Colin McRae Dirt 2

  • Thread starter Pepsi0
I found the steering is fine on default (Linearity at 8)

It's far better than the Dirt 1 physics. Counter steering has a slightly awkward feel... so there's certainly more room for improvement. I guess i have to thank Ken Block for this. They should bring in Michael Schumacher for their F1 game since he's canceled his return :D
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I have decided I will be giving this a miss. I don't know how this will be percieved but its been Americanised to death and the physics aren't good enough to make me put up with that.

Why can't they go back to the old games style.
I probably wouldn't pay full price for this game, just like I didn't for GRiD, however Ego is looking good which bodes well for Flashpoint 2 which im eagerly awaiting.
I have decided I will be giving this a miss. I don't know how this will be percieved but its been Americanised to death and the physics aren't good enough to make me put up with that.

Why can't they go back to the old games style.

Because they're making more money with these games then they probably did with TOCA and Colin McRae.
Just started playing the demo... this thing is pants. It's been Americanised to the end, all you can see is Ken Block and Travis Pastrana telling you what to do, and they can barely even race rally cars. In the demo there is this stupid point-to-point rally stage that you have to do in a Mitsubishi Eclipse GT, and that thing isn't even 4WD. You don't get a co-driver, so you crash every few seconds until you learn it by heart. The handling is extremely arcadey, and doesn't really even feel like DiRT1 or GRID, just like a weird arcade racer. The series has officially sold out, and I despair to think of what GRID2 could be like...

At least we got REAL WRC cars and drivers in GT5, right guys? :D
I agree that its been 'Americanized' but i still think the physics has improved. This only pertains to wheel users though. I guess D-Pads have a much different feel.
Now that Dirt 2 is finished i hope they will be working on a Grid 2. Just the same old formula as Grid 1 would be perfect, but with a lot more cars and tracks :-D
Boo, hiss. GRID blew. I hate it, and hope Codies gets their head on straight and returns to Toca.

By the way, boo on hand controller racing too. Now I'm a bit leery of this game, because Logitech wheel control, and maybe Fanatec, is the only way to race. I guess I'll give the demo a spin when I get around to firing up the PS3 soon. Unfortunately, I'm doing about six things at once, besides work! :indiff:
Which PS store is your account for? It's definitely there on the UK and European stores, if you can't find it just create a new account and say you're from the UK and when you go online it will take you to the UK store.
Which PS store is your account for? It's definitely there on the UK and European stores, if you can't find it just create a new account and say you're from the UK and when you go online it will take you to the UK store.

Thanks dave , but i have 3 accounts for each region !!
but again i will try to make a new account with UK nationality lool :D
The physics have been improved from DIRT and GRID but that wouldn't be hard...

The more I play it the less I like it :(

Definitely disappointed here.
Much better than DIRT. Quite enjoyable, barring the horrific impact it had on my wheel. Does the FFB have to be that strong? I hope it'd be tweakable in the full game, so that, you know, I don't have to buy a new wheel each week.
I still haven't bothered trying mine on the wheel due to my hatred of GRiD on G25, it really put me off. I'll give it a go.

In other news, just managed a 2:57.33 on the Eclipse run. Edit: Make that 2:55.46 without making stupid cuts like some people seem to be.
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I think its kickass fun, in now way is it WRC, but the rally and raid parts are awesome, and I enjoy it, even though Im a WRC diehard fan!
Much better than DIRT. Quite enjoyable, barring the horrific impact it had on my wheel. Does the FFB have to be that strong? I hope it'd be tweakable in the full game, so that, you know, I don't have to buy a new wheel each week.

You know the FFB is adjustable in the demo Boss? If you turn environmental FFB up it shakes like nuts.
You know the FFB is adjustable in the demo Boss? If you turn environmental FFB up it shakes like nuts.

It is? I went to "My Events" - or whatever it is called, and the options seem blanked out. Where is it?

I'd rent the game first, having been scorned by DIRT, which has to be one of the worst racing games I've played for physics, but I was mildly impressed/enjoyed my two races on the demo.
I still haven't bothered trying mine on the wheel due to my hatred of GRiD on G25, it really put me off. I'll give it a go.

In other news, just managed a 2:57.33 on the Eclipse run. Edit: Make that 2:55.46 without making stupid cuts like some people seem to be.

Damn that's hauling. I just ran a 3:12 and I was flying.

So far my impressions: loving the new handling physics, graphics are superb, engine sounds seem to be good. Think this will be a definite purchase for me.👍
It is? I went to "My Events" - or whatever it is called, and the options seem blanked out. Where is it?

I'd rent the game first, having been scorned by DIRT, which has to be one of the worst racing games I've played for physics, but I was mildly impressed/enjoyed my two races on the demo.

It's just the in start button menu when you begin a race.
After a few days of playing the game: it's not RBR but that was never Codemasters' intention. It's more simcade than GRID or DIRT and the FFB strength in this game (I run it at 100%, 100%, 90&) surpass GT5P in every way. Hopefully GT5 will come with FFB strength very much like this game. The only concern I have is that landing a jump just doesn't quite have the same FFB effect that GRID has- it' s far too muted .

While the graphics engine is great and incredible robust, it doesn't match Prologue's fidelity and resolution. it would be interesting to see how much better this game will on the PC (DX11?). And how this will compare to the PC version of SHIFT. And as to purchasing this game: the only game I'm planning to buy this fall is SHIFT and if all goes accordingly, GT5 for winter. I had Forza 3 in the basket until I decided to sell the MS wheel. But I can always put this on my christmas wish list.
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The super slow-mo controls in the replay mode are fantastic. Really gives you an idea of how detailed this game is graphically.
In other news, just managed a 2:57.33 on the Eclipse run. Edit: Make that 2:55.46 without making stupid cuts like some people seem to be.

Wow. Quickest I've managed to do is a 3:07.38. Thats insanely quick seeming I'm basicaly going flat out through most of it....
Tried the demo yesterday and it wasnt for long... its to arcadey for me, I kinda knew what to expect but I had to test it :)

I just wish game makers could make a realistic rally game! Cant remember any title after RBR who was realistic...:rolleyes:
Hi guys
Do either of the first Dirt or he second one have handling anything like Colin Mcrally 3 or Colin Mcrally 2005? Those were the best rally games on the PS2 in my opinion. I am a die-hard Colin McRae Rally fan, I have all of them and I still play the original one and 2.0 on the PSP :D.
As I am going to get a PS3 sometime soon I need to know if these games cut it as a good rally game.
Damn that's hauling. I just ran a 3:12 and I was flying.

So far my impressions: loving the new handling physics, graphics are superb, engine sounds seem to be good. Think this will be a definite purchase for me.👍

Wow. Quickest I've managed to do is a 3:07.38. Thats insanely quick seeming I'm basicaly going flat out through most of it....

Thank you x2. It's about the quickest I can managed bar a few minor places I could improve, that is without taking huge shortcuts as you'll see on the Codemasters 2:51 on youtube.

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