CONFIRMED ! Finally the Final build revealed !!! (waiting for amar212 confirmation)

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If it was at zero, he would be oversteering more, in other words, even more sliding around than what we've seen from these leaked videos :)

I've played the demo with a pad on both standard and pro physics with and without traction control. And at no time did the cars handle like their on rails in either physics settings.

I'm not seeing that from the leaked retail GT5 videos, and most of them use a control pad, some with the tap tap button control method
so the physic is one + aids. it always professional and you decide if turn on or off aids right?

and what are the icons with C B A ? ( nascar video)
I can't believe one can't play GT5 at it's hardest and most life like setting right from the get go.
That is going to bring bad reviews from sim gamers, if you have to wait till you reach the end to unlock everything.
That's assuming if there is anything to unlock....

Who says you can't?
Who says you can't?

Well for one we aren't seeing mechanical damage, massive crashes and roll overs from contact at 300+kph etc etc

These things should be there from the get go, if the player wants it.
Hell there isn't any damage in license tests! You can just nudge and grind your way through in these.
Doesn't seem to in the leaked videos. No damage.

Arcade mode. Easy difficulty setting. Haven't seen all the options. It could be anything.

Just because I haven't seen Suzuki Escudo in the videos doesn't mean it's not in.
Arcade mode. Easy difficulty setting. Haven't seen all the options. It could be anything.

Just because I haven't seen Suzuki Escudo in the videos doesn't mean it's not in.

difficult setting is professional and there are no options about damage or physic, proven by videos.
As for your last statement, that's just a pathetic thing to write and almost discredits anything else preceding it. So the fact that I enjoyed something like Out Run in the past means I must enjoy it now just as much, and have no need or desire to play games like GT5? Riiiiiight...

the opposite sir,...

you were saying that you should manage your expectations aned enjoy the reality as it is not comparing it to your imaginary expectations...

And my answer to that was this example : if I do as you said, than why bother and spend 70$ to play GT5 ? (+ ps3 + G25 + Full HD TV or projector + 7.1 sound...etc) I will simply buy an atari driving game almost for free and enjoy it as it is, ignoring my expectations of what a driving game must be today and ignoring Forza3, NFS Shift, Iracing...etc

I should manage my expectations and enjoy today the Atari driving games as if I am living in the 80s...or you know I should play GT5 ignoring other racing games....and enjoy the reality...

of course you cant do that, unless as others said : ignorance bless : you are living in a cave, you dont know anything about racing games, and they give you GT5 wth an HD tv + sourround system....

Videogames are unlike movies and books, you could very well enjoy a movie made in the 80s which you buy it on blu ray for 25$ as much as you enjoy a movie made in 2010 which you buy it also at the same price (same for books)

for video games it doesent work like that, videogames are very subjective, personal, comparative and relative experiences. Imagine you never played metal gear solid 1 in 1998 (great graphics, sound and gameplay for that time) and you play the game today, you wont get the same level of enjoyment, it would be a copletely different experience...and thats one of the reasons why a game costing 70$ at its release day, will cost you only 30$ after one year, because it wont be the same gaming-experience...
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Yeah, why would Arcade mode have options? The whole point of it being there is to quickly jump into a race without messing about with a load of menus. Pick a car, pick a track, default settings, off you go.
Yeah, why would Arcade mode have options? The whole point of it being there is to quickly jump into a race without messing about with a load of menus. Pick a car, pick a track, default settings, off you go.

Arcade mode used to have options.
A step back IMHO.
Yeah, why would Arcade mode have options? The whole point of it being there is to quickly jump into a race without messing about with a load of menus. Pick a car, pick a track, default settings, off you go.

Has ANYONE actually seen an option to set PRO mode on/off OR is it assumed that PRO is switch on by disabling all the aids off e.g. ABS, TCS, etc?
Has ANYONE actually seen an option to set PRO mode on/off OR is it assumed that PRO is switch on by disabling all the aids off e.g. ABS, TCS, etc?

unfortunately no I said something fishy about the arcade mode and this supposed final version in general...why would polyphony tone down and remove great features they already spent years developing them and more importantly for us advertizing them ?
unfortunately no I said something fishy about the arcade mode and this supposed final version in general...why would polyphony tone down and remove great features they already spent years developing them and more importantly for us advertizing them ?

The biggest reason would be is that they felt these features didn't work overall and were not up to their high standards. Just because something was in the demo, and looked like it worked very well, doesn't mean it actually worked in the real game. Those demo's were very controlled and small. Those damage effects could have worked very well in the demo, but Polyphony probably found that in the full game, it was causing all sorts of issues, some of them probably game breaking. PD wasn't able to fix it in time so they removed it altogether.
How much do we know about the version Tekken has anyway? Has he even mentioned anything about it? I don't mean to disrespect him, but he's obviously got the game through some kind of... unusual means... it could be any build for all we know.
In the old GT's (i.e. before GT5 Prologue) there was no PRO mode - am I correct? I'm just playing devils advocate, but the addition of PRO would just add an extra level of complication to lap records times, etc. which would make the game a little more inaccessible for the non-sim minded players.

My assumption atm is that there is probably a PRO mode in the game but it's not accessible in Arcade, as that is just what is says on the tin - Arcade - not sim.

If someone who has the game can please check in Time Trial Mode and with a car that they have purchased, if there is PRO mode in the options pre-race?
The biggest reason would be is that they felt these features didn't work overall and were not up to their high standards. Just because something was in the demo, and looked like it worked very well, doesn't mean it actually worked in the real game. Those demo's were very controlled and small. Those damage effects could have worked very well in the demo, but Polyphony probably found that in the full game, it was causing all sorts of issues, some of them probably game breaking. PD wasn't able to fix it in time so they removed it altogether.

thats my point : why removing all this at the last minute afer all those years of experimentation and hard work ?

and believe me, no publisher (in this case sony) would accept that a developer advertize for years + show in demos for years features the developer is not even sure if he could include...we are not talking about trailers and hype (peter molyneux's Project Ego the champion) we are talking Demo's which were played by a large public (not just journalists)...

if its the case that polyphony removed all those feautures at the last moment : that would be suicide...difficult to believe...
thats my point : why removing all this at the last minute afer all those years of experimentation and hard work ?

and believe me, no publisher (in this case sony) would accept that a developer advertize for years + show in demos for years features the developer is not even sure if he could include...we are not talking about trailers and hype (peter molyneux's Project Ego the champion) we are talking Demo's which were played by a large public (not just journalists)...

if its the case that polyphony removed all those feautures at the last moment : that would be suicide...difficult to believe...

No, actually it wouldn't be suicide. This happens all the time. Whether they were features hyped or not. It is very common for game developers to put a feature into a game and then remove it at the last possible minute. It just apart of the business. Game development has never been easy and it only continues to get more and more demanding for game developers. Sony realizes this and that is why they have allowed Polyphony Digital to work on Gran Turismo 5 for nearly 6 years.
Maybe the guys who've shown the leaked version haven't installed the game on their hdd, thus leading to less things. But I would expect GT fans to install it.
In the old GT's (i.e. before GT5 Prologue) there was no PRO mode - am I correct? I'm just playing devils advocate, but the addition of PRO would just add an extra level of complication to lap records times, etc. which would make the game a little more inaccessible for the non-sim minded players.

My assumption atm is that there is probably a PRO mode in the game but it's not accessible in Arcade, as that is just what is says on the tin - Arcade - not sim.

If someone who has the game can please check in Time Trial Mode and with a car that they have purchased, if there is PRO mode in the options pre-race?

thats the point of standard / professional physics in GT5 prologue (the idea was a great one !) making the game accessible and at the same time a simulation for those who want a simulation game (like me), in the leaderboards you have laprecord for both standard and professional mode...

Polyphony with prologue thought it would be impossible to create a unique physics engine accessible and at the same time suitable for hardcore players...thats why they came with the innovative idea of 2 physics mode, I liked the idea and I think they were removing this idea is strange decision...
Maybe the guys who've shown the leaked version haven't installed the game on their hdd, thus leading to less things. But I would expect GT fans to install it.

Face palming myself so hard right now, Captain Picard style.
No, actually it wouldn't be suicide. This happens all the time. Whether they were features hyped or not. It is very common for game developers to put a feature into a game and then remove it at the last possible minute. It just apart of the business. Game development has never been easy and it only continues to get more and more demanding for game developers. Sony realizes this and that is why they have allowed Polyphony Digital to work on Gran Turismo 5 for nearly 6 years.

sorry but No, this doesent happen all the time, I dont even have an example in my head of this happening (do you have one ?) we are talking here about : demos for the large public + heavy advertisement + for years now, not just some fancy trailers, hype and non delivered promesses...
sorry but No, this doesent happen all the time, I dont even have an example in my head of this happening (do you have one ?) we are talking here about : demos for the large public + heavy advertisement + for years now, not just some fancy trailers, hype and non delivered promesses...

Well look forward to GT5 being your first example then. It still isn't going to be suicide though.
sorry but No, this doesent happen all the time, I dont even have an example in my head of this happening (do you have one ?) we are talking here about : demos for the large public + heavy advertisement + for years now, not just some fancy trailers, hype and non delivered promesses...

I don't know about actually putting features in and then removing them, but false promises are fairly common... especially from that trumped up old fart Molyneux someone mentioned further up. He promises the freakin' work with Fable and it never happens.
thats the point of standard / professional physics in GT5 prologue (the idea was a great one !) making the game accessible and at the same time a simulation for those who want a simulation game (like me), in the leaderboards you have laprecord for both standard and professional mode...

Polyphony with prologue thought it would be impossible to create a unique physics engine accessible and at the same time suitable for hardcore players...thats why they came with the innovative idea of 2 physics mode, I liked the idea and I think they were removing this idea is strange decision...

But instead they added some more assists which makes it more accessible for everyone. You don't necessarily need two separate physics to do that.

Edit: And imo there is something really strange about the build Tekken has.. For example why remove sparks? They had them in and they took them out. Sparks can't break the game so why would they decide to take them out?
I don't know about actually putting features in and then removing them, but false promises are fairly common... especially from that trumped up old fart Molyneux someone mentioned further up. He promises the freakin' work with Fable and it never happens.

Remember his other two games before that, Black & White? God those were a mess.
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