Colin McRae Dirt 2

  • Thread starter Pepsi0
It feels really good, I thoroughly enjoyed myself on it. Definately going to buy the full game. The physics feel much better, it no longer feels like the car is floating above the ground. You actually can understeer on this one!

Seems a really good game, it even nails the festival feel better than Motorstorm! Seems fun online too! Played some with Tommi_2000, definately good fun.
Overall I like it. And yes you can oversteer thats all I did in Moracco :lol: , until I changed to manual transmission, then everything was fine. I haven't seen a Lancia Delta S4 in anything yet, I hope it comes in the full game. That was my favorite car.
This is night and day compared to DIRT 1, the cars actually have weight, they don't stop on a dime and generally have that semi-sim feel of old Colin McRae games.

I can't wait to try some Rallycross and Group B cars.
This is brilliant, exceeded my expectations massively. Wonderful presentation, very pro speed/motorstorm but done very well over both of them. The cars feel great, the graphics are fantastic (go through a watersplash in cockpit view....just awesome) just overall nice to play. Looking forward to this.

Oh, and I love having my xbox avatar dangling from my rear view mirror:D
Installing now, hopefully its good, my wheel is in Newcastle and I am back home so can't test the G25 sadly. Hopefully I won't be able to stop on the head of a pin in this one! :D
Hmmm its DIRT with not so good brakes. Feeling a bit meh. Good looking though.

Honest question, does America have no real rally drivers except from XTREME!!!!111!!11 crossover "stars"?

Oh and Ken Block, who by the way has the most annoying accent in the world....

This just makes me think how Colin McRae games were and then I feel sad.

Final edit, will wait and see how it feels with wheel that will decide if its a purchase.
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I've got a DF-GT and I for one think it's Awesome with the wheel, Shiet i haven got time to write more, I'm off to drive some hehe.. IT*S AWESOME..

Thank you Codemasters, for finally making a Rally game, where the WHEEL feeling is Correct.

ta ta
Sounds good, didn't think much with the controller sadly. Will go round to my friends tomorrow to try his G25. Hope its more impressive.
I just played the Baja race with my DFGT and Playseat and enjoyed it thoroughly. As I've played the demos of Dirt, Grid, and now Dirt 2 with my DFGT, I have to say that out of the three, Dirt 2 definitely feels like a significant improvement. Tweaking the wheel settings makes the force feedback come to life a bit more and the physics themselves have been revamped it seems. The truck has a great feel to it, and when I hit the water with the left tires only, I could definitely feel that the truck wanted to turn due to the change in resistance.

If this is anything to go by: I've hated Codemasters ever since they butchered the Pro Race Driver series, but this game redeems them a bit in my eyes.
Just had a go and i can confirm that the physics has vastly improved. I guess Ken straightened up those codie peeps..
I've played the demo with my G25 and i loved it.
The game looks very good and it doesn't feel at all like the first Dirt, the brakes are still powerfull but you really have to anticipate the turns otherwise you'll finish in a tree.
Will buy it for sure ! :)
Yes, i like the water effects! If only we can use a few more cars for the rally stage :D

I think ill consider this a buy while i wait for GT5. Prologue has run its course.. NFS Shift looks good and Supercar Challenge too :D so much to choose :bowdown:

Appetizers for GT5! :D
Loved the demo and definitely will be buying the game, an overall improvement over Dirt and something a bit different to traditional rally games this time, love the festival atmosphere and the way the menus flow together.👍
I love the menus! I am super impressed with Dirt 2! This game went from ignore status to top 5 game of the year!
Anybody else absolutely hate the menus?

OK, so the menu system is nice to look at but if I need to dig any deeper just to start a race I'll end up in Australia...yeah, lets make players press X 20 times before they can actually play the ****ing game. So yeah, looks nice but is completely and utterly impractical. Saying that this type of presentation would go down really well in MotorStorm, just streamlined.

The handling still doesn't feel right. It's not that it's bad but I still don't feel that the vehicles handle as I would expect them to...seems floaty. Must remember this is an arcade game though; it's something inherent to the series now...well at least since CMR2.0.

The Baja races can be fun, however, the Moroccan Trailblazer stage is frustrating more than anything...again probably down to how much the series has turned in to an arcade game. I found it really hard to get a sense of my speed to judge corners and I needed to keep changing gears to much. Nothing seems to flow.

After flipping my car in Morocco the game took, like, forever to tell me I was going the wrong way too. God damn frustrating.

Visually splendid though but I don't think much to the engine sounds.

Overall I'm not going to buy it now. Maybe when it's DiRT cheap though.
OK, so the menu system is nice to look at but if I need to dig any deeper just to start a race I'll end up in Australia...yeah, lets make players press X 20 times before they can actually play the ****ing game. So yeah, looks nice but is completely and utterly impractical. Saying that this type of presentation would go down really well in MotorStorm, just streamlined. takes me 5/6 button presses to get to a race. I'm not sure what you've been doing but it's not complicated.
I played CM Dirt 2 when it was on show at the goodwood festival of speed using the logitech g25. I've got to say the graphics seem to have improved from the last one. The handling is difficult when using a FFB wheel it really tries to fight you. In the end I broke the steering rack. Chris Meeke also had a go at it but I can't remember his time. The setup up they had was amazing the chair along with the wheelis worth £14,000 or so I heard the guy say.
Can be short on this one: Like it and will buy it!

Now that Dirt 2 is finished i hope they will be working on a Grid 2. Just the same old formula as Grid 1 would be perfect, but with a lot more cars and tracks :-D takes me 5/6 button presses to get to a race. I'm not sure what you've been doing but it's not complicated.

I didn't count how many steps it took but it felt like it took forever to get into a race. The other gripe was that while it looks great. The menu's look overdone and well would probably belong better in some other game.

Dirt 1 had excellent menu's!
Menus? I agree, overdone, however I do enjoy the game itself, particularly the rally stage in the Eclipse (which I just pulled a 2:59.20 on :D).
Am not convinced spent another hour on the demo and its not doing it for me. Will have a go with a wheel tonight though, maybe that will float my proverbial boat...
I found Dirt unusable with the wheel. I'll try the demo, I'm not holding out hope for wheel usage after what has been said above.
Menus? I agree, overdone, however I do enjoy the game itself, particularly the rally stage in the Eclipse (which I just pulled a 2:59.20 on :D).

2:59!!! I'm still struggling at 3:15.

The FFB and wheel implementation is way ahead of GRID. I love the fact that it still got the extensive customization you find in GRID (both FFB and wheel setup) and unlike GRID, it works at default setting with the G25. One thing that I find rather odd is that at Baja, landing a jump doesn't quite have the same impact in the FFB that I'd get from GRID (on track like San Francisco). Even crashes seem a bit muted. But in the end, both the FFB and physics in DIRT2 give me a bit more hope as to how the F1 game might turn out.

I find the framerate is a improvement over GRID especially on the PS3 while the car animation in the replay is smoother although it lacks the weight and finesse of GT's or Forza's. The lighting is great and overall the EGO engine just seems to work better in this kind of environment than it does in a more pristine man made race track atmospehere. It'll be interesting to see how CM will incorporate the engine with F1 games.