Car drawings

  • Thread starter Pebb
Yeah guy, you've reposted that at least 3 times now :lol:

I think I saw him post those same drawings a couple of months back. Could be mistaken though. But either way, I still like them :)

Yes, yes, I know. I'll do small versions of this year's calendar drawings and post them over here, along with whatever else I find in my plugged HDDs. Promise.

Absolutely love the bottom left one. You have a fantastic grasp of distortion in drawing these kinds of things. The way the ground itself curves and the left front wheel goes with it, it's phenomenal.

Perhaps I'm giving you too much credit but it just stood out to me. Your technique and imagination in these is way more than I ever realized was possible for car-toons. Maybe you're not the absolute best but you certainly showed me what is possible and it kind of blew my mind. Heck, I have a hard enough time getting accurate perspective, I can't imagine artists having to imagine their own perspective and making it work like that.

Anyway that's enough praise. Post some new stuff!

Thanks. And indeed, you first have to dominate real-world perspective to actually be able to distort it well. It's not easy, I've seen people try their hand at cartooning and it all comes out wrong because they don't realize that you distort the car, not the perspective, or if you do, it has to look like you meant to do it, and isn't a mistake. Messing with perspective is difficult but it can be done, I've tried it sometimes. Way fun.

Also, if you really want to see the guy that, for me, pushes the absolute ABSOLUTE limits of car distortion, go here:

Lance Sorchik was my biggest inspiration back when I started doing these things more than ten years ago; back then I ran a website with my drawings and I openly wrote there that he was my biggest influence; well, I dunno how he stumbled upon the website and saw his mention, and he wrote me saying that he was grateful and that he liked my stuff a lot and etc.

That mail I received from whom I thought (and still think) is the best in this distortion business pushed me to send my work to the mags I now work for. I've been in contact with Lance for all these years, and we both have seen how each other develops his digital coloring style, as we both were starting with that when we first "met" back then. It has been an honor.

Sorry for the rant, heh. Go see his stuff and truly have your mind blown. If you think my stuff is crooked wait until you see his Model Ts.

Cano, the more i see that Chevy gasser, the more i like it, the tyre smoke and front lift is awesome. 👍

That drawing remained a harsh pencil sketch for... more than 4 years, until I really took a deep breath and finished it off in ballpen. Heck, if I remember correctly, the paper even had become a bit yellowy by the time I started inking it.

Just something i threw together rather quickly. :/
Car-toons was my favorite mag when I was younger. Still love that art.

What was the comic inside those Magz. Bernie was in the name.

Anyway kelp those CarToons coming please.
Indeed, keep them coming. Can't wait to see the throw-down between our reigning Car-toon King Cano and the guy that thinks he can take his crown, AOS.

I'd like to try some myself... but i know it's way harder than it looks, this is about as close as i can do to a Car-toon... except it's not a Car-toon at all, just some stupid looking modified Mini with wheels that don't turn, and very questionable body modifications :lol:... in fairness, it was done about 8yrs ago though.

Oh... also the doors don't open, so yes, utterly stupid Mini.

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Indeed, keep them coming. Can't wait to see the throw-down between our reigning Car-toon King Cano and the guy that thinks he can take his crown, AOS.

I'd like to try some myself... but i know it's way harder than it looks, this is about as close as i can do to a Car-toon... except it's not a Car-toon at all, just some stupid looking modified Mini with wheels that don't turn, and very questionable body modifications :lol:... in fairness, it was done about 8yrs ago though.[/url

A riced Mini? That's new 💡 ...

EDIT: Will post my Aston Martin + F40 drawing tomorrow.
Cool 👍

I don't know what year model this is, but it's my favourite model.

Rough sketch, i'm actually looking forward to finishing it:

Cheers 👍, trusty Bic biro pen and a small scrap of cartridge paper (i think.. though it feels a bit smoother than cartridge paper so i could be wrong), i did do a quick scan and enlarged the image in photoshop though because it is tiny (about 7cm wide), but no touching up at all.


Oh... I swear, i'm so slow sometimes.. actually, scratch that, i'm slow all the time :(

I get you now, you mean improve it in photoshop. I thought you was asking, did i photoshop it?.
My bad.
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Car-toons was my favorite mag when I was younger. Still love that art.

What was the comic inside those Magz. Bernie was in the name.

Krass & Bernie, dude. Legends 👍 if you enjoy them, you should take a peek into Car Craft magazine. Last I knew, they were re-running the strip with new George-freakin'-Trosley art.

As for the Firebird, I'm game, but I dunno if I'm gonna be able to finish, given that I already have magazine work to finish this week and over the next. If I cannot whip up anything, I'll post one of the several Firebirds/Trans Ams I already have.

That's already very cool, At1ness, very cute because the features on the car are not grossly exagerated, it's like if it was a ChoroQ car.

Also, If there is gonna be moar people participating in this, you should try to re-run the Car Ddrawing Competition I did a whiiiiiiiiiiile back in here, AOS. If you do it, I'll be there every freakin' week.
Also, If there is gonna be moar people participating in this, you should try to re-run the Car Drawing Competition-

Ah- no. Got my other stuff to draw, games to play, rice to cook, etc.

Someone may though.
A Modified Mini? That's new 💡 ...

EDIT: Will post my Aston Martin + F40 drawing tomorrow.

Cheers MSTER232 👍, Yeah it is a bit of an unusual idea.. not really original though, looking forward to seeing the AM & F40 pics.

Cheers for the inspiration pic AOS 👍, i know the difference between vector and bit-map... but haven't got a clue how to produce one in photoshop, would i need a different package? or is it even possible in photoshop?

Cheers Cano 👍, i see what you mean with regards to Choro-Q, it really does look like one now you mention it, i admit i am quite pleased with it, but i guess although cartoony it really doesn't fit the ethos of a proper Car-toon, i think i may still put some work into it though, but i have done another quick sketch, that i feel is a bit closer to a Car-toon (but still not quite there imo)

Although i think it may be an improvement on the 1st sketch... i still kind of prefer the 1st sketch, maybe i'll have a little play around with the 2nd sketch.

Technicolors, same here, it's pretty new to me, but still give it a shot man, i'm finding it fun, and i'm sure you will too.

Finally, a little update of that MG pic i started a few pages back, there's still lots to do and tidy-up/complete, but i'm getting there (slowly :lol:), i'm actually quite pleased with how it's turning out with regards to light-source/highlights... i know it's far from exact or correct, but considering it's done from my imagination, i'm still fairly happy with the guess-work... don't think iv'e got the courage to put proper reflections or light-flares onto it though :nervous:,


AOS, in-case you ask, no, i haven't used the burn/dodge tool, hence why it's not as smooth as it could be, for some reason, i really struggle to use it.. it certainly is going to take some getting used to for me. :(
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here we go...

Cheers for the inspiration pic AOS 👍, i know the difference between vector and bit-map... but haven't got a clue how to produce one in photoshop, would i need a different package? or is it even possible in photoshop?

Pen tool. But I'm absolutely sure you'll be better off inking by hand.

Cheers Cano 👍, i see what you mean with regards to Choro-Q, it really does look like one now you mention it, i admit i am quite pleased with it, but i guess although cartoony it really doesn't fit the ethos of a proper Car-toon, i think i may still put some work into it though, but i have done another quick sketch, that i feel is a bit closer to a Car-toon (but still not quite there imo)

Although i think it may be an improvement on the 1st sketch... i still kind of prefer the 1st sketch, maybe i'll have a little play around with the 2nd sketch.

Both certainly qualify. They are very different styles with different elements exagerated or emphasized, but both look very cartoony. I'd love to see both finished.

There are several elements you can use in order to cartoonize a car. In the Mini pic AOS posted you can see a very tall cabin which tends to make the car look cute; on the other hand, I tend to do exactly the opposite, the lower the roofline is, the meaner the car looks. I've had door handdles taller than the side windows on some cars. You just have to find what you like and work from there.

AOS, in-case you ask, no, i haven't used the burn/dodge tool, hence why it's not as smooth as it could be, for some reason, i really struggle to use it.. it certainly is going to take some getting used to for me. :(

Get used to it. All of the colored pics I've posted are done with burn and dodge. It's way easier and far more simpler than color brushing your gradients and it gives good results... unless you have Chromalussion flip-flop paint. In that case you're pretty much screwed.
Man, I haven't done any fun-looking cartoon drawings in so long I've lost my touch. This is going to be tougher than I thought.
Cheers for all the advice Cano 👍, problem iv'e found with the burn tool is, i find it burns away to a colour/hue i'm not happy with... it could be my computer graphics card needs updating or something maybe, i've tried adjusting the flow-rate etc, but i just can't seem to find a happy medium... i will give it another shot at some point though.

Time for another quick Car-toon sketch, it's just a quick scrappy doodle that i may try and improve.. don't know yet (did the sketch in PS, but it's still quite crappy)

Knight industries Two Thousand (K.I.T.T) SPM (air-brakes deployed)


My drawing for Jared Guynes (aka Monster Camaro) on facebook. Apparently right click on lil box thingy and open in new tab/window. then itll show up!!
My Aston Martin and F40 drawing as promised:


The only flaw I see on the DB9 is that one headlight is slightly higher than the other. Also, currently working on this, and at least IRL it look like a real photo (I found out the secret to drawing photograph realistic cars):


You've found the secret? Hmmm...really?
Your proportions need work, I could only tell that was an Aventador because of the distinct features it has, other wise I would of thought it was some concept car.

The F40 is nice, the front wheel has massive positive camber (lol?) and the rear window vents make the window appear as if it's slanted to the right, if you improve those things I think you've got the F40 picture just right. 👍
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