You: Hi there, have you heard?
Stranger: ?
Stranger: i can't hear, I'm partially deaf in my right ear canal.
Stranger: so how do we feel about black people
You have disconnected.
This one backfired.
I just tried the Bird one and it backfired, than turned into an actual conversation.
I'm going to combine them and see how that works.
You: Hi I'm Chris Hansen, why don't you have a seat and let me tell you about the word.
Stranger: ?
Stranger: what word?
Stranger: yooh never said a word
Stranger: yooh said a sentence
You: You don't know the word?
Stranger: no
You: I thought everyone knew that the Bird is the word
Stranger: lol
Stranger: confusing
You: Now, joking aside did you know she was only 16?
Your conversation partner has disconnected
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: did u get the amulet?
Stranger: yes i got it
You: good job, theres still hope for humanity
Stranger: there is always hope
You: now, listen carefully, i need you to take the amulet to the seal of the seven sages
You: and insert it into the golden orifice
You: only then will the secrets be revealed
Stranger: how much time do i have?
You: not much, time is short, you must move with haste before the minions of the underworld have a chance to regroup
Stranger: ok. Im on my way. Could you watch my back?
Stranger: or am I in this alone?
You: this journey is yours alone
You: i will do what i can to help but you must complete the final task yourself
You: that is how it was written in the prophecy
Stranger: Im at a dead end. is there another way to get to the seal?
Stranger: oh no.
Stranger: too late
You: yes there is another way, just type in seal on your gps
You: TOO LATE?!?!
Stranger: Im sorry I failed. God forgive me.
You: ..................................................
You: god have mercy on us all
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
This story could have been so epic if the person played along.
and this is any better than 4chan how?
You: Can I tell you something?
Stranger: sure?
You: Promise not to tell
Stranger: yeah
You: I'm never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna turn around and hurt you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
I don't get why they left, I was just telling them how I was feelin'. They must not understand.