Chaparral 2X Vision Gran Turismo REVEALED!

  • Thread starter ZedMan1996
The 2J one is almost like a premium, there wouldnt be much difference...
While the 2j isn't the worst looking standard in the game, I think it could see some very clear improvements from a premium treatment. Especially the interior would have a lot to gain, such as gauges and dials thay actually work. More 3d elements instead of flat textures too.

I hope this vgt is a fan car, and that it will have performance similar to the old 2j, but not exactly the same, of course. It would be boring to get a copy of an existing car with a different exterior.
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I hope this vgt is a fan car, and that it will have performance similar to the old 2j, but not exactly the same, of course. It would be boring to get a copy of an existing car with a different exterior.

Chances are if this is a fan car, its guaranteed it will be the same car times 10.
Ok, I'm confused - are there two coming from GM, or just the one? The Corvette FB page teased a VGT, and in the teaser there was a clear Chevy logo at the left:

View attachment 255579

But, as many are saying, the two look quite similar, at least if we're getting the perspectives right. And it seems odd that one firm would get the opportunity to do two projects... But the again, if it will only be the Chaparral, why did the Corvette page make the post, and not GM's? And why did it specifically mention corvette fans...?

Either way, we'll more than likely get two in the next (probably November) update - Subaru and Alpine. If the Corvette is happening, then that could be a third, or it might go in later with the Chaparral for a GM-rich content flood.
I'm convinced it's just the one car.
It's the 'Chevrolet Chaparral 2X' and was "designed by the GM Advanced Design Studio".
I think most agree that the car on the Corvette Facebook page is the same car as the one shown with the two '2 series' Chaparrals in the latest teaser.

The reasoning behind using the Corvette Facebook for the first teaser isn't as clear though, agreed.
I think it comes from when GM were helping Chaparral with R&D in the early 60's.
GM created an experimental race car they called the Corvette GS-II which had many similarities to the Chaparral design of the time.

As to what will come in the next update, it's a tough call.
The GM is probably out because it's been flagged for "during the holiday season".
If the Subaru makes it in it will be the new record holder for fastest reveal on the GT website to being included in an update.
And with the BMW and Mitsubishi just simply arriving with no fan-fare, I guess the Alpine is a chance, but perhaps no announcement on the GT website could also be seen as a bad sign.
All in all probably the best scenario is 2 (Subaru and Alpine), but there's also signs pointing towards there not being any at all.
I think this could be a good one. Hopefully it is a throwback to the 2J and 2D with a modern element in it. The fenders look a bit flared up with the cockpit down low so maybe this could sorta look like the RB Junior? Anyway, I'm thoroughly looking forward to this VGT along with the others that have been announced/teased. The 'holiday season' can't come soon enough!!
Chapparal volt? An electric? Chapparal?

Thank god the actual VGT is V8 powered.

There another funny thing about that car; the name. Volt?



Someone at GM had a good sense of humor... Or a good memory. :boggled: Also, we don't really know for sure if the car will be V8 powered, despite the Chevy connection. Remember, Chaparral was known for being different from the rest. For all we know, it might even be wind-powered. :crazy:

Also, I've been checking some sources about the Chaparral Volt, and I found out that despite its name, the car is NOT electric. In fact, it is sun-powered, and it has many sci-fi systems to back it up. I could see some (regenerative braking) making it into the 2X, but others are unlikely...

Main source:
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Same weird cockpit/helmet area but from higher up. I flipped it to match the first teaser.

edit for side view facing left, roof up:
2X looks like an X1. This looks like it's going to be an interesting car to drive. Also didn't the teaser said there would be two GM cars because a lot of people are being confused about the Chevrolet and the Chaparral VGT cars if they are two different cars or not.
I'm also confused about the two versions we've seen, there are noticable differences in the shape between the two, not just the livery and badges. I hope it will look more like the one in the video.

Well, the headlights of the 2D in the photo looks very standard...
The 2D is definitely standard, I can see the straight lines that make up the curves on the body. 2J is harder to tell as it's so boxy.
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So if we're on a night track and have fuel consumption on, we're screwed? :lol:

Well, when the race started, because you'd have no energy (since you can't charge the energy up at night), you'd sputter to a halt while everybody else went on racin'. That and in 24-hour races, you'd have to sit out of half the race waiting for the sun to come back to charge the batteries. :lol: Thank godness GM and Chaparral are not likely to go that way with the 2X... :D
Also, I've been checking some sources about the Chaparral Volt, and I found out that despite its name, the car is NOT electric. In fact, it is sun-powered, and it has many sci-fi systems to back it up. I could see some (regenerative braking) making it into the 2X, but others are unlikely...

It uses an electric motor, that's electric enough for me!
The image is either rendered using the GT7 engine or it's not rendered with the graphics from the game.

It's not GT6 for sure.
The image is either rendered using the GT7 engine or it's not rendered with the graphics from the game.

It's not GT6 for sure.
I'm pretty sure the image is just an artist rendering from GM. Why would PD waste time modeling the car under a cover. Additionally there is no GT6 watermark on the image. Nobody should be getting their hopes up for a premium 2D or 2J with the next update. Hopefully they and many others will get premium treatment for GT7.
The image is either rendered using the GT7 engine or it's not rendered with the graphics from the game.

It's not GT6 for sure.

Why do you think that?

I'm pretty sure the image is just an artist rendering from GM. Why would PD waste time modeling the car under a cover. Additionally there is no GT6 watermark on the image. Nobody should be getting their hopes up for a premium 2D or 2J with the next update. Hopefully they and many others will get premium treatment for GT7.

The cloth could be photoshopped, but the other two cars and the Circuit de la Sarthe look straight out of GT.
You can even see the same repeating wear and tear pattern along the start line.
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Great News!

But around 75% of the VGT cars are not finished, I wonder how long it will take for manufacturers and PD to finish the VGT project for GT6.
It usually takes time to make these kinds of thing. Don't worry, if it can't be done in GT6, then there's always GT7. haha :)👍
Will be interesting to see what they come up with. I remember as a kid I had one of those old Eldon electric race sets and my favorite car for it was the 2D Chaparral. I always thought that was a very nice looking car. I was happy when I first saw it in GT4 and that it is still there in 5 and 6. If only you could change the trans to get more than 3 gears in it.
If you say so, my friend. :) I just want a different powerplant for the 2X, we already have our fare share of hybrid VGT cars. A few more conventional fossil fuel cars wouldn't hurt... :sly:
Remember when Audi released the R10, and it was biased for its diesel engine? I'd like to see innovation, i was even a bit disappointed with nissan vgt, not being some extreme concept of the zeod rc presented this year.