CHEAP Cockpit Alternatives ONLY

  • Thread starter mnarciso
I wonder if you could modify the RIDGID to make it sit even lower.
Yes. I cut off about 2-1/2" of the bottom of the center post. That let the table go all the way down until the cross tee hits the sleeve. But it's not going any lower than that (24-1/2") without also cutting the feet off the legs.
i bought some black auto carpet last night and went to finish up my rig and and couldn't find my staple gun. Anyway i guess i'll buy a new one today and i'm also getting a new seat for my rig. Its a local ricer shop but the guy has had it for a long time and needs to sell it. He qouted me $249.00 for it. Thats alot but the seat normaly sells for $400 should i buy it. I have the money. But it seems like alot for a seat to sit in my room. What would you do? Pep Boys has a cheap seat for $139 that i was going to buy before i found this.

Heres a pic of the seat for $249.00

i bought some black auto carpet last night and went to finish up my rig and and couldn't find my staple gun. Anyway i guess i'll buy a new one today and i'm also getting a new seat for my rig. Its a local ricer shop but the guy has had it for a long time and needs to sell it. He qouted me $249.00 for it. Thats alot but the seat normaly sells for $400 should i buy it. I have the money. But it seems like alot for a seat to sit in my room. What would you do? Pep Boys has a cheap seat for $139 that i was going to buy before i found this.

Heres a pic of the seat for $249.00


I'f he's had it for a while, go in and offer him 200 cash on the spot for it. If he really wants to get rid of it, he'll probably sell it to you.
I'f he's had it for a while, go in and offer him 200 cash on the spot for it. If he really wants to get rid of it, he'll probably sell it to you.

I agree except, I would go lower.

Offer $150 in person to the owner of the seat with the cash in your hand where he can see it. Chances are he isn't getting any offers on a used seat.

Be prepared to walk away, and tell him you are going to Pep boys to buy a seat if you can't buy his.

$250 is way too high for a used seat. Especially when you can go to a junk yard and have your pick for under $50. If you know any circle track, or drag racers, and have your heart set on a "racing" seat, ask around. Lots of times that kind of stuff is just collecting dust in the corner of a garage... and sometimes free.
I wonder if you could modify the RIDGID to make it sit even lower.

Easily, with a hacksaw. The platform sits on a square beam which is held by the base. You can just cut this beam to allow the platform to sit lower. Either that or cut a hole in the floor for the beam to go through....
This is from a ricer shop (reseller store for crappy honda parts)
BTW the seat is brand NEW, not used. Still in the box. And i just got it. He said 250 + TAX = $271.29. I handed him $240.00 and said make it work out with tax included and he said ok. 👍
that is really high price for a seat...u can get decent brand seats like that out of catalogs i've seen for like 300 a pair...btu hey as long as ur happy with ur purchase
This is not a APC seat or some other crappy brand. Its a Corbeau CR1 its a very nice seat. Its right up with MOMO and Sparco in quality. I hate buying poor quality stuff. I would rather pay for something nice than save a few bucks. This was a steal IMHO.
yea but u have to keep in mind thsi is the "cheap cockpit alternatives" thread and 250 for a seat is not taht cheap...i payed 30 for my whoel set up including seat....i could see paying 250 for seats to put in a car but its for a video game
I have a 24 dollar seat attached to my rig right now (see pic). I just wanted to make it nicer. I found this deal and went for it. I just wanted to share.

i just went to home depot and bought the ridgid! I want it to be on the same level as my car seat, so that means i have to take off 5-6 inches. I was thinking about cutting off the base poll and then the poll that holds the plate.
And this is my projector. It's about 108" on FS. It runs HD but I chose to use FS 480p rather than WS 1080i most of the time. It's a(n) Hitachi CP-X880. And yes, that's a K-Mart King Size Martha Stewart white cotton sheet with 300 thread count (or some crap) that it's projecting on to. It cost me $12.

Wait, did the sheet or did the projector cost you $12? If the projector cost $12, where the heck did you find it for that price???
Plans are here:

I have started work on a new front half of my seat, however, as the old front half fit perfect for the madcatz wheel, but when i bought my Logitech DFP, it didnt fit well at all.

Mu5a5hi you have the sweetest cockpit i've seen so far i'm a new member as of 3/10/05 could or woould you be willing to give me advise on how to get an end product like yours (got the seat and force pro 2) just need to build it

my user name is dc612
i'm having trouble with sending you a pm (new to forum world also)

will be willing to leave an email just dont want to post it right off the bat
I must be the last one to post, but here is mine. Everything is adjustable with wingnuts and built on square tubing. $40 in material. zip ties are being replaced with velcrow tonight.



where can i go to get something like this? I will return my ridgid for one. 👍
I have seen several rigs you can buy that are setup very similar to that. I think they all were about $400-$500 though. Build it yourself, its cheaper.
Here's how we do it in this family. My son is the one driving and my daughter is the one stepping on it...... Note, its NFSU2, not GT and that's because it wasn't out here in sweden when we took the pic. :)


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built it for $40 and a couple hours behind the chop saw and welder. basic skills only needed.

here are a coule more pics to help you build yours is where i got the idea from. $499 w/ chair Fock that!

Underside of the steeringwheel with wingnut:

Seat Frame:

Foot Pedals:

Steering column:

The unpainted squaretubing is what everything else will slide up and down. all other parts you can loosen the wingnuts and remove from the unpainted tubing to store. still need a action picture, just need to have someone else come over while i am playing, kinda hard to take that one yourself[&o]
Here's how we do it in this family. My son is the one driving and my daughter is the one stepping on it...... Note, its NFSU2, not GT and that's because it wasn't out here in sweden when we took the pic. :)

haha! thats awfully cute!!
Here's how we do it in this family. My son is the one driving and my daughter is the one stepping on it...... Note, its NFSU2, not GT and that's because it wasn't out here in sweden when we took the pic. :)
Hahahahah, that reminds me of the way my daughters used to play Quake II. One would run around using the arrow keys while the other one kept a steady stream of shotgun shells blasting everywhere with the mouse.
Hehe, thanks guys. Seriously, they can drive the darn game. Well, it's not like it's a steady throttle, but they keep the car on the track atleast, and i think that's pretty good for one 2.5 year old and one 1 year old. Well, i guess i gotta keep them practising
this week-end i'm probably gonna sell my guitar so I'll get 270$. I'll buy the DFP and if Home Depot got the RIDGID Flip-Top, I'll buy it too. :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
Hello, i made these recently. i making it based on the Sparco cockpit (right)


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