Concours Club [Single Make Same Tune Racing]

  • Thread starter Captain Roh
I'm up for some racing tonight.
What are we in for i wonder?
-PP racing
-Shuffle racing
-One make series
-Fiat 500 cup :lol:
-Winter rally in Trans Cammers
-Kei kar challenge

See you tonight
lol some interesting choices there hehe

looking forward to tonight hopefully a few turn up and we can have some fun races
Sorry, I forgot the Grey Cup was on today (Canadian Football (not soccer) League Championship game); perhaps next week, and once F1 season is over
so what time we meeting up?

I dont know about you guys but I'll not be on until about 7. If there's a few of you online already just pile in my lounge and I'll join you there as soon as I come on.

7pm was mentioned on the previous page though so maybe thats when everyone is aiming to turn up.
Cheers to everyone who turned up last night. If i'm honest I thought it was a bit of a shambles :lol: You guys are too demanding. "boooo karts, lets do pp race, lets do one make race, cant we have race tyres, can we do real world circuits....." :rolleyes: I thought we were going to have some fun!! :P

Never mind, lesson learned! Concours club is about single make same tune racing after all. So even in downtime thats how it will remain. If I organise a spontanious race meet again I'll make sure to put a combo in place 👍

Appreciate the effort though guys. See you soon :)
Yea was good fun last night, had some close races...

shin for the new year are you going to start from bottom (kart) and work way up to top (lmp?)

think it could be great idea however all your ideas are great so I'm just looking forward yo what you have got in store for the new year
I enjoyed the shuffle race 👍 Would be willing to run these while Concours Club is 'resting' :)

With the shuffle race (my first one) I liked the mix of cars; similar to Prologue online days 👍

As to getting more on the starting grid; maybe tyre choice is scaring away potential members? Perhaps more grip instead of less? Something to consider anyway.

I'll be around again next Sunday (for longer) 👍
I had a great time tonight with shin and the guys at tcr. I'll be joining them again if i'm allowed to play.
Had a couple of thoughts and/or questions for you guys concerning our return. So mull over this lot and get back to me 👍

Number of races in the mini champ.
Obviously I'd like to make the progression as realistic as possible, and as yet I've not sat down to work out the transition from karts to top end race cars. That said the number of steps we take will determine how long new members are unable to participate. (unless we seperate into multiple lobbies). Just as a rough guide though, how many weeks would you guys like the championship to run over, until we continue with the familiar weekly criterias?

Downloadable content.
Most of us have the latest DLC now but as you will all be aware there is more scheduled for december. I want to be able to utilise all DLC available to us, but this will exclude people who aren't keen on buying into it. There are ways around this of course, and multi class racing is not new to concours. However I would like your opinions on wether there should be any multi class at all in the championship. And for that matter, wether we should use DLC either.

Driving Aids.
The whole idea behind this mini champ was to give Concours members the most authentic experience of progressing through a racing career as possible. Within the confinds of GT and the weekly format of course. So in the same vein I had wondered about driving aids. If for example we drive a car that doesnt have traction control or ABS in real life, would you guys be up for accepting that challenge? Personally I never use traction control, whatever the car. Even if its real life counterpart has it. That said I have never experimented with ABS. But I would be up for that challenge. Before you respond though please remember that there arent many cars that dont have ABS, so it would only be an occasional few.

The thing I dont like about championships is that it locks out anyone not fortunate enough to find themselves in the first 16. There is also the issue of commitment, another reason I dont much like the championship format. This club was created, and then you all joined in the knowledge that you could come and go as you please as long as there was space. IF there are more than 16 interested we can go to multiple lobbies no problem, but if it means splitting each lobby into less than 12 competitors then I dont want to do that. So who gets to race? What if 17 are interested. This will have to be tackled nearer the time but work around suggestions would be appreciated.

So what is the point if I dont much care for Championships? Well, the point is to find the Concours Champion Of 2011 thats what!! Playing for podiums week in week out is a nice little gold star on your jumper, but braving the weathers of a 'career' stands for something more. The winner will be center stage in post numero uno for the whole of the year to come. Something any one of us could be proud of for sure. The other points I wanted to talk about are those of how we actually score the championship. I was thinking that everyone should get points from first to sixteenth. I was also thinking pole position should recieve an additional point. And also that only 80% of race results should count towards each participants overall points score. As an example, if there ended up being 10 races, your 7 best results plus your worst would be tallied up for your overall score.

As if getting the plaudits of being Concours 2011 champion wasnt enough, the top three finishers will receive prizes! Prizes generously donated by you I might add!! Yes. There will be a buy in for this championship, and its going to be 1,500,000 credits. Reason being is everyone involved will be responsible for gifting each three podium finishers with a car. If there are 16 competitors, thats 16 prize cars each!!! As a participant each competitor must have 3 cars ready to gift by the end of the championship. To 1st place goes a 700,000cr car. It doesnt matter if the car is 700,000 straight from the dealership, or 400,000 modified to 700,000. The car needs to be worth 700,000cr. That includes the price of one respray and one set of new wheels. The same applies to 2nd and 3rd place cars. I think there should also be addition prizes too, but those I'm not quite so clear about.

And thats it for now I think. Might take you a while to read it all :lol: So take your time and let me know what you're thinking. Everything I've just written about is up for discussion so dont hesitate to bring something up. Comments, critcism and suggestions are very welcome. Cheers guys 👍
Quick comment before I head off to bed, I'm happy to offer prizes from my ticket collection regardless of if I can participate or not, that is assuming they're on the copied save and if not I'll get ahold of some. I think I have level 21-24 but I'll need to double check at some point.
Hey i'm up for all that even if i'm not taking part every weekend because of work. And for additional prizes how about paint chips, engine parts or even museum cards. After 3rd place just share the rest and whatever is left you could do a most fastest laps award, most clean laps, most improved member. The ideas just keep coming, but as typing with a pad is a royal pain you know where i'll let someone else take over.
Hey i'm up for all that even if i'm not taking part every weekend because of work. And for additional prizes how about paint chips, engine parts or even museum cards. After 3rd place just share the rest and whatever is left you could do a most fastest laps award, most clean laps, most improved member. The ideas just keep coming, but as typing with a pad is a royal pain you know where i'll let someone else take over.

I like the idea of having additional prizes like I said, and most fastest laps and most improved member are great ideas 👍

These additional awards could be where Dragonistic comes into play as well. Ever since he joined Concours he's been very generous with his offers to provide prize tickets. I know he wont mind at all if we ask him for a ticket here and there for these kinds of awards :)
Ahh man,.... we need some of this in TCR. Nice work Gary I will be keeping my eye on this:)
Like I said i'm more than happy to hand over some of my toys for prizes and as for paint chips and car parts they can go aswell, i've still got most of my chrome paints from the dlc and then there's the racing suits and helmets.
Woohoo a reply! Good job i'm sitting down or i'd have fallen over. Where is everybody? I see shin and cpt_d on tcr and a couple of others. But everyone has vanished.
I noticed Adermm is doing the GT 500 contest and Pagina's as well; I still have to qualify.

I will be around on Sunday at the usual time
I'm in York this weekend keeping the missus sweet. Havent had much time for GT at all just recently :(

And yeah, bit disappointed no one has popped their head in from time to time, or commented on the top post, but I guess everyone is in the same postion at the moment. Hence the timely break ;)

Still looking forward to a return in Jan though. The 15th is looking like the best candidate so far, so maybe in that fortnight after christmas people will look in and give me some feedback. Otherwise ya'll just have to like it or lump it! :P

Catch you soon chums.

Oh and VW Scirocco for the win!!!! :D
Any of the dlc cars, can't wait for concours to return. And i've come up with some ideas now it's everyone elses turn to come up with something.
Merry christmas everyone.
Hope you have a nice holiday and i know we'll have a great new year.

See you on the other side :)
