If anyone is interested I now have the information I required to nut out these licenses and the PS4 trophies that go with them.
The Safety rank is the letter U > S and is dependant on the the number of online clean laps. The actual number to get to B for the trophy is at this stage unknown but I am at C at the moment with about 45 races done and a lot of disconnects and a lot of getting punted off the track when it was not my fault but got pinged for it anyway.
The number is only on completed online race results and you lose between 45-50 points for a disconnect even if it is not your fault. So if you get kicked, host quits and crashes the lobby or the net is just flakey (like it always is) then *YOU* lose points >:-( BUT, this is the good news, no one seems to care about them.
The third part to this (which no one has discussed yet) is the actual level of license Amateur > Pro. Now these are only dependant on the number of complete races regardless of finishing position or safety record.
The list is: Amateur = 50 completed online races regardless of safety or position
Pro-Am = 100 completed online races regardless of safety or position
Pro = 200 completed online races regardless of safety or position
Veteran = 350 completed online races regardless of safety or position
So what can we now gather from all this. Firstly SMS are <insert swear word of choice here> for not explaining this clearly and leaving everyone confused. It has taken me 10 days and a lot of grief to finally nut this out all which could have been avoided by SMS actually caring to clearly explain their fiasco of a system.
Everything you say above was explained in the SMS articles
@Pubs16 gave you, except for two things:
1) Disconnections losing you a lot of points. This would have been clear to you if you had been reading this thread, but I assume/hope you haven't, because a lot of people in here have attempted to explain various bits of the online system, and going by your posts you don't seem to have taken a lot of it on board
2) The number of races it takes to level your license's stripe. Incidentally, though, you go on to suggest that this part of the system is important on its own - it isn't, it doesn't have any effect on matching players, and is only a piece of the information to help people judge how much experience someone has with the game. This would have been clear to you if you had read the SMS articles, which say all of this.........
So from these two things I'm left here wondering whether you're just having a bit of a mental block, and all this information isn't fully getting through, or whether you're coming in here with a lot of complaints and confusions, but not actually reading the articles and posts that would clear a lot of things up.
Then, to make things even weirder, despite all of this confusion and difficulty, suddenly you're able to reach a conclusion that's crystal clear:
Therefore I stand by my statement that, this system is a fiasco and has no relevance on how you can judge someone's driving ability.
So actually it's all settled now, the system is confirmed useless, because..........some people have set up boosting lobbies? Are you serious?
Look, I realise that you seem to be cursed, where issues in racing games seem to affect you with more severity and frequency than pretty much anyone else here, and I sympathise with that. But I really do question why you think it's worth putting in a lot of effort to endure things you clearly don't like, and then taking those grievances to here, with seriously misplaced confidence - giving others a headache as we run around in circles trying to figure out where the problem really lies.