Agrobotic... love it !
Wow, what a farce ! I have no idea what agro is talking about with uPnP (WTF?) etc, all I know is that I very rarely get disconnected from the multitude of public rooms I run in, and the history I have with Ozcomobros in terms of stability made me a bit annoyed to be honest that I was getting identified as a cause for Phil's disconnect (not that my absence made any diffference in the end, and indeed Gastro's absence allowed Phil to join with stability at the death there). I spoke to Gastro after I was disco'd, and had to have a smile at the thought of him sucking the battery out of his E-fag ! (No offence mate, I admire you for the quit job... must be so f'n hard). Remember how we had to fundraise so Velly could buy the gear for recording races, Ryan ? Do we need to put in for Gastro's mic now ??
In terms of the 'race'... I agree that quali is very important at that stupid track (oops, bias showing again), and it definitely is one of those where the RH tyres are a massive drawback. Driving my ring out to maintain pace (and failing most of the time), suffering huge understeer everywhere followed by huge oversteer if you breathe too hard on the throttle on exits. Have to say, Cole, your pace is picking up nicely - great times there. It was interesting when I was following Ryan there for a while, watching the gap changing up and down depending on the track section (at least till my luck ran out and the back took off irretrievably).
Since it wasn't for points, I changed tyres to RMs on the front only during my pitstop, took half a second off the lap record on my first flying lap and then crashed and was disconnected on the second one. Maybe the stewards were watching ?? lol.
Double points ? Sure, why not ?