Complete Guide/Rewards - Lewis Hamilton Time Attack Challenge

  • Thread starter mclarenLB

I was posting a reply but ^ said it better. 100% agreed.

I'm sure he's not looking at those times in despair and thinking his 6th F1 world title is now completely hollow because some people (probably a fraction of a percent) beat his times in a game that he probably barely plays in comparison to those who beat him.

Also the point about physics is a good one. LH has a solid reference of real world car physics. As we all know, GTS physics is not perfect, and can therefore be exploited by others better.
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I'm sure the six time F1 Champion isn't losing any sleep at night over some people beating him at a game. And his laps needed to be beatable. Some people are already complaining its too hard. Can you imagine if it was even harder :lol:

I said this in the meme thread, but I don't think it's him in the challenge and its probably his brother.

I honestly sort of didn't believe him when he said that he plays against people (with his brother) when at home. He just seems like type to be too busy for playing each of the tracks, or do people believe he's so brilliant that he did those in 2-3 tries...
I agree that the levels they have chosen for Gold, Silver and Bronze must be set so that they are beatable. But Hamilton's own times didn't have to be. And when you hear Hamilton's voice when a player gets Diamond "where did THAT time come from" - he has himself chosen to sound surprised in that recording. Maybe he was not anticipating to have that one played so often?

I do agree with all of you that of course his world and this game are completely different, and of course it's understandable he would not spend his valuable time exploring the game dynamics for the perfect time. But even if F1 is 1000x more important to him, being as competitive as he is, I would think that it nags him just a little to be beaten by 2 seconds, even in a game. It would not completely surprise me if he has another go at this over the F1 winter break, so that his best laps might be modified with new and better times in a GT update in the spring. It might be an idea to hurry, everyone who wants to get Diamond while they stay at this level.
Can you imagine the backlash if Hamilton's game times were only beatable by a handful of top drivers across the world? It would be a disaster. There's enough entitled grumpy players out there already as it is.

And in any case, a gamer can always beat a pro at a game.
I managed to beat Hamilton's time on Brand Hatch yesterday after wasting a heap of time on Sunday. I didn't beat the time by much, less than 0.1 seconds as the track is a tough one. You have to nail every corner, especially turn 5 or else your lap will be rubbish.
I am having a hard time getting gold on Nurburgring GP, usually I am already 0.5 or more behind the ghost after the first three corners. I watched some youtube laps and they seem to be able to get less under steer and more traction out of the corners.

I tried tcs 1 and bb -2 but I guess I lose the most speed because of the tire scrub from the full lock steering on the controller?
I am having a hard time getting gold on Nurburgring GP, usually I am already 0.5 or more behind the ghost after the first three corners. I watched some youtube laps and they seem to be able to get less under steer and more traction out of the corners.

I tried tcs 1 and bb -2 but I guess I lose the most speed because of the tire scrub from the full lock steering on the controller?
Here is my diamond lap on a controller, most of the time comes through cutting the chicane (all the curb in the left and about as far as the bollard on the right). I used BB +4 for the middle sector and +2 for the offroad section and stadium complex where you are braking downhill so the car is more settled.

The credit cap increases to 100 million for all golds, you don't need to worry about this

Can anyone confirm this?

I'm sitting on 19 million with two golds to get. If and when I get the tenth gold will that put me at 40 million?

Or will I lose the 20 million winnings if I'm already on 20 million?

It is the 20 million credit question..
I started to think that when I saw that they used Willow Springs. Why would you ever choose that over Le Mans, Barcelona or Spa?
He probably did the times before those tracks were put in the game.
Finally got the last!


Then did it again 0.005s faster on my other account within 10 minutes!

I’m on fire! Watching all these replays helped. I had Lewis 0.3 in front. That option to offset the ghost makes all the difference. It feels like a race. Brake balance at +3 makes it turn but gotta be careful. Probably 8 hours total... So... There’s a way to get there if you’re struggling to get gold as I was before I went crazy with practice.
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Can someone point out where the option is to change the ghost interval? I’ve seen it mentioned in this thread a few times but can’t find it anywhere :confused:
Can anyone confirm this?

I'm sitting on 19 million with two golds to get. If and when I get the tenth gold will that put me at 40 million?

Or will I lose the 20 million winnings if I'm already on 20 million?

It is the 20 million credit question..
You won't loose any money. As soon as you get your 10th gold, the credit cap will immediately become 100 million, so then you'll have 40 million in your "virtual wallet".
Reading previous posts, I believe there is 2 kind of people who thinks:

- LH is officially, challenging you, GT Sport players -- in a context of bragging "I am F1 champion and I am faster than you so you could never beat my time. If you could beat it, does not makes sense"

- LH is just providing fanservice to the game -- GT endorsed -- playing GT Sport not for tryhard rage kid serious context -- by giving a relaxed (but still, difficult) challenge to GT Sport players -- also he is aware that maybe there is a sky above the sky -- there is a faster person than him, and believes his time can be beaten by someone else -- anticipated.
Regarding the topic Lewis H. being beaten, 99% of the Players will never beat him by getting all Diamonds (myself included). I think this is already an extreme hard challenge factor. There would be no point to make it even harder.

We don't know how much Lewis played the game. I have the feeling not too much. Because in some corners of fantasy tracks where the track knowledge is more important (apex & corner outcome not visible) he seems to lose surprisingly much time.

If he'd

- played the game as much as the most of us did (espacially the Diamond owners)
- had the go not to bother to track limits (like us tbh)
- would have been told to give his ultimate best (because I'm pretty sure that he pushed not all tracks equal (Monza) to make some Diamonds reachable for normal Players)

I'm sure his times would be only reacheable for >70k DR Drivers.

What annoyes me more is, that according to the comments Willow is outstanding hard. I managed Dragon Trail, Monza, Interlagos and Laggio Maggiore so far within +-1 hour effort each (Monza was less), and also tried Brands Hatch (gave up after stucking on 1.22.990 (=+ 0.025 to Lewis) more than an hour).

So with very much effort I could perhaps complete also the others except of Willows, because If I see that even kie25 or other alien-pace/75k drivers who only needed 5-10 minutes each track stuck on Willows for hours then I know its out of my range.

How stupid would it be to stuck on 9 Diamonds and never get the tenth one ??? :boggled:
I assure you that Hamilton wouldn't have spent that long on each lap, certainly not over 1 hour on each...

that Hamilton, who played GTSport for a couple of hours once...
How are you able to assure us of that?

Now, if you really want to continue your farcical rant, go on.
Now, if you really want to continue your farcical comments, go on.
Finally got the last!

View attachment 870723

Then did it again 0.005s faster on my other account!

I’m on fire! Watching all these replays helped. I had Lewis 0.3 in front. That option to offset the ghost makes all the difference. It feels like a race. Brake balance at +3 makes it turn but gotta be careful. Probably 8 hours total... So... There’s a way to get there if you’re struggling to get gold as I was before I went crazy with practice.
I suppose people will know if 8 hours will bring that sort of improvement for them. I've spent 8 hours, even more, on some combinations in the past, so I know how my performance progresses. I start off making huge improvements, but the curve of my lap times vs time spent practising is asymptotic, and the asymptote is not at 0.6% away from world #1, at least not for Gr.3, maybe just maybe I could manage 0.6% for N100, depending on the track (I've done 0.7% for N100 in the past). I get to the stage where my rate of further improvement is basically zero.

Well done on your achievement, though, I'm certainly not trying to take away from that, I just think that not everyone who initially struggles to get gold will be able to improve to diamond standard if they spend 8 hours on it. I don't know what % of people will be able to make that improvement over that time period, but I wouldn't have thought it can be that many unless most people have just never spent that amount of time practising one car and track combination in the past.
I said this in the meme thread, but I don't think it's him in the challenge and its probably his brother.
Who was it on stage with us beating all the other "am" drivers and sending @F4H Super GT into the barrier before Bruxelles? It looked a lot like Lewis...
I honestly sort of didn't believe him when he said that he plays against people (with his brother) when at home. He just seems like type to be too busy for playing each of the tracks, or do people believe he's so brilliant that he did those in 2-3 tries...
He said he spends winter alternating between skiing in the day and playing GT at home - with a couple of rigs already and two more going in at the moment. I don't have any particular reason to disbelieve that statement.

He also didn't say he only took two or three tries to set these times. Quite the opposite, in fact...
Well done on your achievement, though, I'm certainly not trying to take away from that, I just think that not everyone who initially struggles to get gold will be able to improve to diamond standard if they spend 8 hours on it. I don't know what % of people will be able to make that improvement over that time period, but I wouldn't have thought it can be that many unless most people have just never spent that amount of time practising one car and track combination in the past.

In the past I've spent weeks/months on a specific combo, knocking seconds off my initial time isn't hard, once that happens, chasing tenths is more a matter of luck than judgement, and then I tend to plateau hard. I'm currently all Silver and suspect I will plateau fractionally under the gold times, meaning achieving Gold will be a question of just doing laps over and over until I fluke a better time.

Watching other peoples laps only really helps to see where people are pushing track limits, generally it doesn't reveal any other secrets... it's like, I know that's what I need to do, I just can't get the car to do it. This is part of the reason I believe from one user to the next a wheel can make a difference. Clearly there's something scruffy about the way I control the car and simply doing the same thing lap after lap after lap after lap isn't going to change that, I need to change something to see a change. As a previous wheel user I know I'll still have short-comings, spinning more often for a start!

I'm also only 59 mil from buying all the purchasable cars, I reckon I can get that amount quicker in the rest of the game, than I can diamond all the times.
For those struggling with Willow or even thinking they´ll never make it. The challenge is hard and even top players need their time for it, but this doesn't mean it´s impossible. I think the main problem is that there's no room for little mistakes and you can´t make up them in other corners.
Driving perfect is something that reminds me of the GT1 driving licenses. I think it was the A3 which took me hours just to get gold on one single corner license. The reason you need to take it perfect and more extreme than you thought before.
It´s the same for Willow. There are 3 key corners you have to nail and those are T1, the long right-hander T2 and the left-hander T5 where you can cut the track extreme.
Take the guide from Kie25 and try to mimic his line, braking points, corner speed and gears. Check your delta to Hamilton after the corners and feel the little differences when you win some time in a corner or when you lose it. This will make you better and better over the time until you beat Hamilton.
I think the hardest thing about this challenge is getting this feeling. After sitting there for 4 hours for my first diamond it just took me about 20-30 min to do it on my second account. In my opinion you don´t need to be a World Tour Finalist to make this, it just needs time to get there. :cheers:

Questioning if these times are set by himself or not sounds extremly childish for me, Kindergarten-ageish even. Why the hell should he ever lower himself for that kind of fake??? And imagine the risk of being exposed by the ones who would heve been neccasary involved.

He did do this because he is a competitive racer throughout. And I think not even for money. Because, how much could you pay somebody who makes 45M/ year, if he wouldn't want to?

Anyway, regarding the question if he will ever update his times, I think if he agrees to take an another involvement to the game, its more likely that he sets new times on other tracks like Spa, Barcelona, La Sarthe, Tsukuba, Laguna Seca etc.

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