Chase for NASCAR Sprint Cup S2 Champs: RFLX_Niop, Hendrick, Chevy

  • Thread starter MustangRyan
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I just wanted to announce that Red Bull Racing was pleased with their performance at Indy this week with the Silver #83 finishing on lead lap and the Blue #83 finishing 1 lap down which is an improvement from the Daytona 500 where they finished 4 laps down and one out with engine failure at the green flag. Lead driver Crazy_Bassist has been qouted for saying that their setups were just right but the competition this season has risen. They are currently undergoing renovation in their engineering crew, employing lead engineers from the X2011 team to dial-in their cars for the remainder of the season. Red Bull will be looking to finding better looser qualifying setups and stiffer race setups in hopes to faster times and longer stints. The team has also been looking into ways of improving mechanical/engine problems to avoid only one car carrying team points from race to race. Red Bull owner/driver Crazy_bassist has also been quoted on saying that the trip to Monza this weekend should payout great dividends to Team Red Bull as Crazy himself is a known road course ringer and especially loves Monza. And left Hendrick's Motorsports a message to watch out for him in their rear view mirror on Saturday. Crazy also said that RFLX will be strong in this race as he has seen him do well in other non-NASCAR events on circuits. Red Bull will expect to see a diminished field this weekend and probably will only have one driver (Crazy) for all circuits this season, as he is the team's road course ringer. But he is not giving up any credit to dowhat13 (blue #83) as he too has improved his circuit driving over the summer time in SuperGT & vintage muscle as well. Another driver Red Bull expects to see trying to grab the checkers is Vintage Trans-Am driver Mudd, he too has lots of circuit time in seat driving SuperGT & 500pp street car rooms. Crazy expects the drivers with more circuit experience to step up Monza, LeMans, Suzuka and High Speed Ring. Crazy didn't comment on the rest of the field but did quote say that the UK drivers will also have a good run on the circuits as well.
Also ...... I have a propostion:

Qualifying in this series is tooooooo ridiculous!!

I mean really? Do you need to do 50 laps qualifying for a 60 lap race just to get the best/pole time? Thats ridiculous. #1 I'm sure half of us don't have the time for that = not fair! #2 IRL that would NEVER happen! #3 Reset the room ten minutes before race and have a timed quali of 10min = TOTALLY FAIR TO ALL DRIVERS (full time & reserve)

Sorry this just might be only my opinion, but I have never seen this in all my qualifying rounds in any series. Doesn't have to be even 10min, could be 20min. But I wouldn't push for anymore time than that just to be fair. I'm just saying if everyone ran their quali setup for 50+laps and never refueled and only put on new tires then the quali times would be more competitive but since everyone doesn't do that it's very lop-sided.
Reset the room ten minutes before race and have a timed quali of 10min = TOTALLY FAIR
I've got no issue with that. We'll start this weekend.
Changing rules now we are in the season. Not happy personally. I lime the way the quali is right now and have no issue with the time spent.

Sorry, but I'd like to oppose the request.
Changing rules now we are in the season. Not happy personally. I lime the way the quali is right now and have no issue with the time spent.

Sorry, but I'd like to oppose the request.

Take a vote, I gaurantee you will not find 7 guys (half the field) who will commit to 50 laps of qualifying prior to a 50 lap or more race. And I mean votes that equate into actual drivers putting in this time, not your teammates just agreeing with you so you can can easily recieve pole again.
Changing rules now we are in the season. Not happy personally. I lime the way the quali is right now and have no issue with the time spent.

Sorry, but I'd like to oppose the request.

So it looks like we get to let the owners vote, and let the majority decide. We have one vote for a ten minute qualifying session from Red Bull Racing, and one vote against from Joe Gibbs Racing. First to three owner votes wins.
I'm gonna have to go with Red Bull on this one. I have a hard enough time getting to the race on time, there's no way I'm ever gonna be able to spend an hour qualifying. The rules were clear when I signed up, so I had no intention of complaining about it, but if it's up for vote, I vote 10 min qualify.
I'm gonna have to go with Red Bull on this one. I have a hard enough time getting to the race on time, there's no way I'm ever gonna be able to spend an hour qualifying. The rules were clear when I signed up, so I had no intention of complaining about it, but if it's up for vote, I vote 10 min qualify.

That's what you have me for Mudd! I love to complain LMAO.

Well I think homeslice or Buckeyes will have to break this tie as my guess is Hendrick's will vote unlimited quali.
That's what you have me for Mudd! I love to complain LMAO.

Well I think homeslice or Buckeyes will have to break this tie as my guess is Hendrick's will vote unlimited quali.

Wouldn't be too sure with Hendrick mate. They probably feel they don't need to.
Well thats kind of what I'm getting at too. I was like the 5th guy in the room on Saturday and guess who was on track on lap 40+ and kept setting best times? So I was thinking this is in their favor, but if they want to prove they can scrap up a good quali tune I think we need to square our perimeters a little more with what the rest of the field is doing, avg 10 laps quali and thats on a full tank and fresh tires not 1 liter of fuel and warm tires with 10% wear (the sweet spot). But enough complaining, I just want to see what they can do like the rest of us at Daytona or Indy. And NASCAR does typically make up rules as they go too LOL, so this change into the 3rd week wouldn't be anything a-typical of NASCAR and what the fans have dealt with before.

So what will it be Ryan?
Are you the third vote or you making this a tie?
I'm not a team owner, so the Hendrick team vote comes from RFLX, not from me.
I'm not a team owner, so the Hendrick team vote comes from RFLX, not from me.

Oh my bad. When you assume you make an a$$ outta yourself. Ok then, I guess we await for RFLX. And 👍 to staying nuetral on this topic Ryan, as you are host and probably don't want to play favorites even with your own team. BTW I just wanted to say you are doing a great job with series thus far!
I do like the idea that the fastest car doesn't have to run for 40+ minutes just to keep from getting beat by a slower car carrying less fuel. But, I'm ok with either way, so whatever the group decides is ok with me. My only concern is with running a fair league that everyone can enjoy.
Ryan are you going to open a testing room today?

Not likely, I still need to count the laps led from Saturday and post the official race results and updated point standings.
Okay, I am going to open NASCAR testing right now!

Edited: Room didn't open,room is close
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Well, I guess I'm the team owner and you guys need a vote. I lean towards a short qualify, as it would probably benefit me more. That being said, I also believe people should be rewarded for the extra time and effort they are able to put in. So I vote for the long open qualifying.
well either way I feel that driving 50laps to deplete fuel is way ridiculous n not rewarding but more obsessive. And running the fastest lap time on lap 50 doesn't really prove much other than u have too much time on your hands. Vote short quali!! It will help us old guys out here who don't have too much time on our hands. Vote short quali!!! Sorry if this sounds harsh but I'm sure its the POV of a lot of the old guys here! If there any other old guys other than me?
well either way I feel that driving 50laps to deplete fuel is way ridiculous n not rewarding but more obsessive. And running the fastest lap time on lap 50 doesn't really prove much other than u have too much time on your hands. Vote short quali!! It will help us old guys out here who don't have too much time on our hands. Vote short quali!!! Sorry if this sounds harsh but I'm sure its the POV of a lot of the old guys here! If there any other old guys other than me?

37 and looking for long quali personally. That being said whatever the majority decides is cool. I'm really not that bothered about the big deal this seems to have suddenly come.
Lol 37 and gamer for life, here. I honestly don't put much time into qualifying, all my practice time is put into quality race setup. Once in a great while I get lucky with a hot lap and grab a pole, so it really doesn't bother me either way. I've never participated in a series with such a long qualify time and thought it was odd, but really don't have a problem with it, other then the fact that there's no way that I'll be running my tank dry before each race.
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I have to agree with mudd and crazy, I think a 10min session is the way to go. For just a 60 lap race, many of us ran 40/50/60+ laps just to qualify. I think i ran about 50 myself so i am just as guilty. With a 10min session the best driver/car will be on the pole, not the guy who happened to burn off the most fuel.
I have to agree with mudd and crazy, I think a 10min session is the way to go. For just a 60 lap race, many of us ran 40/50/60+ laps just to qualify. I think i ran about 50 myself so i am just as guilty. With a 10min session the best driver/car will be on the pole, not the guy who happened to burn off the most fuel.

It is decided. The room will be reset ten minutes before the green flag, wiping out all qualifying times set up to that point. Use the first fifty minutes to tweak setups and chat with the other drivers. In the last ten minutes, everyone goes for the pole position.
Thanks guys! I was hoping that I wouldn't have to say , "if you can't beat them then join them". As that's not my philosophy. I like a good old democratic debate like we did. Cheers!
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