Look, fellow GTP member, and supposed human being, you can't be both dismissive, abusive and asking for information.
Yeah, I can.
Please take your choice. I don't mind answering questions from those who are polite and sincere, but you can't have it both ways. If you continue to be abusive you can expect to be ignored.
You can't insist on sincerity when your original post was anything but.
I am in fact a credible person. I am whom I say I am. I've done what I've said I've done. I can work with you, but only if you give me a patch of ground to stand on.
Anyone on the internet can say they are whoever or whatever they want. It doesn't matter. What matters are the content of your posts, and the content of your posts in this thread don't pass the stink test. I'm sorry that you don't like to hear that, but it's true. Your posts are (intentionally) alarmist and have little to no evidence supporting them. If you want credibility and respect, earn it. But demanding it after making a bunch of extraordinary claims and not providing any evidence? You're not going to get it, and you don't deserve it:
Alarmist hogwash #1:
miss Earth only by the barest of margins - as little as 0.15AU by the latest reckoning.
As has already been pointed out, numerous times by numerous people, this isn't that slim a margin, and unless you can provide evidence to the contrary, the number you're using isn't even correct given current data (i.e. you selected it SPECIFICALLY to make things look bad).
But this could change - even to an impact!
The trajectory of ANY body could change. Even to an impact! Considering there are huge numbers of asteroids and comets that have come as close or closer than this (there was an up to 1.3 km asteroid at .158 AU just LAST WEEK, where were you on that one?), this is more fearmongering hogwash.
Even if it misses Earth, we will be bathed in it's debris trail
I don't think you've actually established that this is true, and it isn't a big deal anyway.
Recall how Shoemaker-Levy 9 broke up as it approached Jupiter a few years ago?
As already stated, I recall that NONE of its fragments ended up .15 AU from the rest of them. Also, maybe you recall that Jupiter is a tad bit larger than Earth, and the reason Levy broke up is 1. because of Jupiters tidal forces and 2. a previous close approach to Jupiter. Neither is applicable here. I can't think of a reason you would mention Shoemaker-Levy other than sheer ignorance.
P.S. everyone is ignorant about some things (a lot of things, actually). Accusing someone of ignorance isn't a put down. I am entirely ignorant about knitting. Don't know a single thing about it, other than someone can take a ball of yarn and a couple sticks and make a hat. That's why you will never see me making posts about knitting attempting to tell other people about it.
Also, due to its 38,000 year period
More unsupported "facts."
The recent Comet Holmes briefly expanded to a size larger than the Sun!
Alarmist and largely irrelevant.
Earth could be bathed in gigantic electrical discharges burning up every piece of unprotected electrical wiring on the planet.
Completely unsupported. In addition: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
I seriously think civilization on Earth could end someday, and this might be it. Consider the curious name Elenin (for discoverer Leonid Elenin, a Russian astronomer). Think E-l-e: Extinction level event. Think E-l-e / n-i-n: Eleven/nine, or 11/9/11, and it is very scary.
Alarmist hogwash, not to mention bordline conspiracy theory nutcasish.
So tell me, where in that post have you demonstrated your credibility and earned the respect that you demand?