**COMPLETED ** SNAIL Gr4-MPCC Season 1 Champions: GTR4MROD(GS)/ MrDonovan(TCR)

  • Thread starter llNovall
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Every track is gonna favor different drivers/cars differently over the season, and how much practice is invested. I was putting those times in, but I've had over 200 laps practicing this course over the last 2 months. Remember, the average lap pace is a 0.5 sec range to keep the racing close. Lap consistency and minimal mistakes will be the differences. I'm sure with a little more practice, 3-5 tenths is still there to find which would have you in that 1:14.5-1:15.0 avg lap pace with fast laps in the low 14's, possibly hi 13's.;)
This series will be all about consistency, minimal mistakes, and the long game for points...scavenging as many points/positions possible as none of them are likely to be easy grabs. Every position will be a battle.

I know, and I understand that. My consistency is not an issue. It just gets kinda bleh when your in the draft and people pull away from you. We'll see how it goes. I was just reporting back to you
I know, and I understand that. My consistency is not an issue. It just gets kinda bleh when your in the draft and people pull away from you. We'll see how it goes. I was just reporting back to you
I appreciate it. It was more a broad message for everyone to consider as well. Tracks with big straights will favor those cars with concessions, but in the twisty sections or tracks with more technical aspects, thats where the experience will shine while presenting a constant challenge. Thanks for the update. I'll try to catch up for some laps at some point this week.:cheers: I should be on in about an hour for those night owls out there.
Ya I was noticing phlano and heated seats would just gap me down the straight after I was closing on corner exit. By the start finish line they were driving away in the draft and were just quick enough in the twisty parts to keep ahead. I think my lowest was a 14.6 in the draft.
Ya I was noticing phlano and heated seats would just gap me down the straight after I was closing on corner exit. By the start finish line they were driving away in the draft and were just quick enough in the twisty parts to keep ahead. I think my lowest was a 14.6 in the draft.

Recently Tidgney was talking about BOP for FF Gr4 cars, and it's amazing just how much 1 or 2% effects the power and weight. I have a feeling my BOP is too forgiving.

I'll post my tune up later today and you guys can try it. I've managed several mid 1:13's with it now.
Ok boys, I've been re-BOP'd from Level-2, I've made some tuning adjustments, and here is the tune I'm going with:


I managed a 1:14.1 and averaged around 1:14.4 over the 5 or 6 laps I did in the setup.

This isn't completely my own set up, I cannot recall who I originally got it from, but I've made several changes to it since then. The most significant factors I found with the Megane is Camber and Toe. These suffer tremendously from understeer for obvious reasons, and I was able to get back some grip by adjusting those.

If anyone is up for some laps tonight I'm happy to host again, I know ARL is running, but let me know.
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Ok boys, I've been re-BOP'd to Level 2, I've made some tuning adjustments, and here is the tune I'm going with:


I managed a 1:14.1 and averaged around 1:14.4 over the 5 or 6 laps I did in the setup.

This isn't completely my own set up, I cannot recall who I originally got it from, but I've made several changes to it since then. The most significant factors I found with the Megane is Camber and Toe. These suffer tremendously from understeer for obvious reasons, and I was able to get back some grip by adjusting those.

If anyone is up for some laps tonight I'm happy to host again, I know ARL is running, but let me know.
Thanks for sharing your tune, and your times are now right in the avg pace of field at the base BOP level for that car. Just to clarify, Rad was at a Level 2 concession (+2%hp/-2%wgt) and is now at base BOP which these latest times reflect. Thanks for your efforts and transparency.:cheers:
Also, I archived your tune in tab 3.3 of the 1st post.

I'm planning to run another night owl practice room tonight as well for anyone still on around 12:30-1am est.
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Ok boys, I've been re-BOP'd to Level 2, I've made some tuning adjustments, and here is the tune I'm going with:

I managed a 1:14.1 and averaged around 1:14.4 over the 5 or 6 laps I did in the setup.

This isn't completely my own set up, I cannot recall who I originally got it from, but I've made several changes to it since then. The most significant factors I found with the Megane is Camber and Toe. These suffer tremendously from understeer for obvious reasons, and I was able to get back some grip by adjusting those.

If anyone is up for some laps tonight I'm happy to host again, I know ARL is running, but let me know.

That is very nice of you and I appreciate the help. Herimoppppppp also shared a tune for it(stock gearbox). I will give both a try and see if I can knock off any time with them. If I am unable to better my current set of times then I can know 100% that there is something I am doing wrong on the track.

Doing ARL races tonight. Maybe I will join after but not sure. Usually my legs are pretty tired after a night of racing. Need to make a box for my pedals lol.
Update on grid status for Friday up to this point:
We have
-11 gs drivers confirmed (8 primary/3 reserve)
-10 tcr drivers confirmed(6 primary/4 reserve)

If @Noob01_lmdead or @PrivateSmiles confirms for the GS class by 5pm est Thursday, we will have met the requirements and prepare for 2 race rooms. Assuming we have no drop offs by 5pm est Friday (race day), we will lock into the 2 room format for the night.
If neither confirm before the 5pm Thursday deadline for this event, we will be running a single Multi-Class room, using any Reserves where needed and the remaining to wait for our next Event. I'll will keep everyone posted.
Update on grid status for Friday up to this point:
We have
-11 gs drivers confirmed (8 primary/3 reserve)
-10 tcr drivers confirmed(6 primary/4 reserve)

If @Noob01_lmdead or @PrivateSmiles confirms for the GS class by 5pm est Thursday, we will have met the requirements and prepare for 2 race rooms. Assuming we have no drop offs by 5pm est Friday (race day), we will lock into the 2 room format for the night.
If neither confirm before the 5pm Thursday deadline for this event, we will be running a single Multi-Class room, using any Reserves where needed and the remaining to wait for our next Event. I'll will keep everyone posted.

So, this track is probably one of the better tracks suited for the multiclass racing.....so umm please don't confirm. LOL

I am half kidding and half serious. Above all though I like having more people willing to participate. Hopefully this series stays in the spotlight.
So, this track is probably one of the better tracks suited for the multiclass racing.....so umm please don't confirm. LOL

I am half kidding and half serious. Above all though I like having more people willing to participate. Hopefully this series stays in the spotlight.
Counter argument: PLEASE confirm so I can actually race :lol:
Roman_GT23, our first GS Reserve had to rescind his confirmation for this Event, bumping our remaining 3 gs reserves up.

1.) Noob01_lmdead/rauljimenez76 has reported off for Event #1.
@GTP_Guido is now our first gs class Reserve and will be guaranteed his spot on the grid.

PrivateSmiles has not met the 5pm est Thursday deadline for confirming his entry for this event.
@DesertPenguin, you are next in line for the GS Class Reserves and will be guaranteed your spot on the for Event #1.

Also, sadly, with no reply from PrivateSmiles, we have not met the required minimum numbers for each class. We will be defaulting to a single room multi Class event. I would ask that Tcr Class Reserves that confirmed available and are around tomorrow night to remain on the ready. Confirmed primary drivers have until 5pm est Friday to cancel their entry without penalty of losing primary status. Any open spots at this time will be offered in priority order with a message in this pm. In the event of any last minute report offs (5PM-9pm est), or no report/no shows (at 9:15pm est), a psn message will be sent to the remaining Reserve driver group that are online (psn) with how many spots need filled. First drivers into the race room, regardless of class, wins the entries for the night. I'll have a final posting up tomorrow at 5pm est of any additional needs for reserves.
Sorry we couldn't get to the threshold for a 2 race room event to guarantee everyone an entry. Still might see some of you on the grid, and for the rest, we will try again in August.:cheers:

Event #1
at Blue Moon Bay-Infield A
tonight, 7/17/20
9pm est
Pre Race Report

Alright fellas,
IT'S FINALLY RACE DAY!! Make sure to give that final check on the fluids and tune, and give a good kick of the tires. Just a few hours to go :cheers:

Blue Moon Bay-Infield A is expected to deliver some great racing, especially since we will be running a single race room Multi Class event.
Drivers are asked to please review or refresh themselves with the following tabs in the first post:
Tab 1.7 Start Procedure (especially GS drivers)
Tab 4.2 Caution Process
**GS Drivers** Please be familiar with the start procedure for Multi-Class race start. Any questions, please ask.
For Refernece:
Event #1 Confirmation Post and Event Details

Our grid for tonight is shown below:
GS Class
👍 @llNovall
👍 @TEX36
👍 @Rob Brown
👍 @nmcp1
👍 @Bologna_Duc
👍 @LST
👍 @GCimprezaFTW
👍 @Xradkins
👍 @GTP_Guido / GTP_Guido 1st reserve
👍 @DesertPenguin / DesertPenguin 2nd Reserve

TCR Class
👍 @Moby45
👍 @stelephant
👍 @vsfit
👍 @Hellbringer69
👍 @Phlano099
👍 @JLBowler

Available Reserves
@Kermit_2142 (GS)
@MBarry /Matt_M8__. (TCR)
@RadStewart /heated_seats (TCR)
@TomMang_68 /OMG_MANG (TCR)
@Fudman420/Fudman420 (TCR)

(X) @Noob01_lmdead / rauljimenez76
(X) @PrivateSmiles
(X) @Roman_GT23 / Roman_GT23
(X) @USERID_77a23 /USERID_77a23

@GTP_Guido will be racing for Noob01_lmdead's team with TEX36 and points scored will count toward the event team score.

@DesertPenguin will be racing for PrivateSmiles' team with Duce_LST and points scored will count toward the event team score.

Any Drivers that have confirmed to race and are tagged in the top 16 are expected on the grid tonight. We have a very strong show of Reserves, especially in TCR, so if anyone needs to cancel their entry for tonight, please do so before 5pm est today. Any cancelled entries after this time will result in forfeiture of primary status for future events.

Reserve drivers, please keep an eye on the Newsfeed for any posts throughout the day.

Please verify your driver specific BOP Regulations before entering the room:

The Race Room and Party Chat will be open for entries and warm up around 8:50pm est. Please be in the room no later than 9:10pm est to have entry verified.
15 minute Open Qualifying to start at 9:15pm est.

Good luck to everyone tonight, and see you all on the grid for the green flag:cheers:
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