Are these not actions?
Yes, but they are NOT actions based on race. That's the difference.
I could bother wasting time responding to the rest of your post, but I'm starting to think it is pointless. I mean, did you just suggest Hitler had some good ideas?
Also, fascism I associate with the Italians, you know?
Yes, you do, but a lot of people don't associate it that way. And yes, Hitler HAD some good ideas. (Points at Volkswagen, Highways, etc... Besides the fact that he was quite a brilliant tactician.)
As for what I quoted, you realize you are just as narrow minded as those in the KKK? You're attitude is just as extreme as theirs, simply on the other end of the spectrum. Do you know why the US is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world, and certainly more so than Germany or Belgium, is because the US has laws in place to protect the rights of everyone (for the most part), not a few.
Maybe, my opinion is just as extreme as the KKK, but not as narrow minded. And yes, I do know why it is such a diverse country. But to state that it is more diverse then Belgium, or Germany, isn't right. And the U.S. has laws in place, with lots of gaps in it. For example, in your opinion I should be able to insult everyone I want, and I don't agree with that.
I'd like to know what this idea is as well.
People are a lot more protective, closed and probably a lot ruder than in Europe. And a lot more narrow minded. I mean, just the topic of guns for example. When I first heard about this, I found it a very good idea. Then I heard a LOT of Americans were against it. Which... had me face-palming once again.
There is a restriction of free speech in America already. What you seem to want is a restriction of people having certain views/opinions that you don't agree with or like. At least, that's what I've gotten from your posts.
Yes, I know there are some restrictions, which I clearly applaud. But members of the staff think they should be thrown away as well.
No, I want restrictions towards the freedom to insult others as much as people please. Basically, I want people not to be able to be complete assholes just because they feel like it. Very bad idea, right? :/
"I object to being called a Fascist, but Hitler had some good ideas."
Yes, he had.
And no he didn't, by the way. Even the things that on a good day could even remotely be construed as "good ideas" were come to because of (and executed under the pretext of) his extremely racist ideologies. The man was building Germany in his preferred image of a perfect Germany for no other reason than his belief in Eugenics.
Or, you know. Racism.
Isn't it funny when people tell ME I have no idea about Hitler, when YOU obviously don't even know half of what he meant and changed in Europe?
And by the way, even the things he did get banned that you couldn't care less about, he got banned by demonizing the people who made them. Music was banned in Germany if it was composed by a Jew, for example. But no big deal, right?
Not ALL art, ideas, and stuff like that got banned because they came from Jews. Some of them came from German artists. Like abstract paintings, who were outlawed. And frankly, I could care less about paintings. When that would solve a lot of problems, I would burn them myself even.
No more than Communism instantly reminds of Stalin instead of, say, Brezhnev. Nazi Germany wasn't the only Facist state at the time. It wasn't the only Facist state of the Axis Powers. It wasn't even the most Facist state of the Axis Powers, nor was Facism an idea that Hitler was particularly enamored with compared to his buddy Mussolini.
Yes, I know. But a lot of people don't.
The irony of which seems to be lost on you, since you were the one who invoked it under that pretext:
To shutter arguments against you.
This makes no sense, imo. Can't make anything out of it. Please explain :/
No, in an identical context (as has already been explained to you); and you are advocating such suppression.
No difference.
But you're mistaken. I'm not making laws against racists, I would make a law that goes for every single inhabitant.
Look, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt because English probably isn't your first language. However, you really sound as if you've caught some sort of disease that makes you put your own foot so deep within your own mouth, that you'll never be able to drive a manual transmission vehicle again.
You need to explain the foot expression, I haven't heard it before. Nevertheless, I do know that I could probably drive manual transmissions quite well, even without a foot. There are other ways to use a clutch you know
Walk a mile in someone's shoes before you even think you understand their plight, if you're going to marginalize everyone else's past or present issues such that your own are obviously worth stopping the world for.
I didn't say I knew about the plight of coloured people. I just said, that because they used to be suppressed, that doesn't mean any suppression of others is less bad. And don't tell me homosexuals in this example don't have anything to endure, that would be a total joke.