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Hi everyone,
Until now and in all the videos we have seen and comments we have heard of the leaked and supposed full version of GT5 there are obvious features lacking that were present in previous GT5 demos :
- Hood cam (in some demos there was a hood cam, why remove it ?!!!!!!!!!!)
- Higher levels of damage
remember this ? http://kotaku.com/5630851/lets-look-at-damaged-gran-turismo-5-cars/gallery/
- Dents and paint scratches of cars
- Dirt on cars
- Advanced Sparks effects
- 16 cars on the same track
- More realistic physics including higher probability of Roll Overs (remember the latest videos of TGS 2010)
- Better more aggressive AI
I can think of mainly 3 possibilities that could explain this issue :
1/ In all the leaked videos without exception the mentioned features werent turned on (due to being on arcade mode, standard physics, or simply even in GT mode some options werent activated, or those feautures exist only with some specific tracks/cars/events like the weather and day/nights cycles)
2/Polyphony digital simply toned down or didnt include all the features that we saw in previous GT5 demos (they were only for experimentation purposes)
3/ The leaked videos arent really extracted from the final version of game (or there is a patch to download or something that will unlock the full features)
personally I ote the first option especially for damage with nascar and rally cars/events, there is no obvious reason for polyphony to delete all the hard work they have done the previous years to model damage with those 2 types of cars...concerning the number of cars on one track : some tracks simply cannt feauture this due to technical limits, but in some circuits you could have 16 cars on track especially online
What do you think ?
Edit 1 :
I was right, I was sure there is something fishy about those leajed videos, they didnt make any sense (removing feautures already present in demo versions of the game ?!!!!!!! no obvious reason for a developer to do that)
Edit 2 :
Also in this new video posted yesterday 16 november 2010 there is a real great hood cam in replay mode ! min 1:18
lets hope this is the real deal, the final build of GT5 and this hood view is also present in gameplay !!!
Edit 3
(Amar212) the legendary gtplanet guy who revealed a lot of new GT5 features before anyone else in our planet, is having his hands-on in those moments on the final build of GT5 (look at the toy car in the picture) !!!
So finally we will get our confirmation if yes or not the leaked copies were the final builds of the game !!! I am sure they werent !!!...We are waiting Amar !!! what a historical moment for GT fans !!! the greatest Racing game ever created will be revealed !
Until now and in all the videos we have seen and comments we have heard of the leaked and supposed full version of GT5 there are obvious features lacking that were present in previous GT5 demos :
- Hood cam (in some demos there was a hood cam, why remove it ?!!!!!!!!!!)
- Higher levels of damage
remember this ? http://kotaku.com/5630851/lets-look-at-damaged-gran-turismo-5-cars/gallery/
- Dents and paint scratches of cars
- Dirt on cars
- Advanced Sparks effects
- 16 cars on the same track
- More realistic physics including higher probability of Roll Overs (remember the latest videos of TGS 2010)
- Better more aggressive AI
I can think of mainly 3 possibilities that could explain this issue :
1/ In all the leaked videos without exception the mentioned features werent turned on (due to being on arcade mode, standard physics, or simply even in GT mode some options werent activated, or those feautures exist only with some specific tracks/cars/events like the weather and day/nights cycles)
2/Polyphony digital simply toned down or didnt include all the features that we saw in previous GT5 demos (they were only for experimentation purposes)
3/ The leaked videos arent really extracted from the final version of game (or there is a patch to download or something that will unlock the full features)
personally I ote the first option especially for damage with nascar and rally cars/events, there is no obvious reason for polyphony to delete all the hard work they have done the previous years to model damage with those 2 types of cars...concerning the number of cars on one track : some tracks simply cannt feauture this due to technical limits, but in some circuits you could have 16 cars on track especially online
What do you think ?
Edit 1 :
I was right, I was sure there is something fishy about those leajed videos, they didnt make any sense (removing feautures already present in demo versions of the game ?!!!!!!! no obvious reason for a developer to do that)

Edit 2 :
Also in this new video posted yesterday 16 november 2010 there is a real great hood cam in replay mode ! min 1:18
lets hope this is the real deal, the final build of GT5 and this hood view is also present in gameplay !!!
Edit 3
(Amar212) the legendary gtplanet guy who revealed a lot of new GT5 features before anyone else in our planet, is having his hands-on in those moments on the final build of GT5 (look at the toy car in the picture) !!!
So finally we will get our confirmation if yes or not the leaked copies were the final builds of the game !!! I am sure they werent !!!...We are waiting Amar !!! what a historical moment for GT fans !!! the greatest Racing game ever created will be revealed !

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