[CLOSED] WHaT's Cops and Cruise Club [CLOSED]]

  • Thread starter ProjectWHaT
I might be online in 4 or 5 hours.

That's it, really :guilty:, got sidetracked to the Wangan with Orido. There I discovered I forgot to modify one of my Supra's gear-ratios and then that became 1st-priority, lol.

As if the Supra addiction wasn't bad enough, now I'm 'hoping' for another to come to fruition...

hehe :D

That Boost Logic replica is ready to do the mile run :sly:
I will be able to join one Friday through the weekend if there is a lobby. No way I can join one during the main part of the week.
Won't be able to join one all weekend, as I'll be attending a Wedding, and I'll be going a 2 hour journey to go shopping for clothes for the Wedding on Friday.
PSN ID:crazydriver26
First Name (Optional):
Favorite car:subaru
Where are you from? (Optional):New Zealand
Laid back, serious, or both at all times?:both at all times
Are you a Cop, Civilian, Street Racer, or all? Why?:Street racer because i like driving fast
Have you read all of the rules?:yes
How often will you attend lobbies?:weekends mostly
Why should we accept you?:Cause i share the same intrest like cruising and cops
How did you discover this thread?:through Dbeavs legit cops and cruise
Were you ever a member of Dbeav's club? sadly i was to late
Anything else you want to share?:I like cruising
Any ideas for the name of the club? Something not generic like the current one. Please expect V1.0 of the OP by Monday
We're going to try and do a top gear style cheap car challenge.

I used to host these events all the time. It is really fun. If you want some tips from me doing trial and error with rules/regulations please let me know.