Car drawings

  • Thread starter Pebb
So I'm that notorious, aren't I?

I'm not going to say that you're notorious or anything, but every time I poke my little head into this thread, I see you or Cano tearing some newbie a new one, and in further observation, I don't think many of them come back. I'd post a few of my new drawings, but I know exactly what'd happen.
I like them. If I had a complaint, it'd be that it looks slightly messy, but that's something I could never get rid of, so I couldn't tell you how to help.
I like them. If I had a complaint, it'd be that it looks slightly messy, but that's something I could never get rid of, so I couldn't tell you how to help.

I would agree with you, but then again I don't have the best scanner in the world either :( .

Is that the original Speed 12? :drool:
but that's something I could never get rid of, so I couldn't tell you how to help.

Which is why I give feedbacks the way I do.

I know it's hard to take in, but if one does want (not expect, want) feedback - presumably in the quest for improvement, they should be trying to absorb the message of the post, not the unsugared choice of words.

In the recent case of tonypanda's painting, all he had done was post the photo. There was a scuffle over irrelevant matters simply just because I took back a potential compliment which was never even presented.

With that said, I don't deliberate choose my words to be harsh, that's just how I naturally provide criticism. I am trying to change this, but you won't see me say something is great unless I really mean it. I'm a bad liar and trying to lie to myself is stupid.

Hi, i have done a few things since my last post here. 👍


Oooooo I wuv these! The fast-trace lineart is awesome, and the color work spot-on, you're not trying to get it perfectly real like most people here who search advice -ahem- seem to be obsessed about, you have style, but you obviously know how light on shiny metal works. I love the spokes on the wheels on this thing and how they poke out of the wheel rim because of the fast traces.

There's an illustrative style to it and that's perfectly fine. 👍

This, this absolutely. That's way better in my book, because you interpret reality to your eyes. Way cooler than reality.
because you interpret reality to your eyes.

I wouldn't say "reality", because lines coming out of the wheel like that aren't exactly "real" :lol:

I think you might be trying to say "illustrating an ideal perspective or lens" which he (JKCreative) finds appealing.

Thing about making realistic drawings is that there is a limit, and that is when you achieve absolute realism. This is a skill based off practice alone. There is no thought process involved. Anyone can reach this level theoretically; it's an objective skill. Imagine you went to an art gallery filled with paintings, with 3 different exhibits for 3 different artists. They all draw things absolutely photorealistic, where there is not a bit of stylizing or illustrative depictions. How can you tell them apart? If I quizzed you on a painting, would you know who did it? Probably not since there's nothing to pick out that helps you recognize an artist's work. Fortunately people don't do this.

The next step of objective art is to then develop a style which then goes beyond this, where we start moving into subjective matters. This is where artists then become distinguishable where they can display their own flare or "magic/special touch". It may or may not be appealing to you, but it definitely makes it more recognizable and that is definitely a plus for the artist as they need to be famous for something.

Point being, making your own style is definitely nice and can get you far, so long as you know what makes your audience find it appealing. I like controlled gradients and warm tones like JK's work, but my style often times won't deploy this since I strive to do something different so I can make my work outstanding in its own way.

For example, Cano's cartoons usually exaggerate part sizes and seek to express humanized poses within the car's rigid body, while I tend to stay conservative by keeping proportions close to the real car while compressing dimensions.

JK's style involves bright vibrant colours and sharp lines to keep our attention. The gradients are strong and smooth, but it also never reaches 100% brightness in its highlights either. That's the style he established here. Just remember if you aim to create a (successful) style of your own, don't make excuses for everything as your own style. Give it a really good thought as to why you want to make something look a certain way. That will give it more meaning and substance which IMO has a better lasting appeal than just trying to make something "look cool". 👍

Hey what do you guys think of my drawing? (I know my wheels aren't that creative but would appreciate any feedback). :)


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Sneak preview of a work in progress. It's a Nissan Z design, loosely based on a sketch i did a couple of years ago, (couldn't find the original pencil sketch, so have tried to do it from memory) although, i guess it looks a lot like the current Z. :lol:

First mock-up:

Second pic:
Thanks bud. 👍 I hadn't noticed until you mentioned it, but yeah i see it, the wheels must be the eyes. I don't know about 'lizzard' though... surely you mean 'liz-Zed'.
Actually, i forget you guys the other side of the pond pronounce it 'Zeee', not 'Zedd' like we do here (The proper way). :lol:
I pronounce it both ways depending on the what's being said. I also think he meant to say it looked like a lizard, the reptile, because of the lamps looking like that bulge out like eyes... and the right wheel fender looking like the legs of a frog from this foreshortened point of view.
Oh, i knew it was an intentional typo, and you're right, the design definitely has that whole reptile feel about it. :D
I can't wait to get started on the rear view, though it will have to wait a while (other stuff to do). :indiff:

So instead of doing my reading (again), I did this.

It's all pen, it's a toon of the Annihilator Street Rod - the most badass street car ever - from Burnout Paradise. Google up pics, the dragon decal took some time.
Its front is taken from a '71 Road Runner, and the back is a '71 Charger (not seen from this angle).



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Haha...I was looking back through this thread, I love it when people offer all kinds of "critique" and point out every flaw in someones work and when they finally post something of their own that can be open to criticism they start the post by pointing out their own mistakes "Ignore that bit"..."Ignore this"..."Yeah i know that bit is way off"!

Talk about diggin yourself into a hole!
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Excellent pic Chris, i think i remember seeing it in one of the 'Planet F1' threads. 👍

Cool car-toon as well AOS. 👍
I like how the people are blurred out. Would be great if we got a higher resolution because I'm trying to make out what medium you used.
Hey Chris, were you the customer, or are you the artist?

[EDIT] Great to see it finished, it turned out really well. 👍


[EDIT 2]
I'm pretty sure Chris123 isn't the artist, but nice pic anyway.
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Seems a while since anybody posted anything in this thread, so i guess i'll oblige with a Car-toon i did yesterday.
It was done as a small gift to a couple who're expecting their 1st child (friends of my partner). I can't draw babies very well, it's also kind of unfinished (had about 4 hours to do it from scratch). Hopefully it will match up with their 72 bay window, (though i actually haven't seen it, so fingers crossed).

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This here is a design what-if "Ford Motor Company decided to make a GT version of their Crown Vic/Mercury Grand Marquis?"


The idea for this was to have a GT Car that you could race on the track, then drive it home. The sheer irony is that I think I got a little carried away with the extra roll bar in the backseat that goes straight down though.

And then this one below is another what-if scenario. "What-if Toyota decided to revive the Celica nameplate as a 4WD hatchback?" The original name I was gonna give it was Corolla, but the night I was drawing this (January 14 around 7 PM), Toyota was releasing their next-gen Corolla, and that led me to go another route, and Celica GT-Four was the first name that popped up.


And this next one isn't a what-if at all, just my two cents.


Seems a while since anybody posted anything in this thread, so i guess i'll oblige with a Car-toon i did yesterday.
It was done as a small gift to a couple who're expecting their 1st child (friends of my partner). I can't draw babies very well, it's also kind of unfinished (had about 4 hours to do it from scratch). Hopefully it will match up with their 72 bay window, (though i actually haven't seen it, so fingers crossed).

I hadn't seen this. It's awesome, At1. I love the "smile" on the bumper 👍
I hadn't seen this. It's awesome, At1. I love the "smile" on the bumper 👍
Cheers bud 👍, i think it would've looked much better, had i a longer deadline to finish it, but i'm still fairly pleased. :)

Iv'e been given another project to do (got until roughly the end of May). A work colleague want's me to do a Chip Foose style pic of his 64 Impala (very much a rarity in the UK, as i'm sure you know), i'm going to hand draw it onto A2 size paper with marker pens and chalk pastel (closest i'll get to airbrush effect). I'm really looking forward to it, but it's also quite daunting, drawing the Dayton wheels, i think will be a challenge. :scared:
I'll post a pic when done, but it'll be a photo of the pic, as it wont be possible for me to scan a piece of A2 paper. :lol: