CLOSED: 2.0 Advanced Competition: Week 16

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
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:eek: My God All Entries so far are sublime I can't Quote all of them .B&W Brings out the ultimate realism in GT5 and You guys haven't dissapointed Wow
When it comes to B&W photos I always have to think of old cars.
Final Entry

I'm on this theme like a rash. Can't wait to see some of people's shots.

@ Sixtoes- you could post an image up, it's would be nice to see what you would have come up with for this theme.

Sprite, I hope you do better than most rashes... :crazy: Sure, here's a quick one based on a shot I rejected for last week's CCCL. I went with a much more graphic look than I usually do - I see B/W as an opportunity to do some very different things. 💡 This was achieved with a few different layers with various blend modes.

It should be viewed at full res, though, to get the graphical - almost comic novel - look I was going for. Of course, there are some shots in this thread already that would kick my butt from here to Sunday, so it's a good thing I can't enter!

whoops! I forgot i used that. I'll change my enrty to this:

Thanks - but you'll also want to edit your original post to remove the original 'final' entry, otherwise you have two 'final' entries. :)

I noticed the word 'abstract', exactly how 'abstract' are we allowed to get?

Reading through the rules I can't say my idea goes against any of the 'may nots' but also isn't explicitly listed in the 'may dos', should I just post it (when I've made it) and hope for the best? and change if need be?

Good question. While I'll be judging submissions on content, I imagine Slip would be the final arbiter on whether an image is within the rules as it regards editing. Since you've got plenty of time, I say go ahead and post it - letting us know what you did that's not explicitly in the 'may do' list - and if there's a problem, you'll have enough time to change it. Abstract images can certainly still be created that are well within the limitations, so I'm looking forward to your creation.

Already 20 shots up; it's going to be a tough time come poll day... :nervous:
Oh noes! My favourite thing ; colour balance, has been taken away! :lol: I've also been challenged only enter with landscape shots for a month so this is going to be a difficult one!
Final Entry

Oh noes! My favourite thing ; colour balance, has been taken away! :lol: I've also been challenged only enter with landscape shots for a month so this is going to be a difficult one!
Your be fine, don't worry. :sly:
Sheferd - Yep, when in doubt, post it :). Or if you'd like, PM me or even sixtoes with it; him if it's more about the theme itself, me if it's to do with the rules.

I have the feeling Six has put himself in a rough position, since this will quite possibly have the largest turnout yet...
A question for the judge and slipztream:

Will this picture be allowed?

So two things I wonder, 1, is it allowed to post one without a car and 2, is that worn/used effect allowed?

If it is, I'm not saying I'd make this one my final entry, I'm still not comfortable with the settings, but at least I know if it would be allowed or not.

As far as the content is concerned, yes it's allowable to have just a landscape/scenery shot without any car in frame (in fact, I suspect we'll see more like that). As for the effect, the grain/noise is certainly allowable (I use it all the time), so I guess the question is about the creasing effect. I'll probably have to let Slip make the final determination on that, but it seems fine to me - particularly since my hand-made photo frames often have a similar look.

I have the feeling Six has put himself in a rough position, since this will quite possibly have the largest turnout yet...

Why do you think I wanted to offer HDR as a theme this week? :D Yeah, I'm going to have a tough time of it come Sunday morning, that's for sure.
As far as the content is concerned, yes it's allowable to have just a landscape/scenery shot without any car in frame (in fact, I suspect we'll see more like that). As for the effect, the grain/noise is certainly allowable (I use it all the time), so I guess the question is about the creasing effect. I'll probably have to let Slip make the final determination on that, but it seems fine to me - particularly since my hand-made photo frames often have a similar look.

Why do you think I wanted to offer HDR as a theme this week? :D Yeah, I'm going to have a tough time of it come Sunday morning, that's for sure.
I'd totally be down for HDR :sly:
aidan8500: Interesting use of B&W with a shallow DoF; nice job with the reflections. I get the feeling I'm going to have a hard time judging at the end of all this.

thanks so much, had this one waiting around for the right comp, hope it does well

Second rally pic entered, in the same week! Couldn't ignore this one though, I do like it!
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