Car drawings

  • Thread starter Pebb
Cool, I got some drawing done at last! I didn't have much time so I but I did this sketch when I had a brainwave. I want to do this to my dad's van! Lmao.

I added some detail afterwards but I'm not really too happy with it but I haven't even picked up a pencil since January!
The Sides are too tall and the cab looks too far forward.


It's a cool Idea Imo.

Good Luck Lads.
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Awesome mate!! 👍

Got anymore? ;)

thanks :sly:

and yeh alot more

(that ones hosted on facebook and everything there seams bad quality but never mind)

and nearly always working on one when im bored...made alot while in letures at college :P
also just found this one from a couple of years ago when coming home on a plane (dont think i need to say where from )


be alot more to come if i get accepted into uni this year im sure haha
Robert, were you using the pencil tool for the lines? I'm not digging the lack of anti-aliasing on the lines.

And for using photoshop, you really should be able to make proper ellipses.

Also, if you want to get serious with this, I'd ditch the random fonts for putting in your name and hand-sign it like a real artist. If you don't have a tablet to write on the computer, sign a white piece of paper, scan it, save it on your computer and then paste that in each time you finish something. 👍
Robert, were you using the pencil tool for the lines? I'm not digging the lack of anti-aliasing on the lines.

And for using photoshop, you really should be able to make proper ellipses.

Also, if you want to get serious with this, I'd ditch the random fonts for putting in your name and hand-sign it like a real artist. If you don't have a tablet to write on the computer, sign a white piece of paper, scan it, save it on your computer and then paste that in each time you finish something. 👍

Some people can be just drawing for fun... not everyone wants to be taken serious or even be a pro at it. They do to kill time or just to laugh...
Except I didn't get that impression when he mentioned a submission for a competition and university. Did you?
Except I didn't get that impression when he mentioned a submission for a competition and university. Did you?

Well, still. You always comment and tell people if they want to be taken serious and all.

Look, don't misunderstand me, i understand what you say, and help people with tips is cool and important... but i don't know... the way you say maybe, i am not sure...

Anyways, not everyone want to draw like a pro and not every draw have to be perfect, even people who want to be in university can do drawings for fun, just to mess around...
Well, still. You always comment and tell people if they want to be taken serious and all.

Anyways, not everyone want to draw like a pro and not every draw have to be perfect, even people who want to be in university can do drawings for fun, just to mess around...

It's constructive criticism and tips in order to improve drawings, so even though it may seem harsh it's supposed to have a positive outcome.

It's better to be honest and make people realise the drawing for what it really is than what they only see. 👍
It's constructive criticism and tips in order to improve drawings, so even though it may seem harsh it's supposed to have a positive outcome.

It's better to be honest and make people realise the drawing for what it really is than what they only see. 👍

Like i said, i understand... it is just, seems to be every draw that someone posts, he comments like that.

Some people draw, to draw... not wanting to be better... i don't know, i just felt like saying.

Just imagine, someone who just drew, like for fun, and thought it was cool and shared here, to have fun and laugh a bit, and then, if you want to be taken serious with it do this, do that... i mean, really?

See what i mean? :lol:
Hey guys, my charcoal and colouring pencils arrived today. And with the charcoal pencils, the problem I have with too little contrast should be resolved. My drawings should look a lot more professional now :) . I also ordered some H and B pencils... (the softest I bought was 5B or something like that)
Like i said, i understand... it is just, seems to be every draw that someone posts, he comments like that.

Some people draw, to draw... not wanting to be better... i don't know, i just felt like saying.

Just imagine, someone who just drew, like for fun, and thought it was cool and shared here, to have fun and laugh a bit, and then, if you want to be taken serious with it do this, do that... i mean, really?

See what i mean? :lol:

I can see this from both points of view, i think the most important thing to remember is, we're all at our own levels of drawing/sketching ability... some of us do it for fun (just want to share it with others), some do it for hope of improvement and openly welcome critique.

The way i see it is, we're all artists (all that have posted pics in this thread), and i think we all deserve to be judged on our own merits if anything, rather than just using the "pro" benchmark to judge things, having said that, if people request a fairly professional critique, then they should be prepared to try and take on-board, what advice is given to them... that is, if they are seriously planning to further advance down that kind of education/career path.

I must admit, i don't always take on-board the good advice that AOS tries to give me (even when iv'e asked for it), but that doesn't mean i don't value his (or others) opinions, though i do find at times he can come across as being maybe a bit blunt (just my opinion), but really deep down i know he's just trying to be helpful really.
Contrary to what you think Canotron, you don't know me as much as you think you do.

A Trolll? puh-lease. :P
I liek Canotron. And yes, three llls.

To stay on topic, this is TWELVE years old, people:


Very cartoony, but the brilliant shading more than makes up for it. Good drawing that you have there.
Very cartoony, but the brilliant shading more than makes up for it. Good drawing that you have there.

I don't know if you're kind of a newcomer here, most people that frequent the thread know that car-toons...







are Cano House's speciality.

Damn I need to post new stuff.
Yeah guy, you've reposted that at least 3 times now :lol:

I think I saw him post those same drawings a couple of months back. Could be mistaken though. But either way, I still like them :)
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I liek Canotron. And yes, three llls.

To stay on topic, this is TWELVE years old, people:

{Five Hot Rods}
Absolutely love the bottom left one. You have a fantastic grasp of distortion in drawing these kinds of things. The way the ground itself curves and the left front wheel goes with it, it's phenomenal.

Perhaps I'm giving you too much credit but it just stood out to me. Your technique and imagination in these is way more than I ever realized was possible for car-toons. Maybe you're not the absolute best but you certainly showed me what is possible and it kind of blew my mind. Heck, I have a hard enough time getting accurate perspective, I can't imagine artists having to imagine their own perspective and making it work like that.

Anyway that's enough praise. Post some new stuff!
ah haha
ok i didnt read all the comments but i read most

yes i used the pencil tool and as for the signature thing not a bad idea, just never really done it as mine is crap lol

and i did use one in a compition but not for uni..just mention if i get accepted i may be doing alot more of these when bored in lectures (: