Ya know, there are days when nearly the entire continental U.S. is clear of clouds, yet the planes were flying those days. Saying that 9/12/2001 was clear and thus proves a link is ludicrous at best. Cloud formation is something we explain with a science called meteoroly. You know: weather systems, movement of air masses, temperature and humidity gradients, crap like that.
Contrails are a completely natural phenomenon. OK, the water vapor that produces them is not "natural," it's part of the aircraft's exhaust gas, perhaps produced by the combustions process, perhaps merely ingested and passed through the engine (heated and cooled in the process.) But the condensation and freezing into crystals of that water vapor is completely and totally a function of air conditions: temperature, pressure, wind, etc. Sometimes conditions aren't right and no contrail forms. Sometimes a contrail forms and dissipates within seconds. Sometimes it forms and hangs for a good part of an hour.
Contrails have been around since aircraft routinely broke 20,000 feet. It doesn't take a jet to make one, either. Numerous photos exist of B-17s and B-24s over Europe, sporting contrails from each engine. The pilots would be in the unenviable position of flying high enough to leave contrails, a big arrow in the sky telling the Luftwaffe "Here we are!!!" or dropping low enough to leave clear air behind, yet be in easier reach of anti-air bombardment. Does anyone seriously mean for us to think that those guys were intentionally producing contrails????
Does anyone seriously mean for us to believe that we would allow a French or British aircraft to spray our country's atmoshpere with chemicals while delivering commercial passengers?
And what's with "They're only over populated areas!??!?!?" Transoceanic flights do make contrails. Period.
I'm "ignorant" because I refuse to believe the "evidence" of chemical spraying??!?!? No, I don't think so. I'm reasonably well educated, I have some understanding of how water works in the atmosphere, and I'm not going to buy into anything because the neenernets said it was so.
Ignorance is using fabricated video to "prove" that something sinister is occuring, and trying to claim, "Well, what else could it be???!?!!?" "Why doesn't it happen ALL the time??!" "Why does it stop and start??!??!?" "Huh? Huh? 'Splain that!!!!"
Well, we have, only to be called ignorant. So put on your foil cap, hide in the basement with your wireless Internet connection stolen from your neighbors, keep your pantry stocked and your guns loaded, and keep calling me ignorant. Me, I'm free to enjoy the sunshine, briefly interrupted as it may be from time to time by naturally occuring weather systems.
If I visit my boy in Hawaii and my airplane draws a line in the sky, please don't shoot it down. I really want to see Hawaii!