Cockpit view - IMHO overated and not so useful...

Just use so called "bumper cam" view ... that is basically front window view just ignorants are calling that bumper cam.



this is actually a good point. If you switch back and forth between "bumper cam" and cockpit view nothing changes except the disapearence of the car interior. It doesn't lower the perspective, ie it is not on the "bumper" but just a cockpit view with an invisable car.
Wow... eliteist about using the in car view.... NOW this forum has reached a new low, see reply below.

I too have been racing around the same amount of time, everything from Corvettes, open wheel cars, to my junky VW Fox race car now I use for Lemons. I feel like I have to vomit within 3 minutes of using the in car camera. Not only that the field of view sucks tremendously, and obviously being limited by a screen size you can't look ahead. When I am in a rally car (in real life) I spend half the time looking out the side window!

The cockpit view is a nice gimmick, and fun if you can stomach it. The shaking may be "realistic" but all it is, is a simulation and not a very good one. In real life your body and brain can compensate for it, which is why people like myself and Biggamehit get ill from it. (I also don't play FPS games for the same reason, I get sick within 10 minutes.)

HAHA all this time I thought I was alone about the in car view so I didn't say anything. COD makes me ill also after about 30min.
Wow... eliteist about using the in car view.... NOW this forum has reached a new low, see reply below.

I too have been racing around the same amount of time, everything from Corvettes, open wheel cars, to my junky VW Fox race car now I use for Lemons. I feel like I have to vomit within 3 minutes of using the in car camera. Not only that the field of view sucks tremendously, and obviously being limited by a screen size you can't look ahead. When I am in a rally car (in real life) I spend half the time looking out the side window!

The cockpit view is a nice gimmick, and fun if you can stomach it. The shaking may be "realistic" but all it is, is a simulation and not a very good one. In real life your body and brain can compensate for it, which is why people like myself and Biggamehit get ill from it. (I also don't play FPS games for the same reason, I get sick within 10 minutes.)

LOL - talk about elitest.. ;)

The assumption seems to be that people who enjoy and choose to use the cockpit view are "lees experienced' in real life in-car exploits than the 'bumper cam'ers".

Since some of you folks seem to have elevated is into the "my virtual weener is bigger than yours" phase of the online debate, here is my "week-end" small-weiner track toy - in the '600rwhp' flesh and in virtual recreation for rFactor.

The point of the show and tell being that people from all spheres of influence and experience are free to have any opinion they like ;)

But for me, at this time, I can't imagine GT5 from bumpercam when I am out just enjoying the driving of the game doing this,

And this,

And this,

But most importantly when doin gthis: :lol:

THis is after all a "game" and by far the CHEAPEST way to thrash a car, any car on a track :lol:

So I hope that you guys are all having FUN with this great game. Cheers and here is to a great and joyous Christmas season :)
Strangely enough, I complained a lot about all the cars that weren't gonna have cockpit cameras, yet here in the full game I find myself using the bumper cam for the sheer visibility it provides.

I use the bumper cam in rain races cause my tv blows. I LOVE the cockpit cam. Just seeing the G meter on my GTR move about it reason enough.
LOL - talk about elitest.. ;)

The assumption seems to be that people who enjoy and choose to use the cockpit view are "lees experienced' in real life in-car exploits than the 'bumper cam'ers".

Since some of you folks seem to have elevated is into the "my virtual weener is bigger than yours" phase of the online debate, here is my "week-end" small-weiner track toy - in the '600rwhp' flesh and in virtual recreation for rFactor.


THis is after all a "game" and by far the CHEAPEST way to thrash a car, any car on a track :lol:

So I hope that you guys are all having FUN with this great game. Cheers and here is to a great and joyous Christmas season :)

Hey if you can be fast in the cockpit view my hat is off to you, as IMO you are limiting your ability to get full view of the track. Any you enjoy it too boot, thats great. My point was based on your comment that people who use the "bumper cam" are better off with an arcade game, that is an elitest view, because there are many reasons why people don't or can't use the cockpit.

Me personally I like to do what you posted in your pics, without having to keep a barf bag next to my steering wheel.
Not only useless, also unrealistic. If you are playing with a wheel that means you already have a wheel before you and a cockpit, so the other cockpit on the screen looks doubled like a mirror reflection. I never liked cockpit views, and I love the bumper camera, it seems that PD and many people love it too.
That´s your opinion, OP, and we respect it. I don´t play the game to be faster than anyone, but to have fun. The cockpit camera is the greatest feature in GT5, and I wish that in GT6 all cars will have them. About being fast, as for today, I can surely say I´m faster in the cockpit camera than with any other camera. Bumper camera is as unrealistic(plus boring) as chase camera, although I prefer the latter just to enjoy seeing my car and listening to the exhaust. When you completly dominate the cockpit camera with all its blindspots, you get a great feeling of self-acomplishment, plus is the only camera that will give you the complete simulation effect. I´m concerned that alot of people don´t like the cockpit camera, and hope PD does´nt take it out in the future, because at least for me, thats the way I enjoy the game at its best.

I like the in-car. It takes some time to get used to... but once you do, you get a sense of where things are outside of the car and it gets easier and easier to place the car on track.
It's just practice.

The thing I like about the in-car is that it gives you a really interesting perspective with each and every car.
They didn't get it 100% correct but it's close.
For comparison's sake, I have an Elise, inside I can see pretty much the entire interior in front of the seats, my lap and legs, my hand on the gear shifter, etc, etc. And I'm not a tall person. 5'8".
GT5 doesn't have a wide enough camera. In GT5, you see the wheel, instrument cluster and a bit of the radio. It's like the driver is sat in the car with the seat pulled all the way forward. I think they're trying to account for having a fairly good ratio of in-car display and track visibility through the windscreen.

What I do like is how GT5 captured the view of the front wheel arches when sitting inside the car. The WRC cars are particularly difficult to drive because of the limited visibility. At first I thought, wtf, it's like driving through a mailbox slot. But then when I was driving towards the sun in one of the ice tracks it all made sense. It blocks sunlight so they can see the track

But to each their own. I've played the entire game through in-car so far.
The LFA, by far, has the sweetest tach I've come across in the game. I love how the entire tach turns more and more red as you get to redline.

It really makes me happy that someone can enjoy the game like I do. You pretty much stated my whole point of view about the in-car camera. I totally agree with you. Isn´t it cool when you win difficult events like rally with the in-car camera? There is sometimes when you cant even see the road through the windscreen, but with practice you learn to predict the road ahead, and the posission of your car. Man, it is alot of fun!
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this is actually a good point. If you switch back and forth between "bumper cam" and cockpit view nothing changes except the disapearence of the car interior. It doesn't lower the perspective, ie it is not on the "bumper" but just a cockpit view with an invisable car.

This appears to only be true for Premium models. The Standards use the old GT3/GT4 camera POV... on the bumper, 4 feet in front of the front wheels and 12" off the track surface.

So how about they at least fix the damn standards to use a "cockpit" view position to make it a little closer to reality, rather than feeling like a shopping cart on steriods. :)
For me, it depends on the car. The wide cockpit view on the Ferrari 458 ('09) is terrific (with HUD disabled). I think it would be good to have an opacity setting for the portion of the cockpit that is above the dash where you could adjust it all the way to fully transparent which could be a big help with the sense of speed. The full screen cam has sense of speed in spades.

I actually overstated my distance lol sorry.

This is how I play back home in Japan using a HD projector. I never felt sick whilst playing GT5P. I wanna say im displaying something like 90' wide and 48' tall


This was my dorm room


This is my temporary setup in Kuwait that. I would say I sit about 4ish feet back from 32" TV... I feel pretty in the zone using the hood cam.

I use cockpit view in all premium models apart from NASCAR , you can't see a thing out of their screens. Standard cars i use bumper cam and i'm definitely quicker when i use that view but i will still use interior when it's available.
For me, it depends on the car. The wide cockpit view on the Ferrari 458 ('09) is terrific (with HUD disabled). I think it would be good to have an opacity setting for the portion of the cockpit that is above the dash where you could adjust it all the way to fully transparent which could be a big help with the sense of speed. The full screen cam has sense of speed in spades.

I like the opacity idea. That's great. Only reason I even attempt cockpit is because of the so called headtracking that doesn't even work. The hard thing about cockpit view for me is that all cars are different. For example. You take a viper versus the integra. Its doable for me with the teg but that viper seems like it has a 6 inch windshield. I can't get jiggy with that,lol. I can deal with bumper but the thing I hate is like everyone else, where are the edges. I use the gauges as my edge for the most part when in this view.

So over all the hood/roof view works best for me. Now on some cars the roof view is jacked up. For example the evo versus the teg. The teg is fine, it has a long front and it works. Use the evo and the whole screen is used. You don't see the sides with short front cars. This is when I have to use bumper view.

For those old school GT fans that refuse to use anything other than cockpit, what view where you using prior to GT5P. Racing games have changed I agree. Realism is what alot of you go for I assume but in the end, not matter what your still playing a game. Everyone's boat is floated in different ways. What works for one, may not work for the other.
I tried to use it, but found myself going back to bumper cam as well.

I just felt it was harder to see out of. Yes its a nice addition, but one i feel could of been left out. I would of much preffered to of had all the cars premiums with no cockpit view..............but thats just my opinion.

This appears to only be true for Premium models. The Standards use the old GT3/GT4 camera POV... on the bumper, 4 feet in front of the front wheels and 12" off the track surface.

Actually, there doesn't seem to be much consistency among any of the "bumper" cams, other than I have yet to find one that is actually a bumper cam. Most of them seem to be almost where the cockpit view would be (which is good), but it varies quite a bit even among the premium cars.

What really sucks is the way they implemented the HUD removal options. For those of us relagated to bumper cam, the speedo and tach are the only points of reference for where the car boundaries are, and the only part of the HUD that most people would want. But instead of giving us an option to remove everything BUT those two, we get an option to remove everything or JUST those two. LMAO @ PD. I really don't know what they are thinking sometimes.

I´m concerned that alot of people don´t like the cockpit camera, and hope PD does´nt take it out in the future, because at least for me, thats the way I enjoy the game at its best.

They don't need to take anything out (and they won't). They just need to improve the cockpit view with some simple options so everyone can enjoy it.
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I'm not sure what changed, but, I used to not be able to use anything but cockpit in GT5P, now I don't use anything but bumper (bar drifting, which I still use cockpit for)
I understand it doesn't suit everyone, but surely, if you don't like cockpit view, just use the bumpercam.

Personally I love the immersion you gain from it. When done well it can be very realistic. I only wish the cockpits, as pretty as they are, were more functional.

Being able to see the revs / gear counter / time etc... without a HUD adds to the realism for me.
I use the bumper cam sometimes, but can get better times using the third person chase cam since I can actually see the car, so I almost always use that. I also like that you can clearly hear the exhaust from this view, the sound from all the other views seems slightly bugged to me, possibly because im just using stereo speakers.

Cockpit view is useless and a terrible shame that they spent so much time creating it. While it is beautiful, it is completely unrealistic and useless for racing. As anyone who has driven a real car before would know, the reason you are able to see everything going on while inside a sedan is due to your peripheral vision and being able to move your head. These are not present in cockpit view. (I haven't tried PSeye but hear its not worth it)
I played with the standard bumper until about a week ago. Yes it does give you greater visability, but it also feels false being so low down.

Cockpit view is designed to give you a more accurate simulation of how it feels to actually race. However, I find that to get the most out of it you also have to sit the correct distance away from the screen to get the real benefit otherwise the POV will feel strange. Cockpit view is really designed to be used with racing seats/rigs and the screen should be roughly the same distance as the windscreen would be. You can adjust the POV for cockpit using the in-race menu to compensate for that.

We're all different though and tend to like what we're used to, and sometimes it's easier to carry on with what we know rather than spend a little time getting used to something different. I'm really enjoying cockpit view with the high quality interiors and am using the middle POV setting as that feels just right for the distance my rig is from the screen.
It is all about opinion.... like on TopGear, a 458 vs SLS AMG. You can't really state which is better, it is all choice. So you want cockpit out because you don't use it? That is 🤬 I love cockpit view, bumper-cam is good and adapting is tough and you always try and nit-pick. I am not like that, I use bumper on standards- cockpit on premiums.

I can't really feel my back-end kicking out in bumper-cam, so drifting is just NOT fun. But it is opinion, I prefer cockpit, some prefer bumper.

I actually overstated my distance lol sorry.

This is how I play back home in Japan using a HD projector. I never felt sick whilst playing GT5P. I wanna say im displaying something like 90' wide and 48' tall

This was my dorm room

This is my temporary setup in Kuwait that. I would say I sit about 4ish feet back from 32" TV... I feel pretty in the zone using the hood cam.

I think I see why you may feel sick (I think you said you feel sick) you have the display too high up - you are staring up.

Try setup to have the bottom of the TV screen a few inches below you line of sight.
I use cockpit view whenever possible. Gives the simulation of actually being in the car.

In reference to the one poster, I don't know of anyone that looks at their hands while driving. At least not anyone who should be allowed to drive with other folks on the road, and definitely not a race course.

That, and I do not have this shaking folks are referring to.
...I prefer cockpit, some prefer bumper...

And what the majority of cockpit humpers seem to be missing...some actually prefer cockpit and the immersion, but can't use it because it isn't implemented properly.

Just to be complete. :D
I think I see why you may feel sick (I think you said you feel sick) you have the display too high up - you are staring up.

Or maybe there is actually a freaking scientific reason for why some people get sick that has nothing at all to do with where the monitor is, as stated at least twice in this thread.

Sheeshhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... :rolleyes: bad. Should have added that to the other post instead of creating a new one. DOH!
"theoretically" your cockpit is your own steering wheel and the chair in your living room (or whatever place you are), and your TV is like the windscreen.

You are so wrong. How the bumper view could be the windscreen? Cockpit view is much more realistic because you have to feel the bumper ahead of you just like in real life...
I use the bumper cam sometimes, but can get better times using the third person chase cam since I can actually see the car, so I almost always use that. I also like that you can clearly hear the exhaust from this view, the sound from all the other views seems slightly bugged to me, possibly because im just using stereo speakers.

Cockpit view is useless and a terrible shame that they spent so much time creating it. While it is beautiful, it is completely unrealistic and useless for racing. As anyone who has driven a real car before would know, the reason you are able to see everything going on while inside a sedan is due to your peripheral vision and being able to move your head. These are not present in cockpit view. (I haven't tried PSeye but hear its not worth it)

"... it is completely unrealistic and useless for racing. As anyone who has driven a real car before would know..."

...And you really sit 3ft behind and 10ft above your real-life sedam to drive it? Please send a photo! LOL!
The important thing is trying to see where you are going, and although the interior/cockpit views look nice, the view makes it harder to see whats up ahead. I have tried using cockpit view a few times and its harder to find a perfect racing line and I often end up off the track more times than if I am not using cockpit view.

Yeah, so... it feels like crap to me! Once you finally adapt you can run same speeds/lap times, plus it just feels better IMHO!
You are so wrong. How the bumper view could be the windscreen? Cockpit view is much more realistic because you have to feel the bumper ahead of you just like in real life...
When driving you focus ahead of the car and have a panoramic view, to me it feels more natural driving from the bumper view than the enclosed cockpit with it's restricted forward and side views.