Cockpit view - IMHO overated and not so useful...

The important thing is trying to see where you are going, and although the interior/cockpit views look nice, the view makes it harder to see whats up ahead. I have tried using cockpit view a few times and its harder to find a perfect racing line and I often end up off the track more times than if I am not using cockpit view.
I find myself clipping the grass in cockpit view, since the view is situated off to one side to mimic a real cockpit. Something about this feels wrong when sitting directly infront of the TV.
When driving you focus ahead of the car and have a panoramic view, to me it feels more natural driving from the bumper view than the enclosed cockpit with it's restricted forward and side views.

The cockpit view seems like you're sitting in the back seat, or with the chair all the way back. I think they did this to bring the side mirror into view, yet in reality I usually have to move my eyes to see the mirror, its not exactly in my field of vision.
the cockpit view is excellent, i rather dislike the roof view, which is useless on cars with high roofs and short engine bonnet, it looks very ugly.
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agree with most on this topic, it's nice, but I use bumper view for serious races.

cockpit is for fun. it does look nice, but something about it feels wrong.
Or maybe there is actually a freaking scientific reason for why some people get sick that has nothing at all to do with where the monitor is, as stated at least twice in this thread.

Sheeshhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... :rolleyes:

Your condescending nature is quite irritating and as such I think I will report your post as such. I have tried to be jovial, cordial and humourous during the steady regression of this thread yet you insist in being well, a jerk.

The "scientific" reason can be offset and NOT invoked if you change the perspective and view port the person uses.

As a supposed human behavioural motion scientist you would know this - you can INVOKE motion sickness in an observer by changing his/her viewport/viewpoint. bad. Should have added that to the other post instead of creating a new one. DOH!

Double posting is the least of your worries.
I agree with this. The problem I find is that there is no peripheral view. If there was head tracking and it worked flawlessly it would be a bit better, but in a real car you still have peripheral of what's beside you and can focus on what's ahead.

In 16:9 view you get half a half... no real peripheral unless you sit way too close to the screen and a view a bit wider than your actual focus would be in real life. So you're left feeling like you see both too much (too far away) and not enough (no peripheral). As well as the inherit loss of vision from the A-pillars/dash etc.
I use cockpit view whenever possible. I just find I enjoy the experience more.

I always used cockpit view in Grid and Dirt 2 as well, even when the windscreen looked like a cobweb! I believe Codemasters pulled sume statistics from Dirt 2 and it was something like only 5% of people used the cockpit view online.
I agree with this. The problem I find is that there is no peripheral view. If there was head tracking and it worked flawlessly it would be a bit better, but in a real car you still have peripheral of what's beside you and can focus on what's ahead.

In 16:9 view you get half a half... no real peripheral unless you sit way too close to the screen and a view a bit wider than your actual focus would be in real life. So you're left feeling like you see both too much (too far away) and not enough (no peripheral). As well as the inherit loss of vision from the A-pillars/dash etc.

Head-tracking needs to be implemented like TrackIR. They fully modeled interiors, so why shouldn't we see them?
Cockpit overated? Not a chance Its the best view in the Game IMO and the people who use it get more out of the game. 👍
"theoretically" your cockpit is your own steering wheel and the chair in your living room (or whatever place you are), and your TV is like the windscreen.
If we agree to this then you do not need to see the cockpit of the car in game as well. This would be like looking inside the cockpit through another cockpit..
Positioning-wise the inside cockpit view would only make sense in theory if you could bring the TV 20 cm from your eyes and your actual steering wheel behind the tv!!! This way you would see the driver's arms without seeing yours.

This is why there's zoom in option in the cockpit view which you will not see the dashboard.
I have trouble with vision in cockpit view and I have it projected onto a wall 5feet by 6feet! I've tried messing with the zoom, but will still only use it if I don't need to be 100% competitive. It's also nice to drive this view without the HUD but I tend to forget how many laps I've done after a while.
The Mclaren F1 is the exception for me, I'll drive this in cockpit view even on a tough race, and also the R10 and other central seat race cars. Other wise the bumper cam is my favourite just for the sense of speed it creates.
Your condescending nature is quite irritating and as such I think I will report your post as such. I have tried to be jovial, cordial and humourous during the steady regression of this thread yet you insist in being well, a jerk.

The "scientific" reason can be offset and NOT invoked if you change the perspective and view port the person uses.

As a supposed human behavioural motion scientist you would know this - you can INVOKE motion sickness in an observer by changing his/her viewport/viewpoint.

Double posting is the least of your worries.

My viewing position is completely different than the other guy who gets sick, and I get sick every time as well. Its a known condition due to the brain being confused by what the eyes are seeing. I also get completely ill playing FPS games as well, or even watching movies like Blair Witch.
My viewing position is completely different than the other guy who gets sick, and I get sick every time as well. Its a known condition due to the brain being confused by what the eyes are seeing. I also get completely ill playing FPS games as well, or even watching movies like Blair Witch.

Sucks to be you guys - known condition or not I wouldnt want you folks in my corner in a fire fight - the lights start flashing and loud noises go off and you collapse in a heap spewing chunks?.

How is your viewing position "completely" different? And if you folks are claiming just viewing an "in cockpit view" (no shaking) and you heave lunch yet you "turn off the cockpit and see the bumper cam" and are fine, you guys are either exagerating or you are leaving out some important details.

The view port is what will set off the motion sickness not the "frame of the viewport" - and if as is being claimed the "cockpit" is just a static pretty frame for bumpercam, why would that send you spewing?

We need to differentiate the camera view port shaking vs the cockipit view to get some clarity.
Sucks to be you guys - known condition or not I wouldnt want you folks in my corner in a fire fight - the lights start flashing and loud noises go off and you collapse in a heap spewing chunks?.

How is your viewing position "completely" different? And if you folks are claiming just viewing an "in cockpit view" (no shaking) and you heave lunch yet you "turn off the cockpit and see the bumper cam" and are fine, you guys are either exagerating or you are leaving out some important details.

The view port is what will set off the motion sickness not the "frame of the viewport" - and if as is being claimed the "cockpit" is just a static pretty frame for bumpercam, why would that send you spewing?

We need to differentiate the camera view port shaking vs the cockipit view to get some clarity.


All I know is for the past 15 years of my life if I try to play an FPS shooter no matter if its on my TV, my PC, a PC at home, work, or my friends house I feel like I have to yack within 10 minutes. 3rd person (GTA, red dead redemption, etc) no problem, 1st person... barf. So I sat down to play GT5 and I put on that in car camera view (of which I have never ever had a problem playing a racing game with a bumper cam) and within less than 10 minutes of the camera shaking and whatnot I felt exactly the same way as I feel when I try to play call of duty.

I own a race car in real life and I have been in it for hours, I've run it in endurance races. I've also driven open wheel cars, even on bumpy tracks for long periods. None of these ever made me feel like I feel when playing GT5 in cockpit view. Your brain compensates for the shaking when you're in the car. No matter how bumpy the track my view is never shaky (in real life).

The cockpit of the car shakes in this game, if it was static maybe it wouldn't bother me. My TV and seating is a different position than the other guy who posted he has an issue.

As for how I would do in a firefight, trust me I'd have your back, only video games and movies (or for example amateur youtube videos with people running around with the camera moving all over) bother me.
I found that the narrow view option in cockpit = the same field of view as bumper cam

However I like to see some part of the car, so a proper bonnet cam is what I want, but alas GT5 does not have this :(

Funny you say that about the fire fight lol.... my Trucks/locations have been hit by IED's, motars (close impact) and small arms fire in Iraq.... no throw up yet haha, That situation would be funny to see though.

I hear what you are saying about my current tv setup, Ill adjust it and see what happens.
Tried hard to like it but I keep going back to the much more useful bumper view.

So I cannot understand all the premium/standard, cockpit/no cockpit, HUD/no HUD discussions.

Let me explain:

"theoretically" your cockpit is your own steering wheel and the chair in your living room (or whatever place you are), and your TV is like the windscreen.
If we agree to this then you do not need to see the cockpit of the car in game as well. This would be like looking inside the cockpit through another cockpit..
Positioning-wise the inside cockpit view would only make sense in theory if you could bring the TV 20 cm from your eyes and your actual steering wheel behind the tv!!! This way you would see the driver's arms without seeing yours.

Yes the dials and the cockpit details and the bell & whistles are nice (and many prefer to see all this stuff), but at the end of the day the driving matters and I bet NO ONE can drive better from the cockpit view when comparing to the bumper view.

Anyone feels like this or am I the only one??

Now flame me as much as you like you cockpit-view lovers!!! :)
The thing is, with cockpit view, everything is stuck where it is, and block out view.
In real life, I do not notice my arm move to shift, I do not see myself turn the wheel, all I see is the road.
With the cockpit view in video games, I see all the crap I don't want to see.

Cockpit view is GREAT for saying "wow, look at that detail!" And that's it.

What I'd LOVE to see, is a "windshield" view, hood cam "kind of" works, but you see way to much hood. A view from drivers level from the windscreen would be perfect.
After a month with the game, I'm really yet to see any real benefits of the premium cars except for the quality of replays (and b-spec looks better of course).
I never use cockpit view.
I use cockpit view and set it to "Zoom". No HUD. Visibility is manageable imo. Shakes dont bother me as well, its kinda cool to be honest.
Just use so called "bumper cam" view ... that is basically front window view just ignorants are calling that bumper cam.



👍 👍 👍 Nice pics for those who say bumper is not realistic...

I only call it the "bumper cam" to differentiate the name from the cockpit view. It actually is a cockpit view without the cockpit graphics.
That's why it makes more sense because your TV/monitor IS acting like your windscreen.

Well as per my original post that's my humble opinion, but I am glad most people agree.
..."theoretically" your cockpit is your own steering wheel and the chair in your living room (or whatever place you are), and your TV is like the windscreen.
If we agree to this then you do not need to see the cockpit of the car in game as well.

Anyone feels like this or am I the only one??...

Exactly my thoughts. Never use cockpit, just have a look here and there at that view in the replays. :)
Tried hard to like it but I keep going back to the much more useful bumper view.

So I cannot understand all the premium/standard, cockpit/no cockpit, HUD/no HUD discussions.

Let me explain:

"theoretically" your cockpit is your own steering wheel and the chair in your living room (or whatever place you are), and your TV is like the windscreen.
If we agree to this then you do not need to see the cockpit of the car in game as well. This would be like looking inside the cockpit through another cockpit..
Positioning-wise the inside cockpit view would only make sense in theory if you could bring the TV 20 cm from your eyes and your actual steering wheel behind the tv!!! This way you would see the driver's arms without seeing yours.

EXACTLY my reasoning!
Bumper cam is BEST cam!

That's also the reason why I'd rather have ultra-realistic tracks than ultra-realistic cars I never see anyway. Sometimes I'm forgetting which car I'm driving during a race. All that matters is if it has good power and handling.

And HURR DURR Headtracking. Who came up with that? I know how it works in the game, but if I turn my head left/right, I'm looking away from the screen (duh!).
Truly a feature the world needs...

GT5 is my definitive racing game on the PS3, but some things are just sub-par or totally unnecessary.
I Love the look of the cockpit view immersion wise, but for racing it has to be bumper view, you get a better sense of speed, lose the overdone camera shake that makes it hard to focus, better vision regarding spotting the apex, cars and tracks seem to be much clearer and frame rate seems more stable, sound is also improved.

PD please put the dial graphics of the car Im driving in bumper view instead of the generic GT ones and there would be no need for cockpit view.:sly:
And HURR DURR Headtracking. Who came up with that? I know how it works in the game, but if I turn my head left/right, I'm looking away from the screen (duh!).
Truly a feature the world needs...

GT5 is my definitive racing game on the PS3, but some things are just sub-par or totally unnecessary.

I was under the impression that you just had to slightly tilt your head left or right to utilize that function.
PD please put the dial graphics of the car Im driving in bumper view instead of the generic GT ones and there would be no need for cockpit view.:sly:

That's the ONLY point where Shift really shines over GT5, and I am really sorry to admit this.

This would have been awesome..

BTW, I think the generic GT dials are from Honda cars of late 80s.
I love cockpit view as it exactly reminds me how I drive in my real car and nailing apexes is just better as well as optical feedback of what the car is doing. Standard fullscreen cam is showing you only more of the sky and useless bit of road directly under you which is worthless because you can't do anything with that information - you are already there and before any reaction you are already behind. I don't feel I'm driving a car in fullscreen view, just feel I'm playing some game. Double steering wheel paranoia is weird thing for me, I don't perceive my logitech during gameplay, just watching the screen.
Played all gt's since the jp release of 1 at the end of 1997. Always used the 'bumper cam' - until now. Never played using the 3rd person view as you don't get a feel of the car.

I have now switched to the cockpit view (alernating between narrower and narrow) for these reasons.

1. Gives a sense of actual ownership and reminds you of that you are actually driving different cars - without sacrificing the feel that 3rd person would.

2. On the narrower view, sense of speed is reduced, you seem to have more time to think (impression, not actually reality obviously) and you get the vibrations that for me, add to the experience.

3. When you hit something else it looks a bit better.

I know what people are saying about it reducing the field of view. if I wasn't on 1080p on a largish lcd I would give it a miss as the detail wouldn't be enough.