First of all the hood cam is available in the replays but not during gameplay. Why I don't know, but this has been confirmed in another thread and the pics of the Suzuki's hood cam are from a replay.
Secondly, the "feature not available" message has been discussed to death in anothe thread and RDK, the guy who posted the pic has explained that that same message appear whenever he tried to access any of the online features, the feature he's trying to access in the pic is the museum which is one of the online features. That message also appears when trying to use the upload replay to youtube feature and other online features. No doubt these will open up when PD's GT5 servers go online and/or a patch is released allowing the game to access them.
Thirdly, in relation to this post:
RDK hasn't said he can't pass a certain level, he said he's currently at level 17 and that the advanced level events are not currently available to him. He needs to go up more levels before more events open up to him. As for the ending movie, every GT game to date has allowed you to see the ending movie well before you've completed the game, one of the GT games even had two ending movies and you hadn't needed to complete every event to get see them both. In GT1 you could see the ending movie after completing 4 events.