Complete Guide/Rewards - Lewis Hamilton Time Attack Challenge

  • Thread starter mclarenLB
Hey guys! The current leader on Monza is more than 3 tenths faster than the rest. Do you think that lap is ok/clean?
Not offending anyone - just need to know who to compare to :) ...
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ah yes the car is the problem even though Hamilton is using the same car (with minor potential physics differences but still the same car)

Yes it is, certain setups suit certain drivers, and I find understeer and the rather numb brakes difficult to get to grips with, particularly with a DS.

Finally diamonded Dragon Tail by getting lucky through the high speed chicane, I was normally on par with him but gained the .2s I'd lost by cocking up the esses going into sector 2. Also got Monza pretty easily.

Panorama and both Nürbs, I struggle to see me getting gold on them, leave alone diamond.
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I somehow managed to beat the time at Willow Springs. I don't even know how as my middle sector wasn't that great. I ended up taking a shallower line than Lewis around the last corner, which I didn't expect to pull off. I just had enough pace to stay ahead across the line. I definitely spent the most amount of time trying to crack this one.
I somehow managed to beat the time at Willow Springs. I don't even know how as my middle sector wasn't that great. I ended up taking a shallower line than Lewis around the last corner, which I didn't expect to pull off. I just had enough pace to stay ahead across the line. I definitely spent the most amount of time trying to crack this one.
Nice job! The shallow line through the last corner seems to be the way to go according to several posts around here.
To all the people who have beaten LH's times with a DS4, I SALUTE YOU!!! You are freaking gods and deserve every single credit of those 100m. I would never be able to do it with a controller. I've only tried Dragon Trail and the CoD is freaking impossible (and unfortunately Lewis did it absolutely perfectly). I'm comfortably ahead (by about 0.25s) until the CoD where he "gives" me almost 0.5s every freaking time. I don't have the neurosurgeon level of input control necessary to do it. I can't even imagine beating him at Suzuka, Nürburgring GP or that god-awful Willow Springs. You really should be proud of yourselves.


On another note. Do you think that he did those times on different physics? Because if he did then I think the challenge is completely invalid. 👎
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Nurb GP has been tough for me to hit the ever so slow T3-T4 combo. I am good with the rest of my lap but cant maintain speed between these turns without major understeer coming out of T4.

Six laps last night and finally broke into the 1:56 realm and even got 1:56.511 :banghead:
To all the people who have beaten LH's times with a DS4, I SALUTE YOU!!! You are freaking gods and deserve every single credit of those 100m. I would never be able to do it with a controller. I've only tried Dragon Trail and the CoD is freaking impossible (and unfortunately Lewis did it absolutely perfectly). I'm comfortably ahead (by about 0.25s) until the CoD where he "gives" me almost 0.5 s every freaking time. I don't have the neurosurgeon level of input control necessary to do it. I can't even imagine beating him at Suzuka, Nürburgring GP or that god-awful Willow Springs. You really should be proud of yourselves.


On another note. Do you think that he did those times on different physics? Because if he did then I think the challenge is completely invalid. 👎
Yes he did. He did his laps last year, well before the update that brought understeer on all cars.
A question to those who say Lewis' times are made on different physics, are you really sure? Because I don't think so.

What even I with my limited knowledge can tell for sure is, he can't be done this times before the tyre model update, which was implemented in end of July 2018, because this we would see immediately in the first corner. The difference was huge, times got 1-1.5 secs slower. So Lewis' can't have done this before that.
When after July (about the 2018/7/30 it was I think, update 1.23) was a physics update implemented I wonder?

If you take the corners like him, the car behaves like his. What I rather think is, he had the possibility to change the setup, maybe just on a limited part of it. That could for example explain why he is slow on straight line speed in Monza but not elsewhere, a minor change could cause this.

Btw, I diamonded the half of it but just golded the rest after checking Willows. I don't want to have 9 diamonds and spend days and weeks with try & error on Willows tbh.
I have managed to Diamond Willow Springs with a .290. The final corner is still a mystery, I was behind my .386 ghost and somehow gained all the time there. Credit to Dan Holland for showing me an alternate line or two, and I noticed he had brake bias set 1 to the front, so I tried that also.

I struggle with understeer, but realized you can get it to turn in with the right technique, and it will hold the line as long as you don't upset the car with the throttle. The biggest challenge for me is throttle reapplication from midcorner to exit, it's more than just being patient. Lewis seems to be able to make minute changes from mid to full throttle that I cannot.
A question to those who say Lewis' times are made on different physics, are you really sure? Because I don't think so.

What even I with my limited knowledge can tell for sure is, he can't be done this times before the tyre model update, which was implemented in end of July 2018, because this we would see immediately in the first corner. The difference was huge, times got 1-1.5 secs slower. So Lewis' can't have done this before that.
When after July (about the 2018/7/30 it was I think, update 1.23) was a physics update implemented I wonder?

If you take the corners like him, the car behaves like his. What I rather think is, he had the possibility to change the setup, maybe just on a limited part of it. That could for example explain why he is slow on straight line speed in Monza but not elsewhere, a minor change could cause this.

Btw, I diamonded the half of it but just golded the rest after checking Willows. I don't want to have 9 diamonds and spend days and weeks with try & error on Willows tbh.
Lewis must have done his laps during the interseason between 2018 and 2019. There has been a tyre physic update around may 2019 (maybe earlier or later) that got all the cars to understeer a lot.
Ok, going for gold and going for diamond is whole other game :crazy: Started with Monza since that seems to considered the easiest - got it after 90 minutes. Now going for Maggiore - 2 tenths off after an hour.

I think this is the hardest and lengthiest challenge in GT ever. In previous games there were one or two license tests that were considered THE TESTS, like mission 34 in GT4 but that was just one mission - one lap.

Here we have 10 full laps that you must absolutely nail.
Can anyone tell me.

If I drive the same track / car combinations in VR mode is it 100 % identical physics to the DLC ?

So I could train the track / car in VR mode. And then buy the DLC and finish it in Pancake mode if I somehow manage to get close to the Gold times while training in VR mode ?
Can anyone tell me.

If I drive the same track / car combinations in VR mode is it 100 % identical physics to the DLC ?

So I could train the track / car in VR mode. And then buy the DLC and finish it in Pancake mode if I somehow manage to get close to the Gold times while training in VR mode ?
There's already a difference between Lewis' physics and ours. But yeah, you can always train in VR full stock. It'll only feel harder on TV because it's less natural than in VR.
Tried switching the ghost offset settings? I found that quite useful.

Aha thanks. Set that to 0.5 which seems to be OK.

Had to dust off the G29 to see what I could do... which was not much! On the up side got so annoyed with that understeering Merc bus that I practiced the 2nd half of the ‘ring (post Karrousel) and then went on to get gold in the full lap circuit experience. I never thought that would happen, as I was 10 seconds off before.
After like 2 hours with this challenge I have 4 silvers. Many more hours will be needed for golds and god knows how much for the diamonds. But the pay out is massive and I'll enjoy learning those tracks inside out and advanced driving technique along the way.

Do you also find you have to brake in a straight line with the AMG GT3 or else trail braking will make it unstable and lose time on corner exits?
I almost rage quit last night trying the beat the time on Nurburgring. I made a mistake in the same section of the track twice, just before the back straight. I was ahead of Hamilton on both occasions... Eventually I was able to beat the time, but only because I got a good exit out of the last corner. I would've thrown my controller on the floor if I lost it there.
Do you also find you have to brake in a straight line with the AMG GT3 or else trail braking will make it unstable and lose time on corner exits?

I had the BB set to +2 on every track (except the downhill section at Bathurst, where you need to set it to the front) and it is possible to trail brake with that understeering POS. Although you have to brake a little bit earlier. But I remember Lewis once saying somewhere that he always tries to do all the hard braking in a straight line. So, maybe to beat his times (or at least get the golds) it would be best to do what he does. Don't know, haven't tried it.
Hello everybody. I'm also struggling with the understeer of the AMG which is a nightmare. When I see the ghost car I wonder how she could brake so late and turn. I use G29 steering wheel and I wonder what is the best setting (I have 4/2/2).
Just got my G29 fixed at a computer repair shop & now ready to tackle these challenges with a wheel. ($25 & he was able to solder the pedal cable wires back together) I was able to gold Dragon Trail, Interlagos, Maggiore & diamond Monza with the controller.

I worked on Brands Hatch with the wheel last night & got gold, should be able to diamond it soon. Moved onto Willow & can’t even get gold, I just can’t find time in the 2nd sector.

This is semi-unrelated but if the GTPlanet editors are looking for some content to create this winter, it would be a great read if you could create a feature with hardest trials in the GT franchise ranked. Like to see where the LHC falls compared to Mission 34 or the Alfa Romeo-Eiger Nordwand test or others I’ve forgotten over the years.
Completed all gold last night the nurb was pretty tough but not as bad as willow springs don't think I'm getting anywhere near Lewis on any track apart from the nordschleife where my one completed lap was less than a second behind Lewis
After getting all golds with the pad shorty after release, I finally managed to fluke the right combination of stick jerks and button mashes, and got diamond on Monza this afternoon... but it wasn't easy. Despite consistently being 2-3 10th's up after Curva Grande, most laps were binned at the 2nd chicane... if not there then Lesmo 1, and if I made it past there, Ascari :crazy:

Eventually I managed to get a good T1, with a half decent Roggia, lost everything at Lesmo 1, got a narrow lead again out of Lesmo 2, didn't screw up Ascari, and despite seeing LH pull ahead half way through Parabolica, got a better exit and beat diamond by half a tenth at the line.

Being A+ with a wheel at least meant I knew what I was supposed to be doing (lines etc)... unfortunately I'm probably scraping in to B at best with the pad, so actually doing it was completely a different thing :lol:

I've also had another go at some of the other tracks, and I'm only a few 10ths off Diamond at Maggiore, DT, Brands and Willow (haven't been back to Suzuka or Nurb GP yet)... on all 3 tracks I can do OK in the 1st 2 sectors, but putting a 3rd sector together consistently enough is a bit challenging to say the least. It's the usual thing with TTing... 10% of laps I get a good T1, 5% of the laps I get a good T1 in I get a good T2, only to screw up T3. The chicane at DT is particularly frustrating.

Respect to those pad users who've diamonded all of these :bowdown:

One thing I learnt as a decidedly rubbish pad user...

We all know the car is an understeering POS. And the temptation is to crank up the controller sensitivity to try and make it feel more responsive... I know, I did this myself. But if your finger dexterity on the stick is as bad as mine this is counter productive. If you can't make accurate small inputs on the stick more sensitivity just makes the car twitch, and each twitch scrubs off speed... I learnt this from countless runs through Curva Grande, and eventually ended up using a sensitivity of 2... got to try to be as smooth with the stick as a wheel user can be.

Oh, and I used BB -2... despite being a massive trail braker with a wheel, I couldn't manage it with the button on the pad, so just did all my braking in a straight line.

For now I'm going to say that's it for me unless I get my wheel over here (I'm confident I'd diamond most relatively easily with a wheel).. though I'll probably get dragged back to it at some stage... TTing is a compulsion for some.
Monza is an easy 2nd place if you go full throttle at the end of the straightaway and go yard-riding. The 2 second penalty should be bumped up or reset the car on the track.
For diamond I could've never thought Suzuka was such a painful experience for me. Felt like endless loop/restart hell. One of the hardest experiences in GT to this day it feels.
The trick seemed to be the cones in the two corners..
Well here it is, my diamond drive with three source edit: