Petition to get Gran Turismo on PC Help us

  • Thread starter jjbk

I'm talking about a hypothetical GT for PC, which would supposedly be extremely high in graphics detail, quite a lot more than what PS4 could handle, because of PC power. Despite those poor standard cars in GT5/6, GTs have always managed to "push the machine" in terms of graphics.
I'm talking about a hypotetical GT for PC, which would supposedly be extremely high in graphics detail, quite a lot more than what PS4 could handle, because of PC power. Despite those poor standard cars in GT5/6, GTs have always managed to "push the machine" in terms of graphics.

And if a hypothetical GT for PC came out and had the same humongous quality gaps for the things PD themselves put in the game as they do now, a fan mod not reaching the quality of the best PD assets is meaningless. It would be hard for a fan made mod to look worse than a ported Standard car unless a fan was porting stuff they originally made for 90s Need for Speed games.
The reasons have already been said. I am surprised that this topic is open.
The topic is still open because despite the fact that Gran Turismo going to PC is, I agree, never going to happen, you're missing the point. The point is that some would like it to, hence the petition.
Sorry, but this is just outright ignorant stupidity. Have you even bothered actually looking at PC modding period? You made this idiotic statement based solely on what you've seen on a console game, which isn't even close to what modding on actually is on the PC.
This kind of personal attack is not needed and will stop immediately.
There's nothing wrong with hoping for stuff. There's nothing wrong with sharing our opinions on things either
Agreed, completely.
as long as we keep it respectful.
I hate to be one of "those guys" but this is what people today have a problem with. Coming up with logical arguments against something is too difficult so I'll just attack the person instead.

That's not going to fly and if it continues, infractions will follow.
Mods can either make GT better or it could ruin it, it could actually make the presence of a livery editor uneccessary because we'd be able to make liveries like in every other PC games. So that's not the reason why I don't want it on PC, I actually don't care. But like I said having GT on PC isn't part of PD's and Kaz's plan for the game. And if they eventually make it on PC it won't be because of a petition, it'll be because they think it's a good idea to make it at the time they eventually decide to make it on PC.
Mods are a completely optional thing to have in PC games. Denying a chance of a PC game because of mods is arrogant thinking.
Or just narrow minded thinking
I just say it due to my experience with PC game mods thats all. Overall mine is not very good. Are you forced to like them or what?
I'd rather prefer all the players to use the original quality stuff from the game. And I would like to have GT on PC, havent said the opposite.
Naturally, it wouldn't be possible to host online games where each player had different (gameplay altering) mods. It would certainly lead to instability or crashes. In online play, everyone would be using the mods the host allowed (if any).

You're not forced to like them. If you don't like them, just don't use them. It's that simple. The problem is if you want to deny someone else to use mods just because you don't like them.
Naturally, it wouldn't be possible to host online games where each player had different (gameplay altering) mods. It would certainly lead to instability or crashes. In online play, everyone would be using the mods the host allowed (if any).

You're not forced to like them. If you don't like them, just don't use them. It's that simple. The problem is if you want to deny someone else to use mods just because you don't like them.
Mods would alter the whole community. Imagine you would be denied to join half the rooms because you dont have this mod or that mod. I think its not good. All the community should have the same stuff and not split in several sub communities.
Probably. I imagine "you can't play with us because you don't have this free mod" isn't as big a roadblock as "you can't play with us because you don't have this paid DLC".
Yes, paid DLC has the same problem. But not sure whats a bigger roadblock... Free mods make it easier for people to have them therefore easier for people to get beyond the base stuff.
Free content is only a roadblock for the person that is too lazy to access it.
And paid content is only a roadblock for people that is too poor, by the same logic.

You should be aware that many GT players, and console players in general (casuals mostly) dont even know what a mod is.
So wait... you're against both free stuff and paid for stuff?
I just prefer the idea of the whole community having all the same stuff, of course as much stuff as possible, like GT6 now. Therefore everyone can access to everything in the game and not separated by paid content or mods.
I think paid-DLC is like a horrible cancer in the video game world that should have never existed. And free mods are liked by many people but have that problem that we're talking about.
I just prefer the idea of the whole community having all the same stuff, of course as much stuff as possible, like GT6 now. Therefore everyone can access to everything in the game and not separated by paid content or mods.
But mods are both free, and easy to get. As said:

Free content is only a roadblock for the person that is too lazy to access it.

And it could give way to more interest in the game through either new racing series using modded cars from the community or just fixing the games short-comings. This in turn will actually do the opposite of what you predict, and bring new life into GT and the GT forums.
When it comes to mods GT could do really well as modders could improve the low quality standards (or just add premium models) and the lacking racing classes could be improved greatly. We could also have the great GT tracks that are missing e.g. Seattle & Grindelwald.
But mods are both free, and easy to get. As said:

And it could give way to more interest in the game through either new racing series using modded cars from the community or just fixing the games short-comings. This in turn will actually do the opposite of what you predict, and bring new life into GT and the GT forums.
Community will still be split regardless, the more in-depth hardcore players with their mods, and the more casual players that dont even bother with mods.
Community will still be split regardless, the more in-depth hardcore players with their mods, and the more casual players that dont even bother with mods.
I don't think this is a problem, really. I mean, if we carry on the stereotypes then the community is already split. Hardcore GT players are usually found in clubs on GTP, whereas casual gamers are more likely to join a cruise room. They do mix, of course, but it won't be a huge problem even if mods are released.
Hi everyone. The time has come. Since the PS4 is essentially a X86 platform. And with the release of Direct X 12 and Windows 10 being imminent.

Its time we ask Kaz to think about putting Gran Turismo onto the PC.
Here is the petition link

And lets be honest. The PS4 is a very low end pc with good low level API access. So it gets good performance.
But lets quantify it, the Fury X , the new GFX card. Is offering at least 200% better quality and power at double and even quadruple the resolutions.

Gran Turismo should be a 1440p or 4k 2160p game! And to do that Gran Turismo needs the PC!!

Kaz needs to know. That if he builds a new GT on the PC. He will have the freedom and ability to make a 100GB game. With full textures, and something we want real SOUND!!
No compromises would be made on PC, and we the PC master race would Damn well LOVE that!

JOIN US! And help this petition.

To all PS4 owners don't freak. The game is based on the same platform, so its going to be co developed for PS4 as well. So voting for it, even if you don't own a PC it will only help. It will never hurt!
I know this seems pretty crappy. I mean 1st world problems right! But I am really passionate about this game. I hope We see more :) Thanks guys soo much!
I thank you all for you time

Again here is the link to the petition. please help us

Kaz and PD can't even get a 2.5 year promised course maker on GT6 ... And you want them to make 7 a multi platform release ?? All I can say is good luck with that . I see the logic in what you're proposing but Gran Turismos MAIN purpose for Sony is a CONSOLE mover .

It therefore has nothing to do with PC ..... and it never will .
Also lol at the "GT should be 1440p or 2160p" statement. Why should it? The majority of TVs in the world can't do more than 1080p, many can only do 720p. The only real reason to support more than 1080p is to allow PC users do run it at that. It's not the other way around like OP suggests.