Car drawings

  • Thread starter Pebb
This might look like complete crap compared to gtone's photoshop work... but I tried. I thought I might share this with you guys. It's a WIP photoshop render of a design I created a few weeks ago. It's my idea of what a Sera would look like if it were to be re-released in a few years time. It's still a far way off completion, but hopefully it'll be done within the next few weeks.


If some of the tree reflections on the right look familiar, that's because I've used bits from GT5's phototravel. I took a number of pictures and meshed all of the body parts together to fit into my cars' design, then added a bunch of other effects from google images. The GT5-ness should be gone by the time I'm finished.👍
If some of the tree reflections on the right look familiar, that's because I've used bits from GT5's phototravel. I took a number of pictures and meshed all of the body parts together to fit into my cars' design, then added a bunch of other effects from google images. The GT5-ness should be gone by the time I'm finished.👍

IMO, reflections of background elements should be kept to a minimal - personally I'd go none at all - when creating a design rendering. You're trying to communicate its form, and one of the easiest ways to get every detail displayed without confusing the viewers or client(s) is to go with a little of said reflections. and just using simple backdrops, or even a plain white one at that.
This might look like complete crap compared to gtone's photoshop work... but I tried. I thought I might share this with you guys. It's a WIP photoshop render of a design I created a few weeks ago. It's my idea of what a Sera would look like if it were to be re-released in a few years time. It's still a far way off completion, but hopefully it'll be done within the next few weeks.


If some of the tree reflections on the right look familiar, that's because I've used bits from GT5's phototravel. I took a number of pictures and meshed all of the body parts together to fit into my cars' design, then added a bunch of other effects from google images. The GT5-ness should be gone by the time I'm finished.👍

I hate to be "that guy" but shouldn't these belong in the photoshop thread?
Technically it should be.... most of that is layers of filled shapes.. and this thread is actually meant for work that's been for a lack of a better description "drawn by hand". So filling selections in with a mouse doesn't exactly count. However, the thread you mentioned is particularly targeted towards chopping alas photomanipulation. The intents of each thread don't welcome this kind of work (I've been through it before), and the thread titles make it confusing, but this kind of illustration fits here better than a photomanipulation thread.

Technically it should be.... most of that is layers of filled shapes.. and this thread is actually meant for work that's been for a lack of a better description "drawn by hand". So filling selections in with a mouse doesn't exactly count. However, the thread you mentioned is particularly targeted towards chopping alas photomanipulation. The intents of each thread don't welcome this kind of work (I've been through it before), and the thread titles make it confusing, but this kind of illustration fits here better than a photomanipulation thread.


Definitely belongs on this thread. :)
I've got a luxury-sport crossover design coming soon. Hopefully this concept drawing resembles an English design style...
I have just finished my latest car drawing and I intend to post it up here sometime tomorrow. Unfortunately I can't be bothered to get it scanned now 10pm at night.

I've got a luxury-sport crossover design coming soon. Hopefully this concept drawing resembles an English design style...

It would be very interesting indeed to see what you have come up with. I can't wait to see it 👍 !
Now this is more like it 👍 :


EDIT: Changed the picture and removed the black border around the image, changed colour saturation and sharpened the image. Looks much more like it does in real life now.
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That Nike One '22 looks pretty good, I can see a good display of artistic skill there 👍

So a new design here; far from completion it's a car that bridges the gap between my LS series and B4S series of designs, I left parts of the diagram blank so that the body/ window lines are more visible. I also decided to get creative with shapes, visible on the centre console and also the exhaust tips :scared:




It seems kinda dodgy. I think I might redo this one at another point.

It's because the windshield is sloped more than it should be; The NSX doesn't have a roof that high up.

The front nose is a tad narrow; the lamps are too close together I think, and the badge isn't centered.

Lastly, the perspective of the road doesn't match the car's perspective. To tell, draw a line that intersections with the bottom of the two tires seen in that drawing; you will find that this line doesn't travel to the same vanishing point as the rumble strip.
That Nike One '22 looks pretty good, I can see a good display of artistic skill there 👍

So a new design here; far from completion it's a car that bridges the gap between my LS series and B4S series of designs, I left parts of the diagram blank so that the body/ window lines are more visible. I also decided to get creative with shapes, visible on the centre console and also the exhaust tips :scared:




Thanks. I have been getting better at drawing cars in proper perspective since I drew the NSX. But I can't see the pictures

EDIT: The picture it was based on. GT5 really needs to have this car as DLC:


It's because the windshield is sloped more than it should be; The NSX doesn't have a roof that high up.

The front nose is a tad narrow; the lamps are too close together I think, and the badge isn't centered.

Lastly, the perspective of the road doesn't match the car's perspective. To tell, draw a line that intersections with the bottom of the two tires seen in that drawing; you will find that this line doesn't travel to the same vanishing point as the rumble strip.

The lamps aren't too close together... if I did them too far apart then it would look wrong IMO... But I will agree that the perspective of the road doesn't match the perspective of the car; unless the car was doing a wheelie :sly: . The Honda NSX is a nice car, this one deserves a redo sometime...

*feels bad disgracing the Honda NSX by doing bad drawing*
It's because the windshield is sloped more than it should be; The NSX doesn't have a roof that high up.

The front nose is a tad narrow; the lamps are too close together I think, and the badge isn't centered.

Lastly, the perspective of the road doesn't match the car's perspective. To tell, draw a line that intersections with the bottom of the two tires seen in that drawing; you will find that this line doesn't travel to the same vanishing point as the rumble strip.

You know, it's nice to, say, give someone a compliment instead of stomping on their motivation...
I do compliment people... it is however more constructive if I point out the mistakes to the artist so they know what they did wrong. Is it wrong of me that I'm trying to help?

Well, that is what most art teachers do to students when they look at his/her original works. Some of them may be harsh, but I guess it's an effective way to improve him/her's future works the next time. Although even the teacher has his/her limits.

Not defending anyone or anything, so you know. Just putting that out there, since I kind of put up with the same thing for an elective in 6th grade.
It sounds more like negative criticism to me when you try to help...

That's what a lot of people see that as, but if you were serious about being good at something, you'd be ever so grateful someone told you what your were doing wrong because it's sometimes hard to notice your own mistakes. MSTER was a little unsure about what was wrong with it too at first according to his comment about it being dodgy.

Anyway, I drew this after I left feedback on the NSX.

I do compliment people... it is however more constructive if I point out the mistakes to the artist so they know what they did wrong. Is it wrong of me that I'm trying to help?

And don't worry, I don't mind getting negative feedback, as I know what to do the next time I draw a car. I know to check the perspective of the car to the road to make sure it's correct and in proportion, and I know to make my cars a little bit wider, as I find I draw my cars very narrow.

It sounds more like negative criticism to me when you try to help...

No, it's not criticism. Even I admit that my NSX drawing is a little bit on the dodgy side in terms of proportion. I am absolutely fine with shading and light sources.

That's what a lot of people see that as, but if you were serious about being good at something, you'd be ever so grateful someone told you what your were doing wrong because it's sometimes hard to notice your own mistakes. MSTER was a little unsure about what was wrong with it too at first according to his comment about it being dodgy.

Anyway, I drew this after I left feedback on the NSX.


That's a very nice drawing you have done there. At the time of drawing the NSX, the thing I found the hardest to draw was the rims. Now I am not too bad but still a little out of proportion sometimes.

And now that I have seen this, I feel like doing the NSX drawing again... or should I draw something else?