Poll: Forza 3 vs. Gran Turismo 5

Considering this forum is founded upon a love for GRAN TURISMO, you as a member of this GRAN TURISMO forum are (IMO) obligated to vote for GRAN TURISMO. If you are a supporter of the other console's knock-offs, then go to the boards please.

It's obvious GT is better than Forza. Why else would the XBOX Forza forums be BRIBING members to go vote by giving them a "unicorn". Oh how cute. Just about as cute as the "dancing cars" BS.

It's obvious GT is superior. GTMobile is better than Fartza 3!

Sarcasm hopefully?

Im not here as a fanboy.. im here as a fan of racing games and GT is one of them... i dont vote because i like both franchises.
Considering this forum is founded upon a love for GRAN TURISMO, you as a member of this GRAN TURISMO forum are (IMO) obligated to vote for GRAN TURISMO. If you are a supporter of the other console's knock-offs, then go to the boards please.

It's obvious GT is better than Forza. Why else would the XBOX Forza forums be BRIBING members to go vote by giving them a "unicorn". Oh how cute. Just about as cute as the "dancing cars" BS.

It's obvious GT is superior. GTMobile is better than Fartza 3!

What? Is this really the DaveTheStalker I've known on the PS forums for awhile? I thought you had more intelligence than this.

Just because you are a member of something doesn't mean you have to be a fanboy.
Vote for the one you truly like, if you want to vote at all. You shouldn't be oblgiated to vote for either.

Just do what I did, vote for GT and claim a free unicorn on FM anyway.
Wow, after reading some of the comments in this thread, I suddenly realised this "GT5 vs. FM3" really is stupid. I suddenly don't care anymore, and it feels great! I like GT, some like FM and others like both, and it will always be like that. :)

I'm hereby a former GT fanboy, amen...
Sippin' on the GT Kool-Aid again I am...

No, I am not a supporter of the Xbox or M$ for a litany of reasons. Depending on my mood, my comments could be completely serious or in jest. But, yes, this forum is founded upon a love for Gran Turismo, hence the name GTPlanet. Surely, you all knew that?

Having Fartza around will prevent PD from become as complacent as EA. PD will always be striving to make the GT games better.

IMO, Forza will not fully be realized and able to compete on an equal playing field as GT until the next Xbox comes out. I'm sorry, but the 360 is merely a step above the Wii as far as hardware concerns. All of the sizzling features that M$ has added into the 360 is what makes it a viable competitor to the PS3. It's cheap to make and has been since day 1. XBL is the saving grace for the Xbox franchise. Bribing forum members to vote for Fartza over GT? What has the gaming world come to...

No, having membership here does not require you to "vote for GT". But, search your heart, why did you join a Gran Turismo based community if you are not a GT supporter :indiff:

GTMobile having more in it that Fartza 3 does? What's up with that M$? You'll get your (_|_) handed to you by a handheld!
When the Turn 10 guy was talking all that big talk at the Microsoft E3 I was hoping Kaz would appear behind him just like this at the 1:00 mark


You know every time the turn 10 dev says something new about how much 'better' forza is than GT, I feel like kaz should be doing this.

But I realise the more this eev talks the worse he looks, everyone has too much respect for PD to agree with this guy.

I would agree about the idiotic lows the dev has resorted to, but I think Kaz is too mature to (put it in a way to reference that video) waste his perfectly good shoes shutting some kid up.
Are they seriously giving out free cars to win the poll? XD

For what it's worth, Forza has always looked cartoony to me, I don't know what it is, maybe it's because they rub extra virgin olive oil over all their cars and use the same trees from viva pinata or something... I find the so called "damage" infuriating. Forza 2 is a pretty good sim racer, but it's lacking in style. I don't know what it is, but there is just a type of quiet finesse to GT that no other racing game possesses.

Also, they're so arrogant, it's like they have a bad case of "penis envy" or something and compensate by trashing talking. This is like one of those stupid I'm a mac ads... but in real life.

"hey guys look! Our game can haz cars crashing liek in burnout and you can even rewind, definitive racer amirite?"
The easy way to solve this :
Gran Turismo - Excellent graphics, good physics and the developers are very passionate about creating a quality game.
Forza - Bad graphics, bad physics and the developers are only passionate about beating GT, not making a quality game.
Its not really that big of a deal, I mean what is gonna constitute which game is more successful? Not a poll on CNET, not the cires of fanboys, but it will be sales, reviews, and above all gameplay and how long people continue to play the game...I can't wait for both of them
Kaz does not even acknowledge that Turn 10 exists, and I think that that burns their skin, and drives them to bash GT5. They are trying to get a response out of Kazunori Yamauchi, and the GT crew so that their bloated prides can say "Look! Kaz and the GT guys acknowledged that we exist! Therefore we MUST be better than them!" Thery're measuring their sausage and Kaz isn't pulling his pants down, and it is driving them nuts. I admire Kaz for being impartial to other games, and not saying low underhanded things about specific games. Kaz has once said "I can't stand to other games for more than 5 minutes because imperfections stick out to muich for me to truly enjoy them!" But notice, he didn't name any names. He couldve been talking about NFS or Burnout, who knows! While Turn 10, and more specifically Dan Greenwalt just tries to boost his ego by bashing GT, which in turn makes the game look bad. I personally prefer GT over Forza, but I have played both, and honestly do not think one is greater than the other. They're just DIFFERENT. Neither one of them nails reality on the head. There are things that GT does better than Forza and vice versa. Threads like this are pointless and are only looking to stir up trouble. Close the thread, or derail it and make it a useful thread...
Kaz does not even acknowledge that Turn 10 exists, and I think that that burns their skin, and drives them to bash GT5. They are trying to get a response out of Kazunori Yamauchi, and the GT crew so that their bloated prides can say "Look! Kaz and the GT guys acknowledged that we exist! Therefore we MUST be better than them!" Thery're **** measuring and Kaz isn't pulling his pants down, and it is driving them nuts. I admire Kaz for being impartial to other games, and not saying low underhanded things about specific games. Kaz has once said "I can't stand to other games for more than 5 minutes because imperfections stick out to muich for me to truly enjoy them!" But notice, he didn't name any names. He couldve been talking about NFS or Burnout, who knows! While Turn 10, and more specifically Dan Greenwalt just tries to boost his ego by bashing GT, which in turn makes the game look bad. I personally prefer GT over Forza, but I have played both, and honestly do not think one is greater than the other. They're just DIFFERENT. Neither one of them nails reality on the head. There are things that GT does better than Forza and vice versa. Threads like this are pointless and are only looking to stir up trouble. Close the thread, or derail it and make it a useful thread...
Why would Kaz make a response, he has thousands of T10 level arrogant fanboys to do it for him.

(Yes I'm sayign GT fanboys are as arrogant as the Forza ones)
(Yes I'm sayign GT fanboys are as arrogant as the Forza ones)
Well, considering there are at least 14 million Gran Turismo fans, you could probably dig up as many or more GT fanboys vs Froza fanboys. The problem is, it seems that the forza community is made of them. And even worse, the developers. It's going to be very hard to keep any posts dealing with Froza sensible and even handed, though I have.

Though on second thought, screw forza. :lol:
Well, considering there are at least 14 million Gran Turismo fans, you could probably dig up as many or more GT fanboys vs Froza fanboys. The problem is, it seems that the forza community is made of them. And even worse, the developers. It's going to be very hard to keep any posts dealing with Froza sensible and even handed, though I have.

Though on second thought, screw forza. :lol:
Well I sure hope they are fanboys of their product.:lol: I'm guessing Kaz is the same way about Gran Turismo.
Can we lock this thread. There is no point in bothering.

They want gt fans to get bothered. Just dont let them.

I'ts part of their marketing plans to be honest. But yeah don't get too bothered and let the games do the talking.
Its not really that big of a deal, I mean what is gonna constitute which game is more successful? Not a poll on CNET, not the cires of fanboys, but it will be sales, reviews, and above all gameplay and how long people continue to play the game...I can't wait for both of them
Apparently, Turn10 does since they seem to want to win it really bad.

It just amazes me, honestly. The way Dan talked about Forza 3 at E3 & the way its developers claim they built features that have been around 10 years, you'd think that they'd be a little more confident in beating out GT in polls without needing to bribe its fan base.
does anyone else in this thread not really care and is planning on buying both games? both are good in their own ways

I was going to. but after hearing the arogance of the turn 10 devs , I just can't see myself enjoying a game made by such lack of passion and for the sole purpose of beating GT. Sure some say it's a marketing strategy but it's not the kind that will get me on board.