CLOSED: CCCL Competition: Week 11

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Final Entry

Don't have much time this week so I'll put this in even though I'm not really happy with it.

Click for BIG
Final Entry

Click photo please!​

Man, I had a really hard time finding inspiration for this one but I think I finally got a decent shot!
Thanks for the kind words guys.

I just realized one of your DB9 on SSR5 pictures is in the Straight Lines poll. How do you manage to get such awesome backfire shots?

I posted a couple here in the backfire thread here.
And some more here.
It took me ages to get it right. Now its prety easy.

I pick a spot on a track or just a track in general and a car. The cars need warming up before they will shoot flames off the down shift. Half a lap at most.
I usually drive pretty slow. Then just go up and down through the gears really quick spittin' flames.
The flames seem to be bigger if you hold the accellerater while downshifting.
The more times you shoot flames the better.
Sometimes i'll go back and forth through a small section of the track, if its a good spot with any nice background and junk.
Then during replay I pause. Then double tap pause really quick, and repeat untill i've paused on some good flamage.
What I do is then enter photomode and go straight to 8000fps and take a test shot. If the flame disapears then I exit photo mode and start double tapping pause again.
The flames only look good if the you have high fps setting. Lower settings make them look blured.
The only down side is the high fps setting takes all the speed out of the shot. Hard to find a good compromise. I've been trying to catch a good flame shot mid drift, or with 2 wheels off the ground going around a corner to get that sense of speed in the shot.
Sometimes it takes some time and some luck to pause on the right flame, but stick with it. You will catch that right flame before long.
Also, a side note. Some cars that have low exhausts at the rear can be annoying because when you pause, the exhaust is cut off at the bottom of the screen, so you cant see if you've got flame. The Ferari F40 was like that. So sometimes you just have to make do with the cinematic camera and wait till you can see the back of the car.

I look forward to seeing what you guys can do.
I don't think anybody has done this yet.

Final Entry.

Highway Exit.

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*backfire info*

That sounds like a lot of work, but I'll try that soon. I actually did get a backfire photo when i was clicking pictures for the drift competition but that was completely by accident. And another for last week's 2.0 comp. That's 2 in approx 600 pictures so far. :lol:

Thanks for the tips though. :)
I think yours is a good shot. I think you ought to make the poll with it, but I'm not sure.
Still a great shot.
@MetalBeerSolid - I like your photo, although I think maybe the colour of the car makes it look a little 'flat' ; hope that makes sense.


.Night's Life.

Subject may change
I might change this last-minute to an entry with a <gulp> wing, but for now, I present to you another avant garde entry - my...

Changed - Sans Avant Garde
See my post later in the thread for my new entry...

Thanks for the opportunity to enter into this great themed competition!

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