The worse car in GT4, for me, is the Caterham. Its not really the cars fault though, I'll give you a little background. Couple years ago, I was watching this strange little British show on SPEED, you probably heard of it, 5th Gear. Anyways, they had this large bloke on there, racing in his first amateur race in a roadster call a Caterham 7, I think. I quite enjoyed it. Later on, while playing GT4, I was needing that something "special" for one of the series I was going to do. Thats when I came across this gem of a car. But wait, it cost 70G's, and I was a little short. So, like everyone else, I raced and saved, and raced and saved until I finally had enough credits to purchase the car, and boy was I happy. Then, I went to the said series to show the AI what for in my shiny new roadster...... CANNOT GO BEYOND THIS POINT WITH SPECIAL CAR ......what!!!!! Man was I angry. Like I said, its not the cars fault but, I only drove it once, because of this. Without being able to race the Caterham, I just couldn't fall in love with it. I mean come on 70G's, or was 60G's, I can't remember now (need to lay off the booze).