gordan Murray Rocket... it would look more road legal then, but i do like the look of open wheel, so don't know yet, and also i agree, there's loads of talent in this thread, and lots of impressive work.
^ Cheers AOS 👍 that link will come in handy, i must admit, i really don't know what i'm doing on Photoshop (bit of a slow learner TBH), but i'll probably have a crack at that tomorrow morning (seems straight forward enough for me to be able to attempt it).
Not speaking of the photorealistic look, I was speaking of that illustrative effect where all the black diagonal lines are applied.
I love that RAUH-Welt pic ^, the detail and photo-realism is simply stunning...
Anyway, it got me thinking of what a futuristic (not too distant) RAUH-Welt Porsche could look like, so i did a little 20min sketch (using tablet) which i intend on investing further hours into (when i find some more free time)... i admit it does look a bit naff at the moment :D, but i was on deviantART the other day looking at some work by a professional designer (and was really impressed by his work), this design took him about 8hrs, so iv'e set myself a target of 8hrs to turn my sketch around.

PS, AOS, i tried that tutorial (cheers mate), but i admit i struggled a bit... i really like how the dodge and burn gives a nice airbrush effect (quicker than selecting colours aswell), but i found that sometimes it lightened/darkened too quickly for my liking, (i really need to experiment more with it and adjust the settings i think), i also need to learn more about the masking (found myself getting confused.. layers and selecting areas etc), they are really useful tutorials though and hopefully, given more time i will be able to progress with them and utilise the shortcuts and proper procedures available in Photoshop.
That "airbrush effect" gets you smoother gradation than selecting a different colour. You also have to work quick and definitely use selections to make your life easier.
I like the choice of colours. If you're going to soft brush everything, have you considered using a hard brush only? I personally like the look it gives for looser drawings:

^ That is one amazing piece of work. I still am amazed at how little time it took him to finish that! :eek:

@tonypanda: Love how your drawings have improved! 👍 I love the Red Porsche :drool:

As for me, this is one of my other designs: It is based on the previous design I posted in this thread, but is intended to be less powerful and less expensive. As with the others, this has gone through a significant revamp:

V.1 Coupé:

V.1 Soft-top Spyder

Here is the redesigned version

Hard-top Spider

I've followed everyone's advice and tried to keep it a clean a design. The exhaust placement is for uniqueness, though I do imagine that you guys would prefer a more conventional exhaust.

Would love to hear your opinions! :)
It'd be totally baller if you resized it to something under 1000px in width next time 👍

As for the design itself, I don't have anything to say about it really. I don't understand car design anymore.
Usually the picture is automatically resized to the default forum width. I keep them in the original 1920 x 1080 resolution so that it can be enlarged at will. Not really sure about the load times for other computers :scared:

I'll admit, I'm more of a stylist than an engineer, so many of my designs have an equal balance between form and function (maybe that's what you meant by that comment). A professional car designer would probably laugh at all my drawings :guilty:
Usually the picture is automatically resized to the default forum width. I keep them in the original 1920 x 1080 resolution so that it can be enlarged at will. Not really sure about the load times for other computers :scared:

The forum resizes it, but it still has to load the original dimension first anyway.

And you'd be amazed what you can produce in 10 minutes. Your current drawings feel really stiff and this is a good exercise worth trying to break you out of trying to be nitty-gritty with your line work.
zedextreme8177, thats really cool that u've chosen your own design and now improve it and make another version which are based on original. Like your one =)

Thanks all =)
AOS-, i will not use only soft brush everywhere. but if to choose between soft and hard, i prefer soft =) dont know why, maybe i was inspired by some soft style works