Car drawings

  • Thread starter Pebb
What I do to prevent inconsistent proportions is I first establish the bottom edge of the car, basically the perimeter. From there, I draw in the wheel arches and then determine everything else from there. The problem with this is that if I screw up the wheelbase, I might not notice until later on.
Yes. When you establish a fixed defined dimension (in this case being the wheelbase), this will be your point of reference and everything you draw will be at the same scale as it.

Sometimes I won't choose to use the wheelbase. Instead, I choose to establish the max length of the car... or any object even. This way I know everything fits within this boundary (like a boundary box) and nothing should protrude from it.
What I do to prevent inconsistent proportions is I first establish the bottom edge of the car, basically the perimeter. From there, I draw in the wheel arches and then determine everything else from there. The problem with this is that if I screw up the wheelbase, I might not notice until later on.

I do this most of the time, I always always start with a circle, that is, a tire. This also establishes the perspective of the drawing. Then I draw the next tire. Then the "floor" the car will sit in. Then all else comes from there.
I almost always do that, because wheels are one of my specialities (: The first circle/oval I draw is almost always the rear tire.

Also, for the Trans Am: ink or pencil?
Good on you for admitting it 👍, there is nothing to be ashamed of, people just appreciate honesty, and i think the way your work is improving, speaks for itself really, again well done. 👍


Actually, i tell you what would be good MSTER, if you were to, maybe change the wheel design from that in the original photo.. i feel that would add even more credibility to your already existing talent.

Oh and remember, no need to rush to finish it, just take your time like others have suggested... if only i would listen to my own (and others) advice at times. :D
I actually thought that the rims on the original picture were a little bit hard to draw so I scrapped that and drew a simplified version of it (slowly being able to interpret form for myself :) ). And sorry for lying to you guys :guilty: .
Think the car is a box... look the photo, and see the box the car is in... then you can get your proportions a bit better.

Plus, don't be rushed... if you want a draw to be good, take time doing it... part by part, specially when it comes to shading and details... seems like you are just trying to finish it fast...

i think this link can help you.
I've never used any fancy methods of drawing cars like that. I don't even start drawing the wheel arches as most people do. Nearly all of my car drawings that I have done up to this point in time I have started with the headlights. And the only reason why I've got the proportions better on the BMW is because I decided to use the grid method to draw it. I divided a printed picture of the original photo into 9 parts using a 8B pencil, and using a HB pencil I did the same very lightly on my drawing paper. Then I divide the car up into shapes and that is how I got the proportions of the BMW M3 correct.
What I do to prevent inconsistent proportions is I first establish the bottom edge of the car, basically the perimeter. From there, I draw in the wheel arches and then determine everything else from there. The problem with this is that if I screw up the wheelbase, I might not notice until later on.
As mentioned before in this post, I've always started drawing cars with the headlights from habit. I don't even know why and not a lot of people start drawing cars from the headlights.
So you don't draw cars with their wheels turned? Lame-o! :P

It's a little bit more difficult to draw cars with the wheels turned so I understand. But realistic moving wheels are the really big thing for me. I want to be able to start drawing action pictures soon. Does anyone on this thread have any specific technique to drawing realistic moving wheels?
The way i do it is, (not dissimilar to many here) start with the rear wheel 1st and then front wheel 2nd, then the bottom skirt/base of the car and the front base/skirt.. also can be handy when drawing the wheels to make them into cylinders, this i find helps to establish perspective, and does away with the need to do vanishing points etc (it's also handy when it comes to doing interior perspective as you know where the outside edges of the car begin/ends in relation to the bodywork).

Have used the pencil measuring technique that dylansan has described many times in the past... but only for still life, mainly working onto A1 size paper and using an easel, great when upscaling for still life.. not so great if you're working from something pretty much directly infront of you (ie:copying a picture).

Another useful tip iv'e picked up in regards to pencil sketching is, lets say you were drawing a tube or curved pipe for example... the inside radius should always be more heavy than the outside curve radius which should always be light.... though really this kind of tip has more relevance to still life drawing than to what most are doing here.

As for the 2013 Viper AOS, i'm afraid you're going to have to count me out of that 1, i really don't like the design, so therefore wouldn't take any pleasure in drawing it... even in Car-Toon form.
Also, for the Trans Am: ink or pencil?

For you, Peanut butter, using your wife's left sock. And if you're allergic to peanuts, or butter, then swap that medium with Orange Jam.

Seriously though, doesn't matter. It's not a contest.

As for the 2013 Viper AOS, i'm afraid you're going to have to count me out of that 1, i really don't like the design, so therefore wouldn't take any pleasure in drawing it... even in Car-Toon form.

It was only a suggestion, but that's a lame excuse to not draw IMO. You don't have to like something to draw something. I had a tough time keeping the proportions on the Firebird when I drew it. The bumper and the lamps jetting out on their own was a little tricky to keep consistent with the panel separation lines. That sketch I posted was my 3rd attempt.
For you, Peanut butter, using your wife's left sock. And if you're allergic to peanuts, or butter, then swap that medium with Orange Jam.


It was only a suggestion, but that's a lame excuse to not draw IMO. You don't have to like something to draw something.

True... but it helps.


I know it sounds quite superficial (which i assure you, i'm really not), but it's kind of like... would you rather draw a beautiful woman?... or an ugly one?

Bare in mind, we all see beauty in different forms and for me the 2013 Viper has no beauty.
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I had a tough time keeping the proportions on the Firebird when I drew it. The bumper and the lamps jetting out on their own was a little tricky to keep consistent with the panel separation lines. That sketch I posted was my 3rd attempt.[/color]

I think you've nailed it, looks real good to me. 👍
...would you rather draw a beautiful woman?... or an ugly one?

Bare in mind, we all see beauty in different forms and for me the 2013 Viper has no beauty.

I'm going to have to agree with you there. I'd rather draw a beautiful one although I haven't tried drawing humans yet. And I'm also going to agree with you that Dodge have ruined the look of the Viper for 2013.

Also, I've nearly done with the BMW drawing, I just have to finish shading the rear wheel then I'm done. I will hopefully post the final drawing in here sometime tomorrow.
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Might as well throw in a sketch I did a year ago:

That's more like a drawing, because it has that finished look to it. It's not to say a sketch has to be messy. A sketch is meant to lay down the parameters, forms and lines of whatever it being depicted, enough to communicate the idea, where as a finished work refines and clarifies the illustration to a presentable quality.

That said, it's pretty. 👍
I've never used any fancy methods of drawing cars like that. I don't even start drawing the wheel arches as most people do.

As mentioned before in this post, I've always started drawing cars with the headlights from habit. I don't even know why and not a lot of people start drawing cars from the headlights.

Try drawing the wheels and the floor first, that way you'll have a correct representation of the proportion and length of the car. Then map out the key lines and shapes that make the vehicle and then begin with the more complex things like headlights. Practise makes perfect, just try the method - it's no wonder why most people do it that way - because it's easier and probably better than starting from the middle of the drawing and working your way out.
Try drawing the wheels and the floor first, that way you'll have a correct representation of the proportion and length of the car. Then map out the key lines and shapes that make the vehicle and then begin with the more complex things like headlights. Practise makes perfect, just try the method - it's no wonder why most people do it that way - because it's easier and probably better than starting from the middle of the drawing and working your way out.
Well my BMW drawing is almost finished. The next time I draw a car (which is very soon) I will have to try drawing the wheels and the floor first before I start drawing the headlights like I normally do. Tell me if it turns out better in terms of proportion that my previous drawings, please :D .
That's more like a drawing, because it has that finished look to it. It's not to say a sketch has to be messy. A sketch is meant to lay down the parameters, forms and lines of whatever it being depicted, enough to communicate the idea, where as a finished work refines and clarifies the illustration to a presentable quality.

That said, it's pretty. 👍
I agree that it has that finished look to it too, and therefore it is more of a finished drawing than just a 'sketch'. It's possible that a little more contrast could have been used, but the proportions are really good 👍 .
Look forward to seeing the finished BMW MSTER, and yeah, the new Viper really doesn't set me alight either, but to be fair maybe i was a bit harsh, it does have a beauty, but it's just not to my taste. Beauty is, and always will be subjective. Also +1 to what aadil says.

legoheli, that's a really nice drawing, i love that view/perspective, iv'e tried something similar before, but have never managed to get it as good as what you have in your drawing. 👍

AOS, i went back to my 1st cute F-bird pic, and i see what you mean with regards to fitting stuff in around the front, iv'e basically traced over mine in PS and made a few adjustments... much happier with it now (the lines etc). i think i'll be finishing mine off in PS, but i take my hat off to all those doing it by hand/ink... it's a lot more difficult than doing it in PS and takes a lot more talent. 👍

1st hand-drawn sketch:

2nd pic (traced in photoshop), i feel it has improved line work to the 1st:

I can't say when i'll finish it, but i am enjoying working on it.
I went back to my 1st cute F-bird pic, and i see what you mean with regards to fitting stuff in around the front, iv'e basically traced over mine in PS and made a few adjustments... much happier with it now (the lines etc). i think i'll be finishing mine off in PS, but i take my hat off to all those doing it by hand/ink... it's a lot more difficult than doing it in PS and takes a lot more talent. 👍

1st hand-drawn sketch:

2nd pic (traced in photoshop), i feel it has improved line work to the 1st:

I can't say when i'll finish it, but i am enjoying working on it.

Very cool. I really really like where that's going, the wheels are awesome (as usual with you) and very muscle-car correct. Advice, though: make the right headlamp show a bit, you took that one aback too much, it looks out of perspective.

Other than that, neat as heck.
Ah, I see it now. At1ness tackled the front end with horizontal parallel axes hence why I see what he did.
Ah, I see it now. At1ness tackled the front end with horizontal parallel axes hence why I see what he did.

I think i understand what you mean AOS, i kind of knew it wasn't right, but couldn't quite put my finger on it, also think Cano is right, that far-side light needs fixing now it's been brought to my attention. As for the black fills, just paint brush then fill tool.. i know it looks a bit crap like that, but i'll try and make it neater on another layer unless there's an easier way you can suggest.

Cheers Cano 👍, the wheels are kind of rough at the moment, i'd like to do a chrome effect on them but haven't got a clue where to start really.. was kind of hoping you and AOS could point me in the right direction.

I decided to throw a little colour on it (rough draft), though i want to make it more red than the goldfish it is at the moment. :lol:, i did however use the burn/dodge tool on some parts (but i really need practice with them)

Rough colour draft:

Will deffo sort out that light next before i do a final version.
for doing chrome, color and everything else, you need selections, dude. This will help you figure it out:


That picture is all you need, if you study it carefully. Yes, a lot of work, but the results are worth it. That drawing just bagged me 250 bucks and other two commisions for the same guy.
I drew a crappy picture of Misato for the same amount. :P

I still hate how you put the highlights on the body of the car.
That picture is all you need, if you study it carefully. Yes, a lot of work, but the results are worth it. That drawing just bagged me 250 bucks and other two commisions for the same guy.

Cheers for the help Cano 👍, it does look like a lot to take in, and i don't know whether i'm confident enough to apply that method at the moment, but i will try and study it.

Awesome Grabber BTW, very cool indeed and worth every penny by the looks of it, to enjoy drawing cars is one thing, but to get paid for doing it is the cherry on the cake.

Slight update:
Spent about 30mins last night fixing the headlight, it's only a rough fix but should look good when polished:


No seriously, i am toying with the thought of adding a character on another layer (obviously fixing the headlight underneath first), i thought, "what could be more fitting to a 70's style car than a bit of female exploitation" :lol:,
not 100% sure yet whether i'll keep the addition or lose it though.

PS, ignore the crappy sig, just practicing.
I drew a crappy picture of Misato for the same amount. :P

I still hate how you put the highlights on the body of the car.

Yeah, but your economy is in way better shape than Mexico's. And probably the culture is far greater too, albeit I'd guess you made that one for Walter.

also, I didn't know you hated it. Why?

I am toying with the thought of adding a character on another layer (obviously fixing the headlight underneath first), i thought, "what could be more fitting to a 70's style car than a bit of female exploitation" :lol:,
not 100% sure yet whether i'll keep the addition or lose it though.

I myself toyed with the idea of making a weirdo-style Trans -Am bein' driven by a fiery bird. I might still give it a whirl.