Car drawings

  • Thread starter Pebb
Yellow Bird & Fairlady
gouache, water colors, black pen and 6 hours


6 hours well spent, :drool: i'm a sucker for Z's and 911's. Great artwork TonyP. 👍
AOS, i dont know who's photo. Found in the net. Does it have difference?
i can notice that it is not Copyright Infringement =P
Yep, they're quite rare over here too in the UK, i only recall ever seeing 2 on the road... they certainly do have a lot of road presence (so much bigger than typical cars we see over here).

Mustangs are quite small over here in the states XD

That Koenig Porsche looks the part 👍

AOS, i'm not so good at composing, maybe i can but this ability is not opened yet. I really have a little time for drawing, so i do and learn about it as much as it possible for me, mate
What can i compose is photos. ANd also not immidiately...every time thinking about it and trying lot of times
Exactly. The level of skill required to be able to come up with a composition like that on your own is what is admirable and what I gave my compliments out to. Except that wasn't the case here. Oh well.
You could tell it was referenced off a picture by the fact that he put in his painting the now-absolutely-out-of-context neon light reflections in the Porsche's hood.
well, Cano, Aos, i really dont care about some your compliments, cuz i dont even know u. I thought this forum is about sharing and govong advises:) I do my best, and only god can critisize me. It would be better if u gave me some advise. Thank You
I must admit, i don't usually go for copied from photo pics, but i really like the composition, great choice of pic T'panda, i really like the subject matter and colours used too, but what really makes it a great picture for me, is the medium, it seems to add a lot of texture and feel. 👍

PS, i think the reflection thing is forgivable and doesn't spoil the picture at all.
well, Cano, Aos, i really dont care about some your compliments, cuz i dont even know u. I thought this forum is about sharing and govong advises:) I do my best, and only god can critisize me. It would be better if u gave me some advise. Thank You

I give advice if you are seeking it, but other than understanding form, there's nothing I have to inform you about. If you were trying to actually compose something from scratch or wanting feedback on whether or not it looked realistic for example, then I could do that, but that's if you are trying to learn it from scratch. Copying an image isn't the ideal way to stem actually advice imo. What can I say about it? I can't compliment you for that composition since you didn't come up with it. I could comment on the finish, but I haven't seen the reference photo so I can't exactly judge you entirely on that either.

If you wanted advice, then give us something to judge you on. Don't say that you didn't care about what we had to say because now you sound completely offended that you didn't hear what you wanted to hear. And don't declare something oblivious as "only god can judge me" because that shows you're not ready to accept criticism. Being able to accept criticism means you can take both positive and negative feedback.

I'm unsure if you've followed previous posts of mine with MSTER's drawings, but I can criticize hard and give valid execution tips. But before I can do that, I need to know what it is you were trying to achieve with this painting. Since you want advice, can you answer that for me, please?
well i want some advise what can i do to draw shadows etc using gouache and watercolors better. Thant would be great. Cuz i really dont mind if smb dont like copying photoes
You're still mad about that? Did you want advice or not? Also, can you please try writing in proper English and not use text speak like "cuz" or "smb"? It's difficult to take you seriously.

Anyway, I can tell you right off the bat not a lot of GTP members-let alone the people who frequent this thread-paint often enough to know the answer to that, but what I have been told though is that using a darker shade colour of the complimentary hue will darken whatever it is you're trying to create shadows on.

You can try that on scrap paper the next time you pull out your paints and brushes to confirm that, as I've never tried it myself.
well mate, i dong want to argue. I mean if i don't like the picture cuz of some reasons i usually tell it privately and say whant he or she can do better. For example the exaple with some neon flashlight i even didn't understood.
As soon as we started of composing pictures, i have some which i composed by myself



Why do i copy photos now? Cuz im learning how to draw wich colors on the paper. I see it s very difficuilt becuz u cant step back like if u use PS and drawing tablet. So at at first i want to realize the advantages and disadvantages of water colors, then became confident abou it, than starting composing with water colors(gouache etc)
They look fantastic to me, particularly the Honda. Look's like a lot of work has gone into them 👍

I'm sure AOS can find something wrong with them though....
That's my thought exactly. He's going to tell you your line work is garbage, or something... Maybe he'll outright tell you to uninstall your tablet because there's no hope for you...

I love them though, they look really great.
So I'm that notorious, aren't I?

Quite frankly. I'm really enjoying what I'm seeing. I dig the colours and the vignetting. Especially the latter, as shown by the FD.

I could argue that at that level of rendering, you may as well have ditched the extra scribbles in your line work, but I do like them since it's my thing. It makes it clear to the audience that you indeed used a tablet, not really a problem though. There's an illustrative style to it and that's perfectly fine. 👍