CluB 543Open 

What night works best for you ???

  • Monday Night

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Tuesday Night

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Wednesday Night

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Thursday Night

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Friday Night

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Saturday Night

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sunday Night

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
After my wheel is *****D now, i might not even be racing next week, let alone another bumpy dirt or snow track.
If you can't tell, i am really p****d off....

Pulling it appart and managing to get it back in working order will be a task.
Wheel is fixed... thanks ryzza for finding that forum post. It was the 2 screws that hold down the sensor and circuit board on motor 1. I have glued them back in so they will not rattle loose again. Fortunately nothing was broken. I gave the rack some more grease and the whole thing feels smoother now. Yay... winning!!!! 20141011_114536.jpg
Taking daughter to tutoring again tonight... will probably log on around 8:30. If I miss the first race, I'll join for the second (that should make Ryzza happy lol).
Taking daughter to tutoring again tonight... will probably log on around 8:30. If I miss the first race, I'll join for the second (that should make Ryzza happy lol).

8:30 is fine mate, I generally open the room about then anyway.
The plan is to start to 15 minute timer at 8:45pm to start the race at 9pm.


Really sorry about tonight guys, after it all going pear shaped at 9pm when we should have been racing, i sort of lost my **** and decided after trying 50 times to find the room, i had reached a point where i was going to smash something. As it was i broke my mic by throwing it across the room. Then i spent the next 15mins glueing it back together. As most of you know i am trying to kick the smokes so i may be a little short tempered lol.

Tuesday nights ( in general ) are proving to be a little trying with updates being released and maybe other internet drains going on which may be causing some problems. If you guys would like to discuss a different night for a trial period to see if room stability improves i am happy to adjust the comp to suit. It must suit everyone though. Please comment on your thoughts.

Phil, sorry about your day mate, nobody wants to go through that. Sorry for your loss mate.

If you need some help setting up your router, ryan is probably the best person to ask. But i will share what i have learned so far....
Running a static ip address for all devices in your home and switching off uPnP on the ps3 may have a big impact on stability. It sorted out my problems.
Running DMZ i think should be a last resort in my opinion. Depending on the router, that can cause big issues with other devices that you are running in the house.
Next big one is make sure you turn off wifi whilst we race. The family generally aren't happy about this but i say F' em, it only for one night a week lol
Might have to start calling you Agrobotic :)

Qualifying position seems to be key since it seems fairly impossible to overtake on this track unless someone stuffs up. Also since the pit lane bypasses the hairpins watch out for cold tyres on them when the race starts.
Agrobotic... love it !
Wow, what a farce ! I have no idea what agro is talking about with uPnP (WTF?) etc, all I know is that I very rarely get disconnected from the multitude of public rooms I run in, and the history I have with Ozcomobros in terms of stability made me a bit annoyed to be honest that I was getting identified as a cause for Phil's disconnect (not that my absence made any diffference in the end, and indeed Gastro's absence allowed Phil to join with stability at the death there). I spoke to Gastro after I was disco'd, and had to have a smile at the thought of him sucking the battery out of his E-fag ! (No offence mate, I admire you for the quit job... must be so f'n hard). Remember how we had to fundraise so Velly could buy the gear for recording races, Ryan ? Do we need to put in for Gastro's mic now ?? :lol:

In terms of the 'race'... I agree that quali is very important at that stupid track (oops, bias showing again), and it definitely is one of those where the RH tyres are a massive drawback. Driving my ring out to maintain pace (and failing most of the time), suffering huge understeer everywhere followed by huge oversteer if you breathe too hard on the throttle on exits. Have to say, Cole, your pace is picking up nicely - great times there. It was interesting when I was following Ryan there for a while, watching the gap changing up and down depending on the track section (at least till my luck ran out and the back took off irretrievably).

Since it wasn't for points, I changed tyres to RMs on the front only during my pitstop, took half a second off the lap record on my first flying lap and then crashed and was disconnected on the second one. Maybe the stewards were watching ?? lol.

Double points ? Sure, why not ? :D
Yeah qualifying will be important, i had some trouble over taking last night. Other than when someone would make a mistake.
Yeah the cold tyres in the hairpins will be interesting. Sorry i hit you Ryzza. I thought you were going to hug the inside and you cut across to the right. I slammed the brakes on, but there wasn't any room to stop. I put myself to the back of the field anyway
From my point of view, you seemed to be slow over and after the jump going into the pit-lane. I gained on you, but i didn't pull away from Cole. If anything he gained on me a little.

As far as next week and so on is concerned... I think we should try a night change too (providing we can find a night that suits everyone). I've heard they do a lot of maintenance on Tuesdays and it does seem to have more issues then. My vote would be for Sunday. Never seem to have issues then and most people tend to have a quiet Sunday night. Plus updates tend to be during the week if i remember correctly
A night change works for me. I'm having trouble getting back in time on Tuesdays. Wednesdays ? Thursdays ?
I reckon anyone would make time on me on pit entry - I'm too scared of drive throughs and longer pitstops. Does anyone else reckon there's a relationship between pit entry speed and servicing efficiency ?
Yeah i rekon a Thursday or Wednesday night would be alright. Even an arvo race, like a Saturday arvo, but i doubt anyone else likes that idea. Hopefully a change of night might help FG to stay connected. We only have 6 as it is, 5 if connection issues continue.

Can't say ive noticed any relation between the two, but in saying that i suppose i haven't really paid alot of attention to it
I think that week nights are the way to go, weekends are too random, people do stuff on weekends....

Has anyone considered mondays? That could work??
If we want to recruit new racers, wednesdays and thursdays allready have a lot of races going on so nobody can
commit to 2 races at once. That leaves fridays, and people do stuff on friday nights also.

Just as an idea, why don't we try for a prac / fun session on monday nights (if we can all make it) just to trial
stability and attendance. ??
I doubt we'll get anyone join this season anyway as were past halfway, so a clash with another race night could be resolved post season. However in saying that, it could be good to establish a specific night early on. I don't mind the sound of a Monday. From the choices we've got so far, considering peoples availability, i think Thursday or Monday sounds good
If there is any night in which we could possibly make it an early start then put my vote down for that. Otherwise at the end of the day, all weeknights are essentially the same for me. Except for the issues on a Tuesday night and Fridays tend to be busy.
I can make a Monday night I reckon. Tuesday is really the only one I have troubles with. Any option Mon, Wed, Thurs.. no probs. Whatever suits everyone else.