circuit experiences are broken...

  • Thread starter bohuggaee
Thanks for the good advice guys. And I think you are all right. I have to start all over or sell the wheel ... It is so much harder even then a real car. And what to do to correct the car when you slide? I mean as soon as I hear a little tire noise it is all over and I crasch and have to wait till my wheel stops flipping around and the car completely stops.
What are the best beginner steering wheel settings? Sensitivity 1, Torque 1 etc? Also I got the gass on the right pedal and the brake in the middle. And still on automatic. I want to switch to manual but at this moment the game simply would become impossible to play. Again thx for all help guys. Really appreciate it

Because they increase what you earn in arcade mode?
Sorry and yes I wanted to get some big rewards too without grinding for decades on le mans or sardegna. If you complete the circuit experiences the rewards arz much higher.
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Thanks for the good advice guys. And I think you are all right. I have to start all over or sell the wheel ... It is so much harder even then a real car. And what to do to correct the car when you slide? I mean as soon as I hear a little tire noise it is all over and I crasch and have to wait till my wheel stops flipping around and the car completely stops.
What are the best beginner steering wheel settings? Sensitivity 1, Torque 1 etc? Again thx for all help
It's not harder than a real car, there are just zero consequences so you push way way way harder with a game than you ever would in a real car. There are certain things that are more difficult than real cars but honestly if you spend enough time really practicing to get better it'll come to you.
It is so much harder even then a real car.
It's not comparable. In a game you're using 100% throttle, 100% brakes and aggressive steering inputs, none of which you do in a real car (or in very rare circumstances anyway).
And what to do to correct the car when you slide
This is something that pad players have an advantage with, and it just comes with practise. I remember the transition from pad to wheel was pretty brutal in this respect and was spinning out all over the place at first. I went back to the pad and couldn't make the car react in the same way even when trying to. With time you realise when the car is losing grip, and essentially you have to come off the gas and counter steer (quickly).

Practise with lower power cars first and the feeling will definitely come.
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It's not harder than a real car, there are just zero consequences so you push way way way harder with a game than you ever would in a real car. There are certain things that are more difficult than real cars but honestly if you spend enough time really practicing to get better it'll come to you.
I hope so but I drive all sorts of cars for 30 years and I can honestly say the game is at least 10 times harder to steer. Try to drive with one hand for example. In a real car I think I almost never use two hands, even with sharp turns. And if you slide you can always correct a real car with the brakes and gas or handbrake off course but in the game you have to let go of the wheel or it feels like it will brake my wrist. But I will not give up and keep on practising. Another small thing is the size of the wheel. If you want to completely turn the wheel when you look at the settings you have to turn the wheel over almost two times ... I tried monza and the first right-left corner I simply can not take ... I will follow your advice and try the licenses but as for now only frustration left in this game but the FFB is nice off course. Somebody said to try dirt 5 to have a succesfull experience with the wheel. I think I will try that too. You know I do not mind a little learning curve but this is a 10 year long learning curve for me I guess. But for now I will not give up. Ooh yeah and sometimes the car even spins out when driving straight .... you can never let go of the wheel even for a split second ... But good advice to use the VW Samba bus that drives 60 km/h to start I guess. If I can't manage that I think I will sell the damn thing though hahah
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hope so but I drive all sorts of cars for 30 years and I can honestly say the game is at least 10 times harder to steer.
No it's not.

Can I ask what view you use?

You can do (arguably) better every corner in this game on a wheel.

A group 4 car on a wheel

In a real car I think I almost never use two hands, even with sharp turns. And if you slide you can always correct a real car with the brakes and gas or handbrake off course but in the game you have to let go of the wheel or it feels like it will brake my wrist.
Honestly anticipation and steering movements is worth more than other inputs but there shouldn't ever be a time in GT unless it's rally that you need the handbrake.
If you want to completely turn the wheel when you look at the settings you have to turn the wheel over almost two times ... I tried monza and the first right-left corner I simply can not take ...
That's not true, I have a DD wheel and make the Monza chicane with at worst rotating to 5/6 o'clock on a single turn. The wheel has never been turned more than that
I hope so but I drive all sorts of cars for 30 years and I can honestly say the game is at least 10 times harder to steer. Try to drive with one hand for example. In a real car I think I almost never use two hands, even with sharp turns. And if you slide you can always correct a real car with the brakes and gas or handbrake off course but in the game you have to let go of the wheel or it feels like it will brake my wrist. But I will not give up and keep on practising. Another small thing is the size of the wheel. If you want to completely turn the wheel when you look at the settings you have to turn the wheel over almost two times ... I tried monza and the first right-left corner I simply can not take ... I will follow your advice and try the licenses but as for now only frustration left in this game but the FFB is nice off course. Somebody said to try dirt 5 to have a succesfull experience with the wheel. I think I will try that too. You know I do not mind a little learning curve but this is a 10 year long learning curve for me I guess. But for now I will not give up. Ooh yeah and sometimes the car even spins out when driving straight .... you can never let go of the wheel even for a split second ... But good advice to use the VW Samba bus that drives 60 km/h to start I guess. If I can't manage that I think I will sell the damn thing though hahah
I promise you that you are overdriving. Brake earlier and softer initially. Turn in gently and feel the edge of grip in the FFB throttle out with small measured increase in throttle... It's very similar to a real car if not a bit heavier but that's so you can feel the things.

Thx for all good advice guys. I will give it a try. I use the chase cam cause otherwise I don't see enough of the upcoming curves. I know most of you if not all use the view with only the meters or the inside view but that would be another difficulty in my learning process. But I must also say I want to enjoy playing a game and at this moment the constant crashing for hours and hours does not give me much joy. And I sometimes switch back to the controller just to feel a tiny bit of pleasure again. The reason I bought the steering wheel is because I mess up my left thumb cause I push to hard on the thumbstick and I get like strange calluses. Otherwise I would have never changed the controller for this T300 wheel. Yesterday I phoned an old friend and he says he always drives in GTA races. I told him ever tried GT7? He said yes but all my friends left this game cause you got to learn for ages and ages just to be at a certain descent level ... That brings me back to my beginning statement. GT7 is an awesome game but one of the hardest out there except for Iracing maybe.
And sometimes a man just wants to enjoy driving a fast car without crashing for hours and hours .... I will give it a few months but if I can't make a good amount of progress I will try dirt 5 or Gta too. The difference between a wheel and a controller shouldn't be like day and night. Then there is something wrong with the programming my opinion. You can feel much more with a wheel so driving should be easier cause normally you feel much better what a car does. The controller is far more easy while you only feel some vibration and the noise of course. In my opinion the way the wheel turns does not feel right at all. Ok after years of practise it probably will but after so many years I can learn to kick a sigarette in my mouth while doing a backflip too
I use the chase cam
This is probably your biggest hurdle. There are a few players who are fast on a wheel using chase cam but they're rare. I've tried using chase cam with my wheel and I can't make it work. Nothing feels "connected".

You've got to do what's right for you but I'd strongly advise to try using bumper cam or hood/roof cam.