Cockpit view - IMHO overated and not so useful...

Buy a helmet.

HAAHAH this image comes to mind.. had some buddies over my house one night.


But this was driving me nuts last night. I even recalibrated my speakers few times thinking I may have messed it up.


I did the same thing. Got out the mic and calibrated the left/right levels, even though I knew it wasn't my amp due to the sound being well balanced in chase and roof cams. It's simply an interior view sound issue that PD hosed.

On a related topic... when you lighten a car, the first thing that gets removed is usually sound deadening material and insulation, and race cars obviously have none to begin with (except where used for fire protection). So... why do the interior sounds not account for this? If you lighten a car to the max, the interior view should be noisy as hell.

Have you heard the interior view of the NASCARs? It sounds like the inside of any factory luxary car (except for the ever-present Boeing 747 tranny whine of course). 👎
Anyone else notice that the bumper cam suffers from the same FPS hit as the cockpit cam? Even on standard cars?

I was rather confused by this. Obviously, the bumper cam should net the fastest framerate, but with both premium and standard, the only way I could get a consistent 60fps is if I used the exterior cam. I found myself using the exterior cam a lot, especially for GT Life challenges, because the better framerate improved the sense of speed, which made driving a lot easier. I saved cockpit cam for messing around and casual driving/racing.
There's some inconsistency in cockpit views. If i drive in F40, i can see almost whole wheel and lots of cockpit, very good view. But in Murcielago SV, all i can see are two main dials and air vents to the right, as if the view is zoomed in. Nothing like in a ferrari. And that narrow view spoils the sense of speed that i get in F40.

Funny you say that about the fire fight lol.... my Trucks/locations have been hit by IED's, motars (close impact) and small arms fire in Iraq.... no throw up yet haha, That situation would be funny to see though.

I hear what you are saying about my current tv setup, Ill adjust it and see what happens.

As for how I would do in a firefight, trust me I'd have your back, only video games and movies (or for example amateur youtube videos with people running around with the camera moving all over) bother me.

Well guys, that is all that really matters - when the TSHTF and TWAWKI comes to an end we can back each other up. These "games" are just a temporary distraction from real life anyway.

(if you get board, hit up youtube and search for 'swart mamba' to see what I will be handing out to anyone that needs one on the day we have to back each other up :lol: - if you guys are ever in H-Town we can hit the range and have some fun)
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Blah, blah, blah.

NO ONE can drive better from the cockpit view when comparing to the bumper view.

True, but missing the appeal of the cockpit. The cockpit view renders a car around you, and you can see that you're inside this car. I want to drive the cars from inside the cars, and modeling the car around me where I can see it around me helps me feel like I'm driving a car and not just driving a motorized chair with a steering wheel. If I go to a roof cam, it now renders a roof under me so now I'm pretending that I'm sitting on top of a car. I want to sit inside the car and see my car wrapped around me.
Thats probably because you arent using a 900 degree wheel. Use a 900 degree one and tell me if it matches.

See Sig...Using a G25 and yes it matches. If you wanna knitpick and say that it doesn't match in situations where you are making turns you need to crossover(which is VERY rare) There has never been a game that has done that yet that I have ever seen.
Well guys, that is all that really matters - when the TSHTF and TWAWKI comes to an end we can back each other up. These "games" are just a temporary distraction from real life anyway.

(if you get board, hit up youtube and search for 'swart mamba' to see what I will be handin gout to anyone that needs one on the day we have to back each other up :lol: - if you guys are ever in H-Twon we can hit the range and have some fun)

HHAHA roger that bro.
I will totally agree with you on the sound thing. my Amp has a calibration mic that I use when I set up my cockpit to race (I sit maybe a metre or so forward then where I sit on my couch when I'm racing)
But this was driving me nuts last night. I even recalibrated my speakers few times thinking I may have messed it up. I also get a little annoyed by the straight cut gears overpowering my engine sound. It seems to be alot more obvious since 1.05

For reference I run it in PCM 5.1 48hz over HDMI

Oh and yeah I would just LOVE to use my TrackIR I feel a little naked in my cockpit without it.

Its apparent you and the guy you quoted don't know what straight cut gear boxes sound like on real race cars. Here is an example. Tell me if you can hear the engine note.
Its apparent you and the guy you quoted don't know what straight cut gear boxes sound like on real race cars. Here is an example. Tell me if you can hear the engine note.

I would be the guy he quoted, and I know exactly what they sound like. But not every car in the game should have straight cut gears if you upgrade the tranny, and even the ones that do shouldn't all sound like a supercharger is sitting in your lap.
I would be the guy he quoted, and I know exactly what they sound like. But not every car in the game should have straight cut gears if you upgrade the tranny, and even the ones that do shouldn't all sound like a supercharger is sitting in your lap.

That depends what is GT5 for you. If it's just a game (even tho a very very very good game) then, you won't care about realism that much (and about cockpit view too of course)
If it's a "The Real Driving Simulator", then you probably will want to use the most realistic view which is cockpit one of course. Will you feel comfortable or not and how good that view in GT5 is another story tho. =)

And since i'm in the 1st group, i'm using cockpit view like that (when driving a new premium car): "ok, let's check how it looks... *20 secs later* ok, nice *switching to a behind car view* ".

Cockpit overated? Not a chance Its the best view in the Game IMO and the people who use it get more out of the game.

Don't really care about how it's overated or not, but the 2nd part is so far from truth.
What's the most important thing that everyone want to get get from a game? Right, it's called "fun".

If some person (like you for example, based on your post ) having tons of fun playing with cockpit view and turned off driving ads and thinking it's THAT awesome. It's cool, nothing else to add.

But what if the other person (like me), having the same tons of fun playing from the bed with DS3 and using a view that shows a whole car? Does that means i'm having a less fun? Nope and i'm not getting a less from a game, from a sim maybe, but not from a game.
And you know, after 7+ hours work on PC + nearly 1 hour driving to my home ( thanks to the traffic )the last thing that i want to do is sit before TV and use a wheel, i just wanna relax a bit and playing is one of the best ways to relax that i know, especially when i'm playing to one of my favorite games.
Yesterday night, I was the first time looking actively for some online racing.
After driving The Ring at night the very first time, I hosted a server restricted to 500hp and moderate weight restriction and used the races just for hotlapping a few of my favorite cars + finding better setups.

It was seriously great fun, to see, how the cockpit lighting and the pitch black track work together.
It was the nicest racing experience so far from any racing sim.
The cockpit lighting looks great in GT5, too bad, the head lights do not properly light far enough, one really drives quite blind.

Doing this in bumper cam surely nets better lap times, but I don't like that view at all.
I completely prevent "standard cars" for Aspec mode.
I have been using full zoom cockpit and no hud and I love it.

It's funny I actually get better times with bumper view but I dislike it because it feels fake. For me it is all about immersion, I would rather feel like I am really behind the wheel (which is what the cockpit zoom, no hud, and G27 do for me) of a car then to go from a silver trophy to a gold trophy after one try with bumper view, I feel like I am cheating in a way. And also I am posting better times with the full zoom feature than with the default (wide) view.
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full zoom?

have i missed something and we can now adjust the fov in cockpit view?

tell me how please, and wheres the hud-off button?

thanks :)
The cockpit lighting looks great in GT5, too bad, the head lights do not properly light far enough, one really drives quite blind.

One car's headlights that light the Ring well imo is the Super GT GT-R.

full zoom?

have i missed something and we can now adjust the fov in cockpit view?

tell me how please, and wheres the hud-off button?

thanks :)

Pause the game before the start and click on the options tab beside the quit icon and scroll to the bottom you will find these options.
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Cockpit views are best when used in narrow format. This is a nice added feature in GT5. Personally, I only use Bonnet-cam when a full width bonnet is provided ala Forza. These half-width bonnets look lame and outdated. Bumper-cam is useful for its rear view mirror.

Can anyone explain why GT5 designers provide full width to some cars and only half to others? Why not provide all cars with a windscreen outline, a rear view mirror and full width, vibrating bonnet?
One car's headlights that light the Ring well imo is the Super GT GT-R.

Pause the game before the start and click on the options tab beside the quit icon and scroll to the bottom you will find these options.

Thanks for the tip, I didn't expect different cars from having different light configs.
I was riding a stock RX-7 premium car with upgrades (not the RE Amemiya) and love the cockpit view at night on the ring with the red glowing instruments.

Actually, I like some car with zoomed view and most cars with wide view cockpit.
I would like, to see a adjustable seat feature for each car, like it was implemented in Simbin's GTR series.

The Mazda RX7 cockpit looks gorgeous in zoom (not full zoom).

Now the only things, that are missing for me is a fully configurable HUD, which can be mapped to a key for on/off during a race and position/ time info at the pits (the way, I vaguely remember it from F355 challenge from the Sega Dreamcast).

Add a fixed head movement with view left/ right with L2/R2 without the snap back and I am perfectly fine with the excellent cockpit view.

One last: please, pretty please add a proper light on/off switch to the cars (on any track and any condition) + a proper far light switch.
Making it dependent on the track/ light condition is silly.
I would like, to use the driving lights also, when cockpit instruments are barely visible during strong sunlight.

Another last: where are the direction marker lights and warning lights, we need on the Nordschleife, to indicate intentions and directions for upcoming traffic ;-)

I love the fact, that GT5 pretty much looks like the new platform, that evolves update by update with more refinement and content.
I don't need GT6 for the next years, just refine GT5 and add even more immersion - did I mention already, to refine the way, race weekends are designed and experienced?

In GT5, there is zero experience of actually taking part in a race weekend. One rather enters an arcade game directly form the start line and leaves it after finishing the race on track.
Everybody, wh regularly visits race events, knows, what is missing most in GT5 thus far - I would love, to see that added at a later point - I guess, the team is busy, adding cockpits to standard cars now ;-)

Ok, that was OT …
I think it'd be absolutely awesome if we had more interior views.

Seriously, when watching replays, who doesn't like those awesome other two angles that some cars get?
I would be the guy he quoted, and I know exactly what they sound like. But not every car in the game should have straight cut gears if you upgrade the tranny, and even the ones that do shouldn't all sound like a supercharger is sitting in your lap.

If it is a straight cut dog box then yes they all sound like that. Just straight cut gears then its not as loud but still a distinct sound.
I am loving cockpit with narrower view. I have to leave the HUD on since I'm currently using a DS3. One man reason I like cockpit view is because the physics feel different than the other views.
1. The shaking. I don't care what anyone says, that much visual shaking is just wrong on a game display. In the real world, your brain takes input from several sources and creates the reality you experience.

Well said. 150+ mph in road cars, 75+ mph in karts on a bumpy track, I just don't see that kind of shaking in real life. Your brain compensates for the movement of the vehicle. Needs to have a disable option.
Totaly agree.... cockpit view is the only way, check out the hands on the steering wheel though..changing gear every 20 feet..oh and the shakeing.