Concours Club [Single Make Same Tune Racing]

  • Thread starter Captain Roh
Thanks for some great racing in 2011 and here's to a great 2012.

Are people ready to kick off or are people still hibernating?

What are your plans Shin?
Hi guys. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to you all 👍

Sorry for the lack of activity here but its really busy for me at this time of year. More so than last for some reason too.

I hope you can all be patient a little while longer. I miss racing with you guys. To be honest though I havent played GT, or anything for that matter in weeks. Simply dont have the time :(

I'll keep checking in anyway, let you all know whats going on and hopefully we can get things started again soon :)

I would like to be a part of this.

1. Do you agree to abide by the rules and regulations outlined in the OLR? YES
2. Have you read all 3 opening posts fully? YES
3. Is there anything you dont understand? NO
4. Are you willing to perform a few test laps to prove your respectful racing credentials? YES

PSN ID: crowhop78
To get fuller consistent grids; how about a longer race on one circuit only?

Or having a choice of tyres?

Or 2 car choices?

Or, all of the above :)
Me too Jacques... Aventador and Vintage are qualified for Concours in stock form IMO. As most of TCs from DLC#1.
I am currently racing with a F1 2011 game organized group in the Sunday Concours Club time slot; but will give it up (can race F1 2011 online anytime 👍) when the Cap'n returns :)
1. Do you agree to abide by the rules and regulations outlined in the OLR?Yes
2. Have you read all 3 opening posts fully?Yes
3. Is there anything you dont understand?No
4. Are you willing to perform a few test laps to prove your respectful racing credentials?Yes
PSN: harrison1476

All I have is one question... Do we need all the cars? I have quite a bit of the cars and have about 5m to blow
You need a good garage inventory; but there is always time after combo announced to buy new and break in the engine before race day 👍

February is upon us, I hope the Club gets going again-I rarely play GT5 now because the Club was my reason for playing the game!
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I cannot stop playing such a beautiful game! I tried the 4H Nurb endurance last weekend and it is marvelous. I did it in an RX7 TC and while setup had aero very low, this perfect balanced vehicle had grip and agility enough to let me fully trust it.

So, to sum it up, I'd like to start Concours racing again.
Hey guys.

I've been putting off coming in here to post for so long but I can't leave you all hanging forever. I've tried and tried, checked and re checked, and even now I look at my schedule to see where I can fit a regular slot for concours.

But it just isn't possible :(

I'm truely very sorry guys. This year has seen quite a few changes in my own and my partners life as well. Both our careers have taken on new dimensions and she and I for the time being have had to move apart. As you can imagine, any free time of any length is spent travelling to see each other. Whilst for the most part we spend our days working very hard in order to make the things we want become a reality.

I just dont have the time like I used to.

You will see me from time to time on PSN, maybe even driving around the virtual world of GT5, but its very sporadic and often only for an hour at a time. I certainly wont be able to host the Concours anymore, but if it were to continue under someone elses direction I would not mind at all. If you see me then send me a message or invite me to a race. It would be great to race with old friends given the chance.

I'll pop my head in as much as I can over the next week or so anyway. Hopefully you will all see this and we can talk about the future of the thread.

Once again guys my sincere apologies to all. I had hoped to bring this back but alas it was not meant to be.

I hope you're all well gentlemen. Happy racing out there 👍
Sorry to hear that Shin. In this constantly everchanging world there are changes and challenges to be faced, but I believe -and sometimes hope- that everything is for the best. Take care of yourself, I hope to see you around.
Yes, all the best Shin; life's circumstances don't always allow for seat time playing racing video games :)

If I start Concours Club 2.0 , it will not be as comprehensive and stylish as your efforts were 👍

See you on a track in the future 👍:)
Be well Shin! All of us thank you for your efforts. You did fantastic! See you on track again someday I hope.

BlacqueJacques, I am with you on that. Let's see what the others have to say in order to arrange something.
Sad to hear Roh, these were some of the most fun races i have participated in. Hope to see you around!