Concours Club [Single Make Same Tune Racing]

  • Thread starter Captain Roh
Hello Gentlemen, long time no see :)

I thought I would post here incase some of you are still subscribed. Though most of you will have heard of the exciting news via PSN when I messaged you.

Basically, in the near future, an opportunity will arise for you all to race the Concours way in a new league coming to GTP. They are a highly organised and successful organisation braching out into europe, and you are all invited!

If you would like to follow any discussions, or indeed bring up any questions concerning the message you recieved please feel free to post here. I will answer any questions you have to the best of my ability and consider your opinions as I always have.

If you're interested please let it be known, this is an exciting time for fans of spec racing and I for one am proud to be involved.

Would be great to see you on track again guys. Its been far too long :)

Interesting, I would certainly strongly consider attendance. I'm in a good position now timewise (yay I'm unemployed! I have been for exactly 11 days now since finishing uni :lol:). Most evenings sound good to me, it's a shame I've had to throw my wheel out as it's broken, out of warranty and I don't use it enough to warrant fixing. That being said I've only raced in the Concours once with it, though I didn't race in the series for all that long in fairness.
Guess I should let my interest be known. I definitely would like to have the chance to race again, especially after my 2 month haitus from Online Racing due to exams.
Hi Gary, Thanks for the message via PSN and I will keep an eye out for this as I am interested, and if you're up for it; maybe we could include a night of track creations :tup:lol :):cheers:
On the SNAIL ops they say no tuning-does that mean no upgrades (e.g. titanium exhaust), or no changing suspension, transmission?
Its really nice to see some old names posting again, I've missed racing with you guys 👍

Concours was the original ( and best ;P ) spec racing club here at GTP but this new league will be bigger and better organised than I could have ever manage by myself. I hope you can all take something from it and get your GT5 mojo's baclk! I do a lot of online racing in random lobbies and find it hard to stumble on clean and competitive racers. If you guys were among the ranks again we both know that wouldn't be an issue 👍

If anyone has any specific questions contact me by PM or on PSN :)

Wont be long now guys. Dust off those DFGT's and control pads! ;)
Just to let you guys know that I'm running a new club, & that it might suit certain members who raced at Concours & SSCS in the past. If you're interested please follow the link below & sign up.


All the best,


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