Poll: Forza 3 vs. Gran Turismo 5

Disagree on the second bit, I have seen a number of Wolfracers post's and while I thought that initially, he seems pretty unbiased towards either game really. đź‘Ť

Well I dont own either a PS3 or an Xbox 360 :P I'm in the market for a PS3 for the sole purpose of GT5/GT5P, but not until my exams are over (end of this month!). The main reason I'm getting a PS3 over an Xbox 360 is the lack of support for wheels commonly available in Australia (ie. G25 which is a good value commonly available wheel, the Fanatec ones are far from commonly available nor cheap out here). The main reason I'd get an Xbox 360 instead of PS3 IF it had G25 support is because out here the 360 is $400ish and the PS3 $700ish (give or take depending on the bundle).

The reason I say its a good move for the Forza devs is polls like this CNET one are never about how good the game is, especially when the games aren't even out yet! Its just about which community is bigger and more loyal, and the Turn 10 devs just used it as an opportunity to get more involved in their community and sway the results of an already stupid poll on 2 unreleased games :P I personally think its great when the devs get involved in stuff like this, makes me feel like they are connected and interested in the community instead of sitting on some mountain making a game which they'll eventually hand down to the undeserving masses. Rather than just letting some random Forza fanboy to make a thread saying "OMG!! EVERYONE GO AND VOTE FORZA!!", they've used the opportunity wisely.

Seriously, if PD devs came on here and posted something saying "vote GT5 and get a free car!" I'd be all over it and I'm sure you guys would be too :P
I voted Forza 3 simply because I think the PD has stagnated the GT series and believe they will do so again. I bought a PS2 to play GT3. If GT5 "evolves" I'll put a PS3 on the wishlist. If it evolve, thens, I'll have to wait for another PS3 exclusive, system selling game before I plunk down the cash for the PS3. Then, down the road, I'll pick up the greatest hits version of GT5 and GT5P.
The decison for me as a PS3 owner and definite GT5 buyer is whether to invest in a XBox 360 and Forza 3 bundle or a PSP Go and GT Mobile bundle, beacsue all up they'll probably cost me the same.

I'm thinking Forza as GT Mobile has been described as GT4ish and I'm not sure when I'll actually use a PSP GO other than on an extended lunch break, bus ride or plane trip. The main thing that would drift me to the PSP GO is transferring cars earnt in GT Mobile across to GT5. If I get Forza then I have new tracks, cockpit view, Porsche, and a platform on which I can buy XBox exclusives like Lost and Damnd for GTAIV.
This is a novelty. I'm curious though, do they believe this poll will in the end also be an indication for sales figures? :)

If so, they've certainly ruled out any relevance of it, seems GT 5 and FM 3 were going nearly toe to toe before word got around, and people started being enticed to vote.

Im tired, of this fanboy crap enough is enough.

I like gt and forza....I don't know how in the hell i got swallowed up into the fanboy mess... i will get both games, But what i saw in that trailor, Forza 3 look's beautiful but GT5 looked stunning almost mouth dropping,

Why do fanboy's freaking exist. You cant even say, "Oh well i think gt5 or forza look's better" with out being called a fanboy, People need to grow the hell up.
The race ain't over yet! :sly:

Well the Forza forums are putting in a good deal of effort to win, and this forum seems to rather apathetic to who wins, myself included.

Who wins is determined by game sales at the end of the day, not a 'rigged' vote.
For me the winning team is the one that is busy making the game and busy making claims.
That and GT.

Seriously though, this is a pretty stupid "battle" between fanboys - it's not even about the games (as both are still away from being released, and one of them is kept under silence).
Fanboys are stupid animals.
I have voted about 3 times on different comps for GT5 now. I posted on claiming I voted for Forza so I can get the free unicorn from the scheme they're doing.
Fanboys only exist because we say they exist. Same with emos, chavs etc. If we don't label people they won't play up to the stereotypes and act like bitches.
Fanboys only exist because we say they exist. Same with emos, chavs etc. If we don't label people they won't play up to the stereotypes and act like bitches.

With all due respect, people will still irrationally vouch for their favorites regardless of what stereotype they fit :)
It's not a who's better poll, it's a what will you get poll. If you read the comments you can see the huge differences between the GT and Forza fanboys. The GT fanboys are the smart people who can explain anything, but the Forza fanboys just say stuff like "Forza 3 FTW" or "GT sucks!!!" or even "Gran Turismo can suck my ****!!!!!!!!!!". It's all actually funny just thinknig about it. :lol:
Are hinting something about the photo from FM3?

'(Credit: Take 10)'
The pole is pointless, until BOTH games are out you can't say what one is better. Even than there won't be a better one as each one will probably do something better than the other.

pretty much. anyone making comments now declaring a winner is just a fanboy. Also, people will cheat and vote many times. some gt5 or forza 3 fanboy will sit there all day voting.

Who wins is determined by game sales at the end of the day, not a 'rigged' vote.

Pretty much
What's the point of all this GT vs Forza rubbish?

Those with a PS3 will get GT5, those with an Xbox 360 will get Forza 3. They don't compete with each other for anyone other than fanboys or people who own both consoles - and if you do own both consoles, you would probably end up buying both games anyway.

+1 đź‘Ť

Nail well and truly hit on the head!!
Forza motorsport 3 will be nothing compared to the in development GT5. Forza is more "arcade style" than simulation like gt
TBH I think GT is quite arcadish in many ways as well. But I still believe GT5 will be much better than FM3.
I really want to win this poll just to shove it in their face that we can win without bribing people with prize cars or spewing a load of crap about the competition.
TBH I think GT is quite arcadish in many ways as well. But I still believe GT5 will be much better than FM3.

forza does not have the car interior view & doesn't pay attention to car detail. GT goes so far it records the actual engines, when in forza, the majority of cars sound the same. i cant think of anything arcadish with GT5 demo
I really want to win this poll just to shove it in their face that we can win without bribing people with prize cars or spewing a load of crap about the competition.

I Actually prefer, letting em to win the poll, and create as many hype as possible so, when GT5 comes we will shut their mouths and demonstrate that the one that talks BS and create much more hype, isnt the best one:sly:
I agree with you completly, until more info is released on GT5 or maybe even until both games are released, there is no way you can compare the two games properly. So right now the only perpose of this thread is pointless speculation and there is enough of that already, so maybe this thread should be locked.

Please youself as far as i'm concerned get whichever you think will suit your tastes the most, if that's both so be it.
forza does not have the car interior view & doesn't pay attention to car detail. GT goes so far it records the actual engines, when in forza, the majority of cars sound the same. i cant think of anything arcadish with GT5 demo
Well, If you haven't noticed, Forza 3 does have interior view. And the cars are a lot more detailed than in Forza 2 (but still way behind GT5P in my opinion). ;)

And on GT5P being arcadish. If you have ever tried a real racing sim, such as iRacing, Live For Speed, GTR, rFactor or Nascar Racing 2003, you'll understand what I mean.
Yeah I actually agree with that as well. Whatever happens, I just know that all their trash is going to slam right back into their face.
And on GT5P being arcadish. If you have ever tried a real racing sim, such as iRacing, Live For Speed, GTR, rFactor or Nascar Racing 2003, you'll understand what I mean.
I actually have most of those. Not NASCAR or iRacing, as I'm not a NASCAR fan and am not about to pay $200 a year to play a racing game.

I will have to say that after a while, the sims bore me, and I head right back to GT5 Prologue. Even with its limited content, I don't miss a thing.

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