CLOSED: 2.0 Advanced Competition 66

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
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^Nice shot

I was thinking to post a similar picture, thank God I didn't because yours would beat me to it.
^ Thanks guys, i started with an Elise an didn't like anything i was taking so i switched cars and was much happier :)
I like both cars (handling wise). But the aesthetics flow of the Elise wins my heart over the S2000 for damn sure. S2000 is just too boring to look at after 10 mins =D
Final Entry
"Nice Sprite"​


I'm out of winning contention. :dunce:
One of the most stunning photo that i'd ever seen. :drool::drool::drool:
And Gtuned has entered the building... And the quality has gone through the roo... f... eh... outer space.
Pffff... I was going to enter the elise side when I saw all the big shots picking the S2000 but now...
lots of winning shots !!! :boggled:

Oh well, here goes nothing.

Final entry

That looks awesome!

Ah well, will see my entries for the first few weeks as practice anyway, seeing as I hadn't seriously done any GT5 photography until 2 days ago :P
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