[CLOSED] WHaT's Cops and Cruise Club [CLOSED]]

  • Thread starter ProjectWHaT
Shame really, I was not getting DC disease as well - running great, then all of sudden random lag spikes on all cars, boom, everyone ejected :lol: Any chance of another room :)
I feel so bad for not posting on this thread in a while... yeah not really.
GTAO has been the reason why I've been 'inactive' though since it is not even working properly, I might be back to join rooms again.
I'll bet people will be more active over the weekend. I've been busy myself plus I'll be getting Beyond: Two Souls soon, so GT5 will become "occasional" until 6 is out.
I'll join one if its up in an hour or so.

I need a break from writing this essay. I've been going nearly 4 hours - and I still have to write another one.

(Insert your choice of obscenity) YOU SCHOOL!