Cockpit view - IMHO overated and not so useful...

If the cockpit view is useless (and it is), it means it's poorly implemented. I've played many other sims from a cockpit view and instantly felt "right at home". Because you can actually SEE dials and displays. In GT5, everything is so dark that you can't see the dials and other cockpit details.

I've tried no HUD option and i took C63 for a test drive. USELESS! Couldn't see speed, gear, revs, NOTHING. Everything is just too dark. Something i've never experienced before in any PC sim view a cockpit view.

They should put and option to display just that right HUD bar with speed, gear and rpm bar.
If the cockpit view is useless (and it is), it means it's poorly implemented. I've played many other sims from a cockpit view and instantly felt "right at home". Because you can actually SEE dials and displays. In GT5, everything is so dark that you can't see the dials and other cockpit details.

I've tried no HUD option and i took C63 for a test drive. USELESS! Couldn't see speed, gear, revs, NOTHING. Everything is just too dark. Something i've never experienced before in any PC sim view a cockpit view.

They should put and option to display just that right HUD bar with speed, gear and rpm bar.

Unfortunatley this is the 'real' lighting system in gt5. Other games effectivley have a flattened range between light and dark - doesn't look as good, but it makes it more practical.

Only thing you can do is bring the brightness up...
The thing is, with cockpit view, everything is stuck where it is, and block out view.
In real life, I do not notice my arm move to shift, I do not see myself turn the wheel, all I see is the road.
With the cockpit view in video games, I see all the crap I don't want to see.

Cockpit view is GREAT for saying "wow, look at that detail!" And that's it.

I agree with this, cockpit view just isn't quite right for me
I think it's been proven by real race drivers, not someone that owns a 600hp corvette, that the head shake is totally wrong.
I have owned and played all the GT's and of course until GTP I used Bumper Cam. But then I have always used Cockpit view in any other driving game I can(I also have TrackIR so of course I would use cockpit view when available)

I really wish PD had implemented the headtracking thru out the whole game as I do feel kinda trapped and would happily invest in a PSEye had they done that.

As for GT5's cockpit view, I only use it and had no issues at golding all my license tests using it either.
I will say the shaking in some cases does get to me sometimes but I can certainly live with it.

And HURR DURR Headtracking. Who came up with that? I know how it works in the game, but if I turn my head left/right, I'm looking away from the screen (duh!).
Truly a feature the world needs...

You obviously have no idea how it works...I can't speak for its exact implementation in GT5 but as a longtime TrackIR user it is absolutely NOTHING like that....
The problem I have with the cockpit view is that my car windscreen is what say 80"? And the screen I play GT on is 32", so even though in real life I have pillars and dash and bonnet in my view, I also have a very large view of the road ahead. For all those saying it's the only way to play authentic and that the bumper view is cheating you have to take into account the impairments caused by using a screen smaller than your field of view and that is also, unless you are one of the few with a 3D TV, lacking in depth perception. It's the same as how most of us set ABS to 1 because the break pedal doesn't have force feedback.

I would welcome a middle ground in an update though that had the dials section of the dash visible and rain spatter and wipers visible without the massive loss in screen real estate you suffer in the current view.
I would presume Shift 2 new helmet view will be a nightmare of vision.

How can you drive this way???

Well the 1st game was a nightmare in all respects anyway... :sly:

Really?? I can't see how thats even possible!

I started using the cockpit view when I first started playing the game, however, as time went on things just got in the way. I could much better judge the corners and apexes in the bumper view. The vibration through the car in cockpit view does help when your trying to predict what the car is about to do as your cornering, but that only really helps if you dont have a duel shock pad.

While the Narrow view isn't bad, It keeps most of the gauges in view, the narrower view, isn't good at all.

Its ok, but when I have to really push it, I always default to the bumper view.
Can't use the cockpit view because i wouldn't be able to see anything on my old tv set. That said i would propably use it when i get a bigger hd tv (hopefully soon) but still would want to have "look in to apex" kind of function added like in GTR2.
👍 👍 👍 Nice pics for those who say bumper is not realistic...

I only call it the "bumper cam" to differentiate the name from the cockpit view. It actually is a cockpit view without the cockpit graphics.
That's why it makes more sense because your TV/monitor IS acting like your windscreen.

Well as per my original post that's my humble opinion, but I am glad most people agree.
In the first couple of GT's it was a bumper view but around GT3/4 PD raised the view to replicate a cockpit view.

And HURR DURR Headtracking. Who came up with that? I know how it works in the game, but if I turn my head left/right, I'm looking away from the screen (duh!).
Truly a feature the world needs...

GT5 is my definitive racing game on the PS3, but some things are just sub-par or totally unnecessary.

Head tracking works great if you need to gaze in your side mirrors. Adjusted it so that when I move my head to look at the outer edges of the screen I see my side mirrors.

To those who pick on it; Try it, then moan about it.
Your condescending nature is quite irritating

As is your attempt to persuade people that GT5's cockpit view is the most awesome thing to come along since the wheel.

It's not. It has major issues. It limits the driver's view unrealistically and makes people sick because the motion is completely out of sync with other sensory inputs. It needs to be fixed.

and as such I think I will report your post as such.

Crap. There goes my holidays. :grumpy:

I have tried to be jovial, cordial and humourous during the steady regression of this thread yet you insist in being well, a jerk.

Chill out's just a game forum. ;)


Back OT...

What is wrong with the sound in the cockpit view? Does anyone else notice this?

I gave a few more cars a spin with it last night, and the sound is just horrible. The overwhelming straight-cut gear transmission whir that drowns out my engine (I don't like that either BTW, but I digress) comes almost completely from the right channel rather than the center channel where it belongs. It's like PD thinks that from inside the car the engine sound should come from the passenger door panel. The only exception to this is a weird panning thing that happens when the front wheels are turned hard to the left...then the engine sound pans toward the center momentarily. It's one of the weirdest things I've ever seen in a game.

I REALLY want to like the cockpit view, but I just can't. It needs a few options and some improvements in order to work like it does in almost every other game/simulator on the market.


I wonder how hard it would be to implement TrackIR? I mean come on Sony; just write some drivers for it already. :D
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The shakes are quite excessive imo.. No way a car shakes that much in a straight line on smooth surface.. You don't even have to go very quickly either, which is what annoys me.
I use the interior view and have done for all the licenses and special events and I have gold in the all. It teaches you to have awareness for the width of the car from the drivers perspective.

Also with the newly added ability to turn off the HUD the cockpit view is very useful for gear changing.
What is wrong with the sound in the cockpit view? Does anyone else notice this?

I gave a few more cars a spin with it last night, and the sound is just horrible. The overwhelming straight-cut gear transmission whir that drowns out my engine (I don't like that either BTW, but I digress) comes almost completely from the right channel rather than the center channel where it belongs. It's like PD thinks that from inside the car the engine sound should come from the passenger door panel. The only exception to this is a weird panning thing that happens when the front wheels are turned hard to the left...then the engine sound pans toward the center momentarily. It's one of the weirdest things I've ever seen in a game.

I REALLY want to like the cockpit view, but I just can't. I needs a few options and some improvements in order to work like it does in almost every other game/simulator on the market.


I wonder how hard it would be to implement TrackIR? I mean come on Sony; just write some drivers for it already. :D

I will totally agree with you on the sound thing. my Amp has a calibration mic that I use when I set up my cockpit to race (I sit maybe a metre or so forward then where I sit on my couch when I'm racing)
But this was driving me nuts last night. I even recalibrated my speakers few times thinking I may have messed it up. I also get a little annoyed by the straight cut gears overpowering my engine sound. It seems to be alot more obvious since 1.05

For reference I run it in PCM 5.1 48hz over HDMI

Oh and yeah I would just LOVE to use my TrackIR I feel a little naked in my cockpit without it.
Tried hard to like it but I keep going back to the much more useful bumper view.

So I cannot understand all the premium/standard, cockpit/no cockpit, HUD/no HUD discussions.

Let me explain:

"theoretically" your cockpit is your own steering wheel and the chair in your living room (or whatever place you are), and your TV is like the windscreen.
If we agree to this then you do not need to see the cockpit of the car in game as well. This would be like looking inside the cockpit through another cockpit..
Positioning-wise the inside cockpit view would only make sense in theory if you could bring the TV 20 cm from your eyes and your actual steering wheel behind the tv!!! This way you would see the driver's arms without seeing yours.

Yes the dials and the cockpit details and the bell & whistles are nice (and many prefer to see all this stuff), but at the end of the day the driving matters and I bet NO ONE can drive better from the cockpit view when comparing to the bumper view.

Anyone feels like this or am I the only one??

Now flame me as much as you like you cockpit-view lovers!!! :)

Unfortunately, it is hard to duplicate human peripheral vision on a single game screen. Ideally, we would all have wrap around monitors!!
Here are my two cents. I will buy a premium over a standard for a lot of reasons, mainly because of how they look makes me think they also spent more time into making the car peform properly as well.

I also check out the interior view on my initial race and just see what it looks like but then I always switch back to the bumper view (used to be a chase view man, haha never realized how bad that camera was until GT5).

Only car I can drive with the cockpit view? My Takata Dome NSX 06 GT500 car.

Love that thing.
The cockpit view is not very good for driving at all. However, it does provide very good realism...
The shakes are quite excessive imo.. No way a car shakes that much in a straight line on smooth surface.. You don't even have to go very quickly either, which is what annoys me.

The excessive shaking/ vibrations do occur only, when your chassis is not properly set up.

Do some hot lapping on the track, you want to set up and pay close attention, when exactly the vibrations occur.
sometimes, it is with very high speed, sometimes under heavy braking, sometimes, when cornering hard at high speed, etc …

Set up your suspension accordingly and the vibrations disappear.

It is a nice compromise of implementing visual aids instead of the missing feel, one has in front of the screen instead of actually riding a car with bad setup.

The cockpit view has some flaws indeed (there are in fact sound issues, whcih seem to appear and disappear infrequently, resulting in transmission whining overshadowing engine/ exhaust sounds entirely).

My biggest gripe with the cockpit view so far is the "snap" when using left right view back to the straight forward view, which in combination with the excessive lighting effect looks distracting, rather than blending in more realism.

I guess, these points will get polished soon.
So far, GT5 cockpit view with disabled HUD is by far the best immersion, one can get with a console racer.

Try running a car with nice cockpit illumination and instruments at night on the Nordschleife without any HUD, turn the lights off and the sound up - closer to really driving a car around the Ring, one can't get with any simulator today.
Hmm... have you checked out the narrower option.
Yup. It helps, but I still find myself blinded, I can't see apexes worth crap, and wind up driving terribly.
And interesting note, is it did not slow me down as much in GT5P, although I've become considerably faster with the wheel since then.
And I'll admit, right-hand drive slows me down more than left hand drive, so some of it is familiarity.
I agree with the OP. The view is too limited, more so than actually being in a real car. The graphics, while nice, aren't as impressive as the GT fans will have you believe. Throw those incredibly dark shadows on top and they equal Forza 3's graphics nicely, they do not beat them outright. Plus the whole thing about having a physical wheel in front of you, that just plain makes more sense with bumper view.
Tried hard to like it but I keep going back to the much more useful bumper view.

So I cannot understand all the premium/standard, cockpit/no cockpit, HUD/no HUD discussions.

Let me explain:

"theoretically" your cockpit is your own steering wheel and the chair in your living room (or whatever place you are), and your TV is like the windscreen.
If we agree to this then you do not need to see the cockpit of the car in game as well. This would be like looking inside the cockpit through another cockpit..
Positioning-wise the inside cockpit view would only make sense in theory if you could bring the TV 20 cm from your eyes and your actual steering wheel behind the tv!!! This way you would see the driver's arms without seeing yours.

Yes the dials and the cockpit details and the bell & whistles are nice (and many prefer to see all this stuff), but at the end of the day the driving matters and I bet NO ONE can drive better from the cockpit view when comparing to the bumper view.

Anyone feels like this or am I the only one??

Now flame me as much as you like you cockpit-view lovers!!! :)
You're correct. I still use the cockpit view as it's much cooler!

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