CONFIRMED ! Finally the Final build revealed !!! (waiting for amar212 confirmation)

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Hi everyone,

Until now and in all the videos we have seen and comments we have heard of the leaked and supposed full version of GT5 there are obvious features lacking that were present in previous GT5 demos :

- Hood cam (in some demos there was a hood cam, why remove it ?!!!!!!!!!!)
- Higher levels of damage
remember this ?
- Dents and paint scratches of cars
- Dirt on cars
- Advanced Sparks effects
- 16 cars on the same track
- More realistic physics including higher probability of Roll Overs (remember the latest videos of TGS 2010)
- Better more aggressive AI

I can think of mainly 3 possibilities that could explain this issue :

1/ In all the leaked videos without exception the mentioned features werent turned on (due to being on arcade mode, standard physics, or simply even in GT mode some options werent activated, or those feautures exist only with some specific tracks/cars/events like the weather and day/nights cycles)

2/Polyphony digital simply toned down or didnt include all the features that we saw in previous GT5 demos (they were only for experimentation purposes)

3/ The leaked videos arent really extracted from the final version of game (or there is a patch to download or something that will unlock the full features)

personally I ote the first option especially for damage with nascar and rally cars/events, there is no obvious reason for polyphony to delete all the hard work they have done the previous years to model damage with those 2 types of cars...concerning the number of cars on one track : some tracks simply cannt feauture this due to technical limits, but in some circuits you could have 16 cars on track especially online

What do you think ?

Edit 1 :
I was right, I was sure there is something fishy about those leajed videos, they didnt make any sense (removing feautures already present in demo versions of the game ?!!!!!!! no obvious reason for a developer to do that)


Edit 2 :
Also in this new video posted yesterday 16 november 2010 there is a real great hood cam in replay mode ! min 1:18

lets hope this is the real deal, the final build of GT5 and this hood view is also present in gameplay !!!

Edit 3
(Amar212) the legendary gtplanet guy who revealed a lot of new GT5 features before anyone else in our planet, is having his hands-on in those moments on the final build of GT5 (look at the toy car in the picture) !!!

So finally we will get our confirmation if yes or not the leaked copies were the final builds of the game !!! I am sure they werent !!!...We are waiting Amar !!! what a historical moment for GT fans !!! the greatest Racing game ever created will be revealed !

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What ? To you a car like a FIAT 500 flipping over like a reliant robin when you upset it is realistic physics ?

No, if they fixed that i am glad they did. And until i have the game in my hands i reserve my handling and feeling judgment.
I guess the way to test rollover is to have somebody hop into one of those old Fiat 500's (I think that's what they were) and try to corner hard after a long straight. It did seem like those rolled a little easier than what we're seeing.

I know this doesn't show up well in video, but have we seen mechanical damage yet? Cars not tracking/braking straight, low on power, tire damage/temp or any of the other ways mechanical damage might appear?
I wouldn't call that a "higher level" of damage, I'd call it incredibly strange and unrealistic plasticine damage. As I recall it had a lot of mockery directed at it after those pictures were published, I wouldn't be surprised if they did take it out after all that grilling.

Edit: In fact, the more I look at it, the more it seems like something they only added in briefly as an experiment, then removed upon concluding it was terrible.
Well for one thing, we haven't seen any of the cars behaving remotely like they do in this trailer, and they've been driven like they should! :scared:

I pray to god hoping they haven't thumbed down on realism and that we can still play on Pro Physics, I wan't the real driving simulator!!!!!! Please somebody confirm this ASAP! That would be ame-breaking for me and for many other I guess...
Looking back at the damage images, they do look pretty shocking. It would have bugged me after a while.
Wasn't there a report that a lot of the damage level was tied directly to difficulty of the game and not individually changeable? So perhaps we are seeing only one difficulty setting...

Not that I am a fan of tying damage to difficulty... but perhaps that's part of it?
Wasn't there a report that a lot of the damage level was tied directly to difficulty of the game and not individually changeable? So perhaps we are seeing only one difficulty setting...

Not that I am a fan of tying damage to difficulty... but perhaps that's part of it?

The R8 video Tekken90 did was done under Pro level, and he smacked the cars hard, and the cars barely react.

It can't be just a street car thing because the trailer above shows 370z/Rx7 moving about, and we've seen a Fiat 500 flip over and roll
The R8 video Tekken90 did was done under Pro level, and he smacked the cars hard, and the cars barely react.

It can't be just a street car thing because the trailer above shows 370z/Rx7 moving about, and we've seen a Fiat 500 flip over and roll

Wow... well that's total hooey... I mean the whole photoshop smudge tool damage wasn't making me feel too hot, but this... this just seems wrong... I mean they specifically bragged about cars being torn apart to shreds didn't they?

If this turns out to be as far as damage goes I will be truly shocked...
Just goes to show that if you take notice of every single bit of information and misinformation, you actually end up having no clue what really is in the game. Thus, you either have no expectations of it and enjoy what they give you (like me) or end up having massively over-estimated expectations and spend more time picking holes in the game (like a lot of people on here).

You can always skip this and wait for GT6...
Just goes to show that if you take notice of every single bit of information and misinformation, you actually end up having no clue what really is in the game. Thus, you either have no expectations of it and enjoy what they give you (like me) or end up having massively over-estimated expectations and spend more time picking holes in the game (like a lot of people on here).

You can always skip this and wait for GT6...

So actually know what's wrong or ignorant bliss... got it.
Just goes to show that if you take notice of every single bit of information and misinformation, you actually end up having no clue what really is in the game. Thus, you either have no expectations of it and enjoy what they give you (like me) or end up having massively over-estimated expectations and spend more time picking holes in the game (like a lot of people on here).

You can always skip this and wait for GT6...

Sorry but what you are saying is absolutely wrong :
videogames are completely subjective and relative experiences. The level of enjoyment of a game depends a lot on your experience with other games and expectations of the game you are gonna play (+ context, psychological, the price you paid for the game...etc etc etc)

or else you would be enjoying atari car's games like you enjoyed them in the 80's....why play GT5 ?
So actually know what's wrong or ignorant bliss... got it.
For a start the whole "what's wrong" thing is personal opinion based on expectations driven by lapping up every single piece of information to date. It also depends on whether you are a pessimist who always focuses on what isn't available, or an optimist who focuses on what is. GT5 still represents a huge driving game experience with unrivaled graphics and plenty of options to go at, but no, it's still not enough for some people. Fair enough, don't buy it.

Edit: Just read your post DoctorFouad, of course it's based on past and relative experience too, but it all amounts to the same thing in the end - expectations versus reality. Only you are in control of your expectations, not PD or SONY, so if you got them wrong, that's your fault. As for your last statement, that's just a pathetic thing to write and almost discredits anything else preceding it. So the fact that I enjoyed something like Out Run in the past means I must enjoy it now just as much, and have no need or desire to play games like GT5? Riiiiiight...
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The thing that bugs me about all these videos aren't the features most people expected, but rather simple stuff like those white dialog boxes, that contain no text. Was watching the course maker video earlier, and i would expect there to be some text in them describing what location or theme you are currently on, but nothing.
The thing that bugs me about all these videos aren't the features most people expected, but rather simple stuff like those white dialog boxes, that contain no text. Was watching the course maker video earlier, and i would expect there to be some text in them describing what location or theme you are currently on, but nothing.

You didn't realise it's a low quality video where all the white parts are overexposed and block out the details?

I didn't have unrealistic expectations of this game, My expectations came from what they had shown in demos and videos, and good knowledge of the series history. Nothing I've seen from the new footage has shocked me in a negative way and the existance of a random track generator was the biggest surprise to me, and should be an excellent addition to the series.
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You didn't realise it's a low quality video where all the white parts are overexposed and block out the details?

Even if it is overexposed, if the text is black it should be at least fuzzy and noticeable that there is text. And I used the course maker as an example, some of the higher quality video's also don't show any text IIRC.
Even if it is overexposed, if the text is black it should be at least fuzzy and noticeable that there is text. And I used the course maker as an example, some of the higher quality video's also don't show any text IIRC.

What? Someone could even make out the snow track says Alaska. (I don't know how, I can't see anything) Why would there be empty bubbles, each of a different length?
It's the same when people said there's no reflections on the white overexposed Mugen Honda on SSR7. :indiff:
It is indeed really weird some things are like missing,
and cars behave more on rails than what we've seen in previous demo's or showvideo's.

I think we can't know the reason for sure,
and if they were removed..
I think they would remove all the video's or text on the official gran turismo site too about all the features.
It's also very possible that a lot of the gameplay that we've seen was done on arcade mode, or with damage somehow nullified. I really think that we have to reserve judgement until the game releases.
The text isn't missing, you can make it out if you alter the contrast of the video. Although sometimes it looks like the white bubble appears then the text loads slightly later, but I can't tell if that's just the crappy video feed.
We haven't seen anything this intense yet from these leaked vids :(

From Japanese store demo unit.
Pro physics, R2 tyres all round, active steering off, traction control at 5

I can't believe one can't play GT5 at it's hardest and most life like setting right from the get go.
That is going to bring bad reviews from sim gamers, if you have to wait till you reach the end to unlock everything.
That's assuming if there is anything to unlock....
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There isn't. I don't know what you're seeing but the game will be just like that with the assists off.

Notice how when you brake and turn at the same time, the rear end breaks loose? I haven't seen that yet.
Yank the wheel to one side quickly and the car slides.
The car looks like it's on rails in the leaked videos.
Maybe PD intentionally released a game with certain aspects "locked" and on the day or release they will let go a patch on PSN that removes this lock and adds the aspects that seems to be missing like advanced damage models etc...

I cant see WHY they would do this tho...
We haven't seen anything this intense yet from these leaked vids :(

From Japanese store demo unit.
Pro physics, R2 tyres all round, active steering off, traction control at 5

I can't believe one can't play GT5 at it's hardest and most life like setting right from the get go.
That is going to bring bad reviews from sim gamers, if you have to wait till you reach the end to unlock everything.
That's assuming if there is anything to unlock....

Surely the handling would be very different if Traction Control was set to 0 - not 5???!
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