I did this whilst on holiday down in Woolacombe (bit of a surfer spot.. lot's of VW's), i think it may be my next Car-Toon car pic... got the original idea from Cano mentioning something about: 'boxy Fiesta'

The quality's not great (took about 20mins.. and from memory), as you can see it's done in biro/pencil on quite a small sketch-pad (A6 size), because i packed light for my holiday.
It's pretty inaccurate at the mo, but may work with it in PS.
MK1 Volkswagen Golf (Kamei racing version):
I'm hoping it's a bit different than the usual Car-Toon style (huge wheels), though i'm sure small wheel approach has probably been done before... i may even go for even smaller wheels
Another reason i chose the MK1 Golf, is because i think i bit off more than i could chew with the (not too.. but still curvy) Ponti F'bird.