Lewis Hamilton challenge - which club are you in?

  • Thread starter AlexDB9

Which club are you in?

  • Noob here - haven't even bronzed them all

    Votes: 22 8.9%
  • All-bronze

    Votes: 16 6.5%
  • All-silver

    Votes: 57 23.2%
  • All-gold

    Votes: 90 36.6%
  • Pfft that was easy - All-diamond baby!

    Votes: 61 24.8%

  • Total voters
I bought the Lewis Hamilton DLC yesterday and so far I've only done laps around Dragon Trail, I managed to get down to a 1.37.5 but on that lap I was .400 up after the 1st and 2nd sectors and messed up the last sector, so I knew as I turned off for the night I'd hopefully get it right the next day. anyway I've come on tonight and downloaded that update and gone back on to dragon trail and the car handles completley differently, it's got way more understeer, yesterday I was able to throw the car into the corners more. I haven't played this game for a long time, do they always change the way cars handle in an update even if it isn't stated in the update notes?
Finished 4 missing silvers today. Now I'm in the all-silver club. The thing is that for most tracks I needed only 2-3 tries to get silver, but to get gold I will need 2-3 hours.

Will start with Maggiore and Interlagos, since I practiced them a lot for dailies.

Got gold on Maggiore and Interlagos, knowing these tracks definitely helped. Now to other tracks.
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I had all silvers when I first tried this DLC in December but I decided to revist it yesterday and got my first gold at Monza. Going to do Interlagos next since that’s apparently another one of the easier ones.

I’m also going to gradually work my way through this and not try to tackle all of these in one long session. I think these challenges will be less rage inducing that way and I’ll enjoy them more.
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Got gold on Brands Hatch and Willow Springs, so now it's 4 out of 10. I guess I was too pessimistic but after getting a silver it doesn't take too much time to get a gold as well.

Suzuka is the hardest one by far, but already got my time down to only 0.3 slower than gold
Got all golds tonight. I’ve seen most people say the Nordschleife was among the easier ones (even the easiest), but for me, it was by far the hardest and most time consuming. I just don’t think the Sauber and I get along very well and the track certainly didn’t help. Putting on TC1 though made things slightly more manageable and I finally pulled it off.

As for getting diamonds, I feel the track I have the best chance at is Dragon Trail. I’m able to stay ahead of Lewis’ ghost up until the god forsaken death chicane. Mount Panorama is another I feel I have a shot at as well. I’ll probably give them a try later down the road, but for now, I’m giving this challenge a rest. I’m content with 20 mil. and breaking the credit limit.
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Golds werent too bad, but these diamomds are taking work. I have Willow, Green Hell, Suzuka, and one other to finish. I have some weird inability to race a ghost, i probably should just turn LH off.
Golds werent too bad, but these diamomds are taking work. I have Willow, Green Hell, Suzuka, and one other to finish. I have some weird inability to race a ghost, i probably should just turn LH off.
Have you tried playing with the Ghost settings a little bit? For me, putting Lewis 0.5 or even one second ahead definitely helped, because that way I could follow his lines or even find ways to improve without constantly having him pop in and out of my car.
Have you tried playing with the Ghost settings a little bit? For me, putting Lewis 0.5 or even one second ahead definitely helped, because that way I could follow his lines or even find ways to improve without constantly having him pop in and out of my car.
I tried 0.2 ahead, maybe i should try .50 or 1. Good call.
Finally got there on big willow, haven't tried in a while as I've been playing less and only doing FIA when convenient, had it within 8 minutes thanks to the new physics whenever they came in a little while ago, for indication of time spent refer to my youtube playlist keeping in mind all of it was done before the last physics update except for the last attempt as mentioned, there was also probably a few little attempts here and there at big willow that were undocumented but not a significant amount that would make it look even more difficult that in already is/was

edit: playlist doesn't seem to go the page i intended since it's embedded and doesn't show the times oh well
Finally got my last gold today. My second last was Mount Panorama, it took a lot of laps there to finally string all my good sectors together and beat the gold time by 6 tenths. The last,and hardest for me was Nurb GP, it took half a dozen hour long sessions over the last few weeks to get to where I knew that I could achieve the time. After fluffing my best lap to date at the last corner a couple of days ago, I continued a lap today that was 3 tenths slower before the final chicane and somehow crossed the line spot on 1.56.500 for the gold.

I'll probably park the DLC now until I can convince the finance department that I need a steering wheel setup. It sure has been a lot of fun, and frustration, so far.
All gold, and the only one I'll even attempt to diamond is the Nordschleife - I totally cruised to a time a second and a half behind Hamilton, whereas on the "normal" tracks I've been nearly as much behind despite the laps being a third of the length and having pushed pretty hard. I guess I could diamond more of them but I'm just not going to spend dozens of hours doing it, ten years ago it would have been a different thing but not at this point in life. The golds came in four days and some 400 km of driving in total, with Willow and Nürburgring GP taking more time than all the rest combined.

The GT3 car is a total nightmare, that has to be said. Even with brake balance noticably to the front (-5 to -3 depending on the track) it still oversteers very unpleasantly on the brakes, yet loses every bit of manoeuvrability when getting on the throttle. Must be the worst LSD settings I've ever seen. The funny thing is that I've driven an AMG GT3 on stock specs and RH tyres for some 3000 km, I like it a lot and it's one of my faster GT3 cars, but of course it's in my own settings. This one is so different that it could just as well be a different car altogether and I was getting (relatively) absolutely nowhere with it. On the other hand I've driven the Sauber exactly once before and got up to speed with it immediately.
Finally got on and had a go at this last night after spending out for it a few weeks ago. Went for Dragon Trail as it was first on the list and one that I seem to know pretty well.

That car steers like 🤬🤬🤬🤬.

That said, within a few laps I was at a 38.3, getting me silver and pushing for a gold. An hour and a half later I finally lined up the exit of the chicane right after having the front half of the lap good. Knocked it out at a 37.6. Gold, done.

If I want to go for Diamond it will probably just drive me mental, but over time I think having this will give me a different option to play with on the game when I am not feeling the Dailies.

Overall I think it will help me drive better and learn to handle cars better but just going to faff about more than go mental to get Diamonds.
I finally got a few laps in on these to get some quick credits on an alt account. One or two attempts for gold's in everything except the Nurb GP, where I was 2/10ths off the gold on my second lap. Slow and steady will win a nice and chunky race and plenty of new cars.

Anyway, Hamilton can have this one. I just can't be arsed with the front engined front rear wheel drive AMG anymore. It's the exact opposite of how I like to drive and feels very chore like controlling all that under steer. Any tighter, it would be squeaking.

I did pick up a nice bit of training with modulating and being more patient on the non linear throttle though. I can get away with more in the 'normal game' cars but this AMG scrubs whenever you dare touch the throttle. My calf muscle was twitching from all the balancing it was forced to do but it felt like a kink in my driving was getting worked on.
Well, I found myself coming back to this sooner than I expected, but it resulted in me getting my first diamond at Dragon Trail. :D

I am in bronze club - have a mixture of Bronze and Silver. One thing I found helps was turning off the ghost. At my level it's more of a distraction seeing LH pull away - prefer to learn the lines myself, also not everyone uses the same line.
When I get quicker will re-enable it
So happy I can finally join all-gold club. Nordschleife was the only one remaining and the last time I tried it half a year ago I gave up eventually. Decided to try it again so I can get those 20 million, and was successful! Unlike the last time, I went without any traction control whatsoever. It took some time to adjust and be careful with the throttle, but I think after getting used to it it paid off. A couple of times I was very close, one time being just half a second behind the target. On my successful go I was a second or two slower than my usual time in the first half of the track, but I braked a bit later for a couple of corners where I usually lost time, aced the last turn and this was it!


I think out of all the challenges, the hardest were Suzuka and Mount Panorama. Nordschleife is a different kind of challenge, as long as you don't make any fatal mistakes you'll be all right, but it's really hard to avoid them with this car.
Overall, very happy with these challenges and hope that next GT game will feature something similar, too. A wider selection of cars would also be a plus - surprised they didn't use an F1 car for any of these.
As for the diamonds, I might try them one day, I know it is possible even on a Dualshock, but I'll have to spend a lot of time on this. Maybe if I have a wheel one day.

Here is a replay video
I'm in the can't be bothered buying this DLC just to do a hotlap trial.

That said, some of the times I've seen people post from this are impressive.
I bought this and overall the DLC is too problem some for me. Firstly you're limited to doing one lap and can't do consecutive laps to try and get the time causing you to have to restart after every lap. Why PD? ...Just why? And secondly the gold and diamond times are near impossible to get if you're a controller user.

I would've assume that the challenges would've been balanced, easy to do, and enjoyable but overall the DLC is clearly designed for 'hardcore' people with too much time on their hands and not for the average user whom just wants to pick up and play.
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I bought this and overall the DLC is too problem some for me. Firstly you're limited to doing one lap and can't do consecutive laps to try and get the time causing you to have to restart after every lap. Why PD? ...Just why? And secondly the gold and diamond times are near impossible to get if you're a controller user.

I would've assume that the challenges would've been balanced, easy to do, and enjoyable but overall the DLC is clearly designed for 'hardcore' people with too much time on their hands and not for the average user whom just wants to pick up and play.
This DLC was designed to be a really very difficult challenge for drivers. The car is understeery and the tracks picked are challenging for the most part. It takes really learning how to manage the car characteristics and take advantage of the things the car does well while driving around some deficiencies.

While some Alien youtubers might look to make it easy even a lot of them have had trouble with some of the combos. But there are plenty of achievable times if you practice. And the practice does teach you a lot about car control and skill around tracks. I'm on a DS4 controller myself and I got all golds in the challenge.

It sure isnt easy, and I agree that the 1 lap at a time set up is horrible, but you can definitely learn it. Save it for those days you might want to play but cant be bothered with Sport Mode dailies and you've done a lot of the other offline stuff.
I got the dlc way after it came out. I’m not much of a tt player, but if you have friends times which show up on your game it’s pretty cool. It’s a great feature of GTS in general...
Anyways re difficulty think of it as YOU are Lewis Hamilton...
Would you put your name on it if it were as easy as the circuit experience?
Personally I don't really see a reason why just because Hamilton's names on it it has to be difficult. If Lewis put his name on a jar of preserves, does that automatically mean the jar must be near impossible to open?
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We are talking about a special challenge to try to beat times set by a now 7 time F1 champion. I would actually be annoyed if it was super easy to beat. And while Diamond times really are out of reach for the majority of players it is important to recognize they have included achievable times for lots of skill levels, and those all come with rewards as well.

I might not really achieve too many diamond times if any, but looking at how it made me faster after long hours getting consistently quicker at the laps I still think it improved my driving. Would I buy it again? Maybe, but it was at least a very difficult challenge that in some ways harkened back to the old Mission Challenges in the old GT games.
I don’t understand the reasoning of “it should be easy to diamond”
They should have told Lewis to slow down when setting the times so Harvey could feel good about not having to put out effort?

I guess some people feel by spending five bucks or whatever PD should give them an ego boost along with credits.
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It made me a better driver. I only recently got the DLC. It was super difficult to get all gold. I have one diamond (Monza).

Whenever the dailies have too much carnage and are rage inducing I go and run laps to be frustrated by myself.

Willow, the Green Hell and the Nuremberg Ring beat my rump. I don't think I can get near diamond on those. Some of the others maybe.
I don’t understand the reasoning of “it should be easy to diamond”
They should have told Lewis to slow down when setting the times so Harvey could feel good about not having to put out effort?
And I don't understand the reasoning of "it should be exceeding difficult to master because Lewis Hamilton"
They should have told Lewis to use the Tomahawk instead so Groundfish can feel good about being able to look down upon others because they're so much better at driving than the average user.

You want to be a condescending dick I can be the same back. Now give me my warning points.
Personally I don't really see a reason why just because Hamilton's names on it it has to be difficult. If Lewis put his name on a jar of preserves, does that automatically mean the jar must be near impossible to open?

Trying to beat the Lewis Hamilton Times has made me a far better driver. The Circuit Experiences are far too easy and you don't learn anything from them. Some of them you've spin the car and still get the gold time. You don't learn anything from that. The LH DLC really helped me learn optimal cornering speeds and focusing on corner exits, which is where most time is gained and lost. If they were easy you wouldn't learn anything.

Also, the premise of the DLC is to beat the time set by a 7 time F1 Champion. You can only expect that to be hard. We're comparing lap times in a race car against Lewis Hamilton. I'm not sure where opening a jar of preserve comes into it.

You can learn from this DLC and there's loads of guides out there. Good luck 👍
And I don't understand the reasoning of "it should be exceeding difficult to master because Lewis Hamilton"

Right because Lewis Hamilton isn’t a multiple time world champion of arguably Motorsports highest level.
By your logic it would be called not a challenge, but the Lewis Hamilton in game credit purchase.
Maybe give a couple PS trophies too but you only get those if you bother to open the dlc and look at his time.
Of course you would also get a trophy at time of payment. Heck why not just sell the Platinum trophy too.
You get a LOT of credits for just bronze in the existing dlc.

You really have made no legitimate argument except “waaa I don’t like it because it will take more than five minutes to complete”
“Waaaa no dlc should be a challenge”
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Right because Lewis Hamilton isn’t a multiple time world champion of arguably Motorsports highest level.

By your logic it would be called not a challenge, but the Lewis Hamilton in game credit purchase.
Maybe give a couple PS trophies too but you only get those if you bother to open the dlc and look at his time.
Of course you would also get a trophy at time of payment. Heck why not just sell the Platinum trophy too.
You get a LOT of credits for just bronze in the existing dlc.

You really have made no legitimate argument except “waaa I don’t like it because it will take more than five minutes to complete”
“Waaaa no dlc should be a challenge”
You look more like a baby than I do when you post this type of stuff. Just stop.
You look more like a baby than I do when you post this type of stuff. Just stop.

“I didn’t get diamond on my GT Sport Lewis Hamilton dlc!”
“My barista didn’t even bother to make a design in the foam on my vanilla latte!”

People today need to toughen up. It’s the entitlement bit. Many people believe they are entitled to success by participation alone.
You appear to feel this way.
You stop it.