Cockpit view in night tracks

  • Thread starter Zimmerd

I'm wondering..
Will there be night tracks in Gran Turismo 5, like in the past Gran Turismo's?
Will there still be a cockpit view? Then they have to input all the different dashboard lights too?


I'm wondering..
Will there be night tracks in Gran Turismo 5, like in the past Gran Turismo's?
Will there still be a cockpit view? Then they have to input all the different dashboard lights too?


there's no reason that it would not be.
Actually, I never thought of the night tracks yet. Boy, there could be some fabulous cockpit views in GT5.

And I don't think they'll do without just because of cockpit views.
can you even imagine..night time cockpitviews,and he...imagine that when also raining!!!....widshieldwipers/raindrops/spray from car in front of you witch you lite with your headlights....etc etc!
Its a pity they dropped ss11 in GT4.. I hope they replace it with another night circuit...

Ideally you should be able to drive every circuit day or night...

I hope they put night races in.
Some of those in car views would be superb.

Special route 5. Was that the one in the Tureno + rain(or at least a wet track) at night.
Its a pity they dropped ss11 in GT4.. I hope they replace it with another night circuit...

Ideally you should be able to drive every circuit day or night...


I have always wanted to do the High Speed Ring at night.
Kaz has mentioned there is going to be night and day in GT5 right? It would be awesome if they make it real, so if you take a car out on Laguna Seca for example and the time over there is 11:00 PM in real life it should be 11:00 PM in game as well!

Oh man, imagine to take a Hakosuka GT-R (if they include that car) out on Fuji Speed Way at sunrise! :drool:
Kaz has mentioned there is going to be night and day in GT5 right? It would be awesome if they make it real, so if you take a car out on Laguna Seca for example and the time over there is 11:00 PM in real life it should be 11:00 PM in game as well!

No, it shouldn't.
@zondahelmet:totally see its raining somewhere on the news and you can decide wether to race there or not if you want...supercool!...but then again,what if you dont??...
Weather maybe, but not time. Japan would always be dark, and Australia etc for people in certain parts of the world. Its a bad idea.

Heck even real weather isnt that great an idea. I just wanna be able to choose.
@zondahelmet:totally see its raining somewhere on the news and you can decide wether to race there or not if you want...supercool!...but then again,what if you dont??...

maybe have the option somewhere in settings to sync it with realtime conditions or not

could be a cool little feature :) i mean it wouldnt be hard to implement, assuming that weather and nighttime are already implemented

which i doubt is the case :'(
No, it shouldn't.
I agree. At first, the idea seems very appealing, but if you think about it for a second: if you have day and night in the game, don't you want to decide by yourself when to have it? Fixed times would be pretty bad, as you'd have to get up at night to drive certain tracks at the time you want to.
@The Interceptor, my point exactly, having a choice is good enough. Being forced is not good, then whats the point in having varying time of day if you never see it?
@interceptor and guys are right though...fixed it would be an impossible,if we could actually choose between actual/preset settings everybody will get their cup of tea!
One of my favorite night tracks was special route 5.

You sir, are awesome.

I just imagine they'll get the dashboard light "lighter" and just the overall inside darker == PURE WIN! :D
I hope the headlights really light your way this time :dopey:

With all this fantastic dynamic lighting happening in GT5P, it would be a real shame that the headlights were just yellow asterisks again lol
Wow, that 911 on the Ring with the snow is pure sex.
The guy must know the track (and the car) like the back of his hand too, as everything's white, no tarmac in sight.

2009.BELIEVE :crazy:
I do wonder why more racing games don't have night/day and weather options. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit was a brilliant example, as is PGR4 today.

I also agree with PuTTe_TuTTe in that games could and should have the option of real-time synchronized time-of-day and weather. There's already a good resource for worldwide weather reports, and any online-capable system could download it every hour.
Since you will be able to check the weather at real world tracks, does this mean that it may be possible that PD will give the original circuits a 'home country' or determine a real world location for them?

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