Cities: Skylines (the Sim City we deserve)

  • Thread starter Akira AC
I think many here will appreciate that sometimes the supply and demand path finding algorithm in CSL is the equivalent to bending your foot over the top of your head to touch someone else's ear! But the reason why this is more annoying than usual is because it clearly seems to be a glitch, nothing is spawning on the southerly direction of the branch line, whether it ultimate takes cargo north or south, it's always using the north bound line. This means I've got to systematically delete and rebuild a bunch of stuff to get it working. The node checker hasn't found anything either.
It might be a glitch with the cargo train station. I've also noticed that some buildings (especially the bus stations) freak out if you dare clicking on them with the building spawn points mod.
It might be a glitch with the cargo train station. I've also noticed that some buildings (especially the bus stations) freak out if you dare clicking on them with the building spawn points mod.

Yeah, the mod doesn't seem to work with Cargo stations.

I noticed something else strange last night too. A train that had done the full journey to the top of the map and then all the way down to the bottom, stopped on the main line, adjacent to the cargo station on the spur line, and promptly despawned, I had not changed anything else on the map since I'd left the game runnning just to observe the rail traffic.

There's something kooky going on for sure. I use an asset that's a flat concrete surface quite a lot, if I use it under/around the cargo station asset sometimes trains will spawn using that concrete slab as the "owner". Might delete all those and see if it changes the spawning behavior at all.

Anyway, I've also started using the ticket price mod for public transport. Since I want to build out a lot of infrastructure before I build the towns, I'm loosing a massive amount of money on public transport that just isn't getting used yet. The ticket price mod allows you to tweak the ticket prices for each form of transport. I didn't have to change much to turn an overall weekly city loss to a breakeven, but one interesting thing I did note, is that where a metro ticket or train ticket costs 200-300 cents, the taxi's charge 1000 cents per km... so, on a 9 tile map, getting from one side to the other using a taxi will raise ~ 5700 cents, ~9000+ on a 25 tile map... if a Cim uses a bus, for example, that revenue will likely only be 100-200 cents IIRC.... might make sense to build a town reliant on taxis more than trams/buses etc.


Dragged a bunch of assets, props, surfaces and PO's off the blank cargo station template and dumped them in the adjacent field...


.. sure enough, within a minute, a train spawned heading the other way...
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This T-junction is going to get very busy in the future, as it's the main way into and out of the city. With two lanes in each direction and a timed traffic light I hope it will be able to cope with it.

An apartment block from the Soviet era, made by splicing together four copies of the same vanilla high residential building.

City centre is taking shape.

The BOB mod (tree and prop replacer) has a new option for rendering thinner electrical wires. Just what I've been looking for!
Tweaked the lighting settings a bit and changed the LUT to something a bit sunnier. Upgraded the main road to a boulevard as well.

You can find it in the Vanilla+ road collection on the workshop 👍
Ah yes... I've only subscribed to handful of those. I recall now looking at the collection and seeing there were some incompatabilities with TMPE and Network Extensions 2, so I didn't subscribe to the collection. I take it there's no problems with using the networks as they are without the other recommended mods? I use some of the rural ones and they seem to be okay (barring some iffy blending with other networks)

edit: the problems seem to relate to zoning, since I'm placing everything manually, I'm thinking this won't be a problem.
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Okay.. beginning to think that when I do my RAM upgrade I need to go to 64GB.


Anyway... I've slammed down a lot of crap in Cooper County, just to get the numbers ticking, I've now got to go through an make it all look presentable.
Started throwing down some high rise in the centre of Cooper county... Cape ring junction makes a modified appearance... and Club Trinity is in there somewhere...


The Naval base is taking shape..


As is the ship yard...


Most of it all is still quite a mess...
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I build a pedestrian underpass to connect the intercity bus station to the city centre. It took a lot more time than I had anticipated, mostly to get the pedestrian paths to the correct height so that pedestrians weren't sinking into the ground or hovering in the air.

Skärmbild (1299).png

At the other side of the underpass there's a market square and the city hall.
Skärmbild (1301).png
Skärmbild (1303).png

An overview of the city. To the left is the Medea State University campus. It ran with a profit initially, when the demand for education was high. Now it runs with a loss, but it's not as expensive as the vanilla university.
Skärmbild (1304).png

I read some more about the Airports DLC on the Cities Skylines website. Apparently it allows you to create your own airline. Could be interesting.
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Will all those cars blend into a city at once, or will we be able to choose for each service building like we can currently choose between busses, biofuel busses and school busses for specific transport routes?

Looks cool though.
Don't see the point of the vehicle pack if they're still mixed in with all the cartoon vehicles, that map pack could be a goldmine for console players though if they're any good.
Haven't really had chance to watch the stream, but the video is now on YT.

... integrating more modular buildings, especially that integrate as networks, is a great idea. It's an approach I hope they take with CSL2 (if it ever arrives!)
Interesting to see that the terminal is a network. That could lead to some cool designs. I’m not a big fan of the fact that the airport area levels the terrain and removes all the trees, but I can see why they decided to make it that way.
It was pretty much as expected, if you are someone on PC that wants to build a modular airport over a huge area to go alongside your huge city, it will be very appealing I can imagine. Lots of possibilities. If you don't particularly care for airports then functionally it adds pretty much nothing over the stock ones, and as already adressed for console players, it's going to make no sense with only 9 tiles.

They also confirmed no parking lot assets for "technical reasons" they weren't qualified to explain, so another thing that is going to limit you on console without mods.

All-in-all I have little interest personally. Going to wait and see on those maps though. One of the preview images looks good for a northern European city with all the fields of different colour.
if you are someone on PC that wants to build a modular airport over a huge area to go alongside your huge city
For me, it's not about the size, it's about having more design freedom without having to resort to the workshop assets. Many of these modular build style assets are not as easy to work with as something integrated properly.
So airport area progress is centered around weekly passengers and attractiveness. Presumeably this would make it relatively straightforward for them to develop a Seaports DLC centered around similar principless. Modular network of buildings connected to a harbour, allowing for passenger and cargo to be handled within the same area. I think it’s the only right thing to do now they went down this route for airports.

Just a thought after watching the stream. The vanilla seaports are so tiny and it always looked dumb how a queue of ships lined up for them.
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I started building the cargo port. Got a train line connecting to the cargo hub and a couple of container-type warehouses. There is also a small oil industry. Still a lot of empty space which I'm not quite sure what to do with.

Skärmbild (1310).pngSkärmbild (1309).png

Here's a first-person drive into the city.
I decided to change the train station, because I didn't see any good reason for why the track should be elevated here. This is what the old train station looked like:
Skärmbild (1311).png

Below is the new train station. I added a small local road for bus a bus stop and taxis so they won't hold up traffic on the highway. Upgraded a segment of the highway to a 2+2 lane road with a median, to make it safer for pedestrians to cross. Added some palm trees, a fishing pier and some light commercial buildings as well.
Skärmbild (1315).png

I also made some changes to the port. The railroad now runs along the quay and I've filled the empty lots with some industrial buildings and warehouses.
Skärmbild (1316).png

The big cargo ship here is a warehouse, storing goods for commercial zones.
Skärmbild (1317).png

An overview of this end of the city

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