Cities: Skylines (the Sim City we deserve)

  • Thread starter Akira AC
I'm impressed by the shallow angle of the beaches @eran0004, I struggle with repeated flooding of anything resembling a low laying waterside area on my map, literally every time I play, it's like it's tidal!
Yeah the water on this map is actually behaving suspiciously well, I wonder what it’s up to.

But I do actually have a few meters up to ground level, I think it’s around 5 meters or so, so I’m hoping smaller tsunamis won’t do too much damage.

I watched the livestream where they showcased the new maps coming with the DLC and with the content creators pack and it seems like the free update will bring about a dozen new trees and plants, I actually think I look forward to those more than the airport stuff!
I watched the livestream where they showcased the new maps coming with the DLC and with the content creators pack and it seems like the free update will bring about a dozen new trees and plants, I actually think I look forward to those more than the airport stuff!
I caught a few minutes of it (I have to confess I do find the one on the left quite annoying to listen to), and I think they were reviewing the maps that come with the Airports DLC, some of them looked pretty good.

Yeah the water on this map is actually behaving suspiciously well, I wonder what it’s up to.

But I do actually have a few meters up to ground level, I think it’s around 5 meters or so, so I’m hoping smaller tsunamis won’t do too much damage.
In the estuary of Cooper County, I see swells of about 20-30m, sometimes my fishing ports are literally dry, sometimes they are underwater. I think I'm getting some glitches in the water simulation though, occasionally there are dry patches in the tributaries that are literally only fed by the water spawning points. There's a fair chance I'm trying to push my system too far.

Just watched the maps video, won't be buying the Airport DLC to use the three that come with that but they look OK, a lot of flat open land and not too much water. Although It's frustrating seeing her look at the entire map area knowing on console we can't make use of it all, and resources you can't reach.

The CC map pack which I am planning to buy seems very promising. You can see he takes a very different approach to the official maps. Not masses of water everywhere, just small rivers, except for one. Too many of the official maps have multiple water sources all over the place. One of them looked very British with lots of resources, I like the look of that one very much, but they all looked like something I'd want to build on. Which isn't the case with many official maps.

There is also a new feature in the regular update shown in the Airport video to buy and sell dirt. Will be a nice thing if you're playing without the unlimited soil cheat on console for trophy reasons. No more temporary holes/mountains. Ten new trees/plants are always nice as well.
The fact that the vehicles pack doesn’t get showcased until after it has been released makes me think there’s something divisive about its implementation. Hope I’m wrong.
So that Playstation wrap-up thing came out yesterday, no big surprise on my number 1.


Not played it recently again though, need to get back into it.
Well, I did it again. Oops. Does include a bit of idling for the 1001 nights trophy though.

Screenshot 2022-01-21 at 12-02-13 2021 Wrap-Up PlayStation.jpg
With help from China in the form of favorable loans, the city of Medea has invested in a new bypass road. A spokesperson for the local government says that this project will solve a lot of the traffic issues in the city centre and improve the air quality.

Skärmbild (1325).png
Skärmbild (1323).png
Patch notes are out.

Patch notes for 1.14.0-f4

Airports expansion paid content:

  • Airport Area Tool
  • Airport Area levels
  • 3 Airport styles with new buildings and networks for each
    • Small Terminal
    • Small Two-Story Terminal
    • Large Terminal
    • Concourse
    • Concourse Hub
    • Control Tower
  • 3 Aircraft Stands
    • Small Aircraft Stand
    • Medium Aircraft Stand
    • Large Aircraft Stand
  • Unique Buildings
    • Aviation Museum
    • Airline Headquarters
  • City Airline
    • Manage ticket prices
    • Choose from 6 Airline designs
    • Customize airline names
  • New Cargo Airport buildings and networks
    • Cargo Terminal
    • Cargo Roads
    • Cargo Train Station
    • Cargo Aircraft Stand
  • New Runways and Taxiways
  • New Airport Decorations
    • Hangars
    • Parked Planes
    • Fuel Stations
    • Budget Airport Hotel
    • Luxury Airport Hotel
    • Airline Lounge
    • Airport Fence
  • New Airplane Vehicles and Types
    • 2 Large Aircraft
    • 3 Medium Aircraft
    • 3 Small Aircraft
    • 2 Cargo Aircraft
  • New Public Transport Buildings
    • Airport Bus Station
    • Elevated Airport Metro Station
    • Airport Train Station
  • New Public Transport Vehicles
    • Airport Articulated Bus
    • Airport Double Decker Bus
    • Airport Metro Vehicle
    • Airport Train Vehicle
  • 3 New maps
    • Asanu Beach
    • Hanami Bay
    • Noyou Port
  • New Chirps
  • 3 New Policies
  • 2 New Chirper hats
  • 5 New Steam achievements
Paid content On Air radio station:

  • On Air Radio DLC
  • 16 new songs
  • DJ content
Paid content Calm the Mind radio station:

  • Calm the Mind Radio DLC
  • 16 new songs
  • DJ content
Paid content Content Creator Pack: Vehicles of the World

  • Content Creator Pack: Vehicles of the World DLC
  • 21 Vehicles
Paid content Content Creator Pack: Map Pack

  • Content Creator Pack: Map Pack DLC
  • 8 Maps
Free update for all players and DLCs owners:

  • 14 new trees by MrMaison
  • Tree replacement tool on roads and paths with decorations
  • City service vehicle selection available from building panel
  • Landscaping: Increased soil storage size, soil can now be bought and disposed of for money
  • Fixed bug that caused planes to get stuck flying in circles indefinitely
  • Improved plane spawning logic to better match the amount of planes created to plane passenger numbers, this fix applies also to trains and ships in similar instances
  • Fixed: Citizen editor does not save citizen LODs
Tree replacement tool is neat, can have any style on roads with trees now.
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Pretty nice update this! Looking forward to see how it affects (and hopefully improves) ship and train logic. That tree replacement tool sounds good too, seems like a more convenient way of doing it than what you can currently do with mods.

! Looking forward to see how it affects (and hopefully improves) ship and train logic.
From the notes...

Improvements to PlaneAI
Airports presented a great opportunity to improve how planes behave. We have added more variation in how planes select a path, which leads to the use of multiple plane stands, not just for the new Airport Areas, but also the existing airports. And if you’ve ever encountered the bug causing airplanes to endlessly circle above your airport, you will be happy to know that it is fixed.

But it isn’t just the planes that have had their behavior updated, as the improvements also affect other public transport options bringing in passengers from outside connections. Beyond passenger and cargo planes, passenger ships and trains coming in and out of the city are less frequent, but have a higher passenger count when arriving, reducing unnecessary traffic.
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I wonder if they also fixed the issue where as soon as you create a public transport route every single vehicle/boat spawns one after the other. So many times i've made a bus route, moved away and wondered why traffic got backed up. Oh, it's the 17 buses that just left the depot one after the other.

Sure, it sorts itself out eventually once they start spreading out but it'd still be nice if they came out gradually in the first place.
Hopefully the update will arrive without major bugs. The Sunset Harbor update was an absolute mess on consoles for a whole month after release.
I wonder if they also fixed the issue where as soon as you create a public transport route every single vehicle/boat spawns one after the other. So many times i've made a bus route, moved away and wondered why traffic got backed up. Oh, it's the 17 buses that just left the depot one after the other.

Sure, it sorts itself out eventually once they start spreading out but it'd still be nice if they came out gradually in the first place.

Though there's mods for this on the PC, I tend to just use the route budget slider to reduce the number of vehicles that will spawn in the first place, then increase it over time. Game seems to over estimate how many vehicles you need anyway most of the time.

Hopefully the update will arrive without major bugs. The Sunset Harbor update was an absolute mess on consoles for a whole month after release.
I'm anticipating a load of mod problems, think I might not fire up the game for a few days... don't want anything getting borked.
Well the DLC is available to buy, I assume the patch is therefore also out. I'll probably buy the map pack and have a play around tonight.

Let me know if anyone finds any full overhead images or even better, empty CSL images, for the new map pack. I like to plan before I start.
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I just loaded the game, most things seem to be working (although I didn’t try the new DLC yet).

Traffic manager didn’t work, perhaps it hasn’t been updated on my end yet. The loading screen mod is broken, but there is a temporary fix available on the workshop. I noticed that I needed to load an extra 2GB, not sure if that’s because of the update, or because of the new loading screen mod version.

The new trees look fantastic up close. Most of them drop noticeably in quality with the LOD though. I think they will look great for decorating streets and parks, but perhaps not for making forests. The chestnut and the pine look great from a distance though.

Edit: The tree replacement tool is great! Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work with roads from the workshop, but I imagine that will change pretty soon, either via patch or with some mod.

Edit 2: Tried the airport stuff. You’ll need a couple of millions in the bank before you start designing your airport, unless you know for a fact that you will place the buildings exactly where you want them and don’t want to move them around. Airports are trickier to design than universitiy areas and industry areas, since you need to find a way to connect everything with taxiways.

Edit 3: Starting to get the hang of it now. I'm using dirt roads to measure everything to make sure taxiways and concourses line up. This is about as far as I'll come tonight, to get here has cost me about two million :banghead:

Skärmbild (1346).png

The new trees are really nice though.

Skärmbild (1345).png
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Tree replacement is really neat. Amazing how something so small can make a big difference, now all those roads with trees don't have to look the same! You can have a wide dual carriageway with big overhanging Oaks, an avenue with little bushes, anything. For us console plebs it really does give you so many more aesthetic choices.

It even works on the paths with trees.
Fortunately I haven’t encounteted any significant problems with the new update (PS4). Only a couple minor annoyances in the new Airports DLC which I’m sure will be patched.

Liking the new expansion so far. I didn’t think I really needed it, but after building a custom airport I’m not sure how I ever coped without it. Loving the challenge of managing airplane traffic, which is no joke with the 9 tile limit if you don’t plan ahead and expand wisely. Much like building a city, but the one-way rule of taxiways requires a different perspective.

Also positively surprised by the vehicles CCP. Service vehicles can be assigned or randomized per building, which actually adds an additional layer of complexity as the new models come with different capacities. For example, the police supercar has lower capacity for transporting criminals than the default police cruiser, and I believe the command truck has even more capacity. Similar differences between the new public transport vehicles etc. I thought these assets would be purely cosmetic, but they actually have a subtle strategic dimension. Nice.
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Got the airport up and running. Five small passenger plane stands and one cargo plane stand. Added a fire helicopter depot and a post sorting facility as well. Used a toll booth to create an entrance for the cargo traffic, it looks pretty good with the airport fence.

Skärmbild (1349).pngSkärmbild (1348).png
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Liking it so far. Spent 3 hours playing with it, to see how it works and to see what mods don't. I'm now hoping I can continue with this branch of save file because I chucked a ton of infrastructure in to support the airport, even though the airport itself is a mess. I'd severely underestimated the space required for all the one way taxi lanes... and yup, burned through about 3 million credits in doing so... so it still needs tidying up. Had planned on something looking like Melbourne Airport...


.. but space was far too tight around the island that sticks out from the main building to get all the taxi ways...

... had also planned on integrating the cargo airport, but I don't think I've got space, so I might end up with a separate airport for cargo.

Good update anyway, I like how it works. Haven't got the CCP's yet and I won't bother with the map pack.
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After having gotten past the creative aspect of building an airport, I can’t help but feel that this expansion needs more in-game stats. I find it incredibly hard to figure out whether my airport is a thriving business.

First, the airport area stats update every in-game week, which is incredibly short term in relation to how much public transport needs fluctuate across the day / night cycle. For reference, an in-game calendar week takes a moment whereas the astronomical cycle which affects citizen behavior is much longer. So, the airport stats updating weekly says very little about the average performance of the airport and city airline over a longer period. I need an average performance summary, not fluctuating glimpses updating every so often. Same concern goes for the Industries DLC.

The actual airport stats are also too oversimplified for my taste. Weekly passengers and number of active flights. That’s it. If I’m understanding it correctly, these two variables then inform the two pie charts showing percentages for plane seats in use as well as incoming vs. outgoing traffic. What are we supposed to do with this barebones information? It doesn’t say anything about the size of the planes currently carrying these passengers, so knowing what type of plane stand the airport might need (or not need) comes down to guesswork. The simulation is so deep, but the data accessible to the player is so shallow. Shame really. I don’t know whether the Steam version of the game comes with more informative stats / budget panels than the console version and its redesigned interface, but that’s what I rely on.
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I don’t know whether the Steam version of the game comes with more informative stats / budget panels than the console version and its redesigned interface, but that’s what I rely on.
Likely to be the same, this is the PC version, I run some mods, but the functionality is likely the same (I do have every DLC too)...







Work in progress...


... and also ...

What happens all too often for no apparent reason...



The above is caused by this..


.. but I don't know what's causing that.
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Likely to be the same, this is the PC version, I run some mods, but the functionality is likely the same (I do have every DLC too)...

View attachment 1109012
View attachment 1109013
View attachment 1109014
View attachment 1109015
View attachment 1109016

There is one difference in the first screenshot. It shows both income and expense distribution for each mode of public transport. The console version only shows the income distribution for each public transport type, whereas their expenses are merely combined into one value. The game interface on consoles is a little more basic here and there, but otherwise the screenshots appear more or less similar to consoles on the airport front.
.. but I don't know what's causing that.
Try adding a water source in the river. As I understand it, water sources act as drainage when the water level goes higher than the water source, so it might be able to reduce these massive waves.
Quick question, does the DLC ever go on sale?

I'm interested in the Airport content but it feels like it's a short completion Achievements-wise (2-3 hours).
I could use up some Microsoft Rewards points to get it, but if it's going to go on a sale later on I may as well hold off as I have plenty of games to complete at the moment.
I started expanding the city towards the airport, to tie everything together. Since the beach is one of the main features of this city I'm starting from there and working my way inland.

The new trees create a nice vibe. I like the feature of being able to change the trees along a road/path, it makes it easy to decorate large areas quickly.

The tall buildings in the background are a loose replica of the Orbi Sea Towers in Batumi. These ones I made by splicing two vanilla office buildings together.

On final approach over the beach.

An overview of the airport. I upgraded two of the small stands to medium stands. This is probably as big as the airport is going to get, in terms of aircraft stands. I might add a few hangars on the other side of the terminal where there's a lot of empty space at the moment.

One of my favourite builds here is this old fortress on the top of a hill, overlooking the city. In the real city (Batumi) this is the location of the Holy Trinity Church.

The map of the city.

Quick question, does the DLC ever go on sale?

I'm interested in the Airport content but it feels like it's a short completion Achievements-wise (2-3 hours).
I could use up some Microsoft Rewards points to get it, but if it's going to go on a sale later on I may as well hold off as I have plenty of games to complete at the moment.
They do (on Steam at least, don't know about console), but I don't know how long it takes from release until it goes on sale. I bought most of the older DLC when they were on sale.
So... thought I'd give a Cooper Country a rest for a bit, and decided to revisit my plan to make my local town.

Using the heightmap data export feature from here... I managed to select a 25 tile area that would just about cover the town, a couple of the villages, a motorway, though the village where I actually grew up has to fall in the 81 tile area, which I can't use since I don't use that mod... but I needed to squeeze the motorway junction and station on for the sake of outside connections.

This is the second version of the map (work in progress)...


It needs quite a bit more work to put everything I can in the outside most regions of the 81 tile map... most of the roads in the 25 tile area I will add when playing the map... and I need to figure out how to handle the various rivers and canals since there's no main body of water that they're connected to... I'd imagine I'm going to have fun with lots of flooding.

.. anyway .. I got this far in the game ...


.. whilst trying to determine if it was going to be feasible. There's definitely scaling problem arising from the game way overstating road widths, most houses can be no more than 2×2 , with most needing to be 1×1 if the number of houses is to be realistic...

... it was about this point I realised that I needed to work on the bits outside of the 25 tile area in the map editor first... so I abandoned it to refine the map a lot more.

I'm using the Image Overlay 2 mod to get the layout accurate. I tried judging it by eye first... yeah - that wasn't going to work!

I'm already frustrated that a lot of the assets are nowhere near right, and I can't see how it'll function in terms of RICO demand and population, so I suspect I'll be heavily relying on service cubes.
I've updated to the new DLC, and as usual there were problems with some of the mods I use. I heard there was work by Colossal Order to work with the most popular Mod Creators to get their mods sorted for the new content. Inevitably some mods slip through, and hopefully things will settle down after awhile.

I started a new game on one of the new maps, Farmland Flats, and have had some water problems. In the default square, if I put the water outlets as far down the river as I can, and the water inlets as far away as I could, as the population increased, the 'bad water' started to back up to the clean water inlets. The water inlets were taking in so much water as to reverse the flow of the river, and bring the dirty water closer. Luckily I got to a point to buy another square and move my inlets further away. It was to a narrower section of the river and the inlets dried up that section of the river. Never had problems like this before. And for some reason I can't seem to alter the terrain to make the river deeper. Obviously spacing the inlets out would have helped, but the need for associated power needs for each inlet wasn't possible when funds were low.

Btw, another big problem I had at the beginning was that the scroll screen option was very slow. At first I thought the new assets may be taxing my system, but I changed some of the graphics settings, to no effect. I was about to start combing the internet for answers until I noticed that there is an option to change the speed of the scrolling, and this slider had somehow been moved to a low setting. Never noticed it before because the scrolling never needed to be changed before. Nice that the option is there. 🙂

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