• Thread starter VBR
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Side note , I still notice a lot of disconnect issues at Bathurst for a lot of people when it's a full room. Love the track , hate the issues when it's picked

Had a race there Sunday before last when hosting this event, & it was very stable. Had 12-14 on track, can't remember exactly, but it went well. Seems to be a bit hit & miss.

Haha , I agree , one night no problem next night all problems. We went there Sunday no problems , then on Monday we had multiple disconnects there and no track was stable after , had to create a new room.
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CSE Detune Rule Change!

The detune rule using the Power Limiter has been changed. The 5% detune has now been changed to a 6pp detune. The reason is that with a 5% detune, some cars Performance Points will go down more & other less, this can make choosing cars slower. Whereas with a 6pp detune, choosing cars is easier & quicker. Thanks to Destinkeys for the suggestion.

My PC keeps freezing up, so if I run this event again I might not be able to list it here on GT Planet. Add me on PSN if you want, I'll message you if & when a room is open.

EDIT: Deleted Flash, PC not freezing up now. :)

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I would like to sign up as a member, missing my shuffle racing since the GT5 servers were shut down :(
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I have no problems hosting, but i think my location would make a poor connection for some members. Let's wait and see who else is available.
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I have a decent connection and have hosted 12-player lobbies in the past! So I'd love to, yes :)
The issue is that college takes up most of my time, and I gave the PS3 to my brothers to share. Sooo time is slim x3
This weekend tho, maybe! Sounds like a lovely idea, VBR :3
I have hosted your format a few times, usually a great turn out with great racers, awesome time 👍.. I always host stock rooms usually with a slightly more lienient tire format but occasionally host your format and post here. just recently I find great stock lobbies which gives me an easy break on hosting lol
Keep up the good work @VBR ... See Ya on the track
I'll continue to post my room here when using your format.
If all goes to plan, I should be opening a room in about an hour.... Will post room number here

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Very few responses show that there's little interest in this club, time to wrap it up. If I run rooms with this format (or similar) I'll be doing it just from my PSN freinds list.
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